

The Research and Implementation of Outdoor Adventure Rescue Information Collection Technology

【作者】 袁信

【导师】 张珣;

【作者基本信息】 杭州电子科技大学 , 电路与系统, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们生活水平的提高,野外登山探险活动逐渐增多,随之而来的野外遇险事件频发,急需一种能够实时提供佩戴者生理信息、方向和姿态等信息的监护设备来对野外探险人员进行监测和预警。本文针对野外探险救助信息采集这一市场需求,对野外探险救助关键信息采集技术进行了研究,自主设计了应用于野外探险环境的新型动态电子血压计和数字指南针,并以二者为核心,简单搭建了野外探险救助信息监测仪。论文首先以野外信息监测和远程医疗监护为背景,介绍了国内外野外信息监测领域技术的发展现状和背景,论述研究野外探险信息采集技术的必要性与现实意义。其次,详细介绍了关键信号采集技术的各种实现方案,并在对比各方案优缺点后结合课题背景,提出本文关键信号采集方案。对于本课题而言,需要采集的关键信号主要包括血压、心率、运动方向和运动姿态等。其中血压和心率信号属于人体生理信号,通过采集体表信号经过计算获取,由动态电子血压计来实现;运动方向和运动姿态主要由方向和姿态信息监测模块即高精度电子指南针来实现。动态电子血压计选择基于脉搏波传输速度测量血压法来设计,而高精度数字指南针决定以地磁导航为理论基础。然后,讲述了动态血压计和数字指南针的软硬件设计过程及设计过程中遇到的各种困难与解决途径。脉搏波信号的稳定采集及信号相位差的计算是动态血压计设计的主要困难,在对比各种压敏传感器材料后,最终选用PVDF膜作为脉搏信号采集材料,创新性的设计了差分脉搏波传感器;指南针基于地磁导航理论,去除软硬铁干扰提高精度是其设计难点,最终依靠自校准算法将其精度提高到2°以内。最后,以无创动态血压计和三轴数字指南针为基础,结合ARM嵌入式开发平台,设计了野外探险救助信息监测仪。在以S3C2440为核心处理器的嵌入式平台上,完成了图形化界面的设计、菜单的叠加及各个模块之间实时数据的通信,并设计了数据传输格式与接口,为将来实现远程通信打下基础。系统实现了关键模块的自主设计,极大的降低了整体设计成本;采用了先进的前端信号采集方案和合适的数字信号处理算法,保证了测量参数的精确度和实时性;选用了恰当的嵌入式平台做到了动态数字化实时输出且具有友善的人机交互界面;设计了完善的数据输出格式和硬件接口,为将来进一步实现无线传输,组建野外救助监护网络打下了良好的基础。项目针对民用野外探险监护这一特定领域,无论是系统整体还是电子血压计和数字指南针两个独立模块都具有良好的应用前景。

【Abstract】 As improvement of people’s living standard, outdoor adventure climbing sport is becomingmore and more popular in China, but many safety accidents occurred oft during climbing. Thus,peoples are in urgent need of monitoring equipment, which can provide real-time wearer’s keyphysiological and geographical information, and can also early warn immediately. In this paper,targeting market demand on information collection for outdoor adventure rescue, we researched thetechnology of key related information collection for outdoor rescue, and designed new modelelectronic sphygmomanometer and high-precision compass, which could be applied in the outdooradventure field. Under combination together with above mentioned two parts technology we builtthe monitor for outdoor adventure rescue.The paper is set in outdoor information monitoring and remote medical care, and then showsthe recent domestic and international new technology development situation and background inoutdoor information monitoring area. Moreover, execution proposal of key signal samplingtechnology is introduced, and compared with advantages and disadvantages of different proposal, inorder to put forward a key signal sampling proposal in the paper. Information collection is the coretechnology of outdoor rescue and monitoring equipment. According to the topic and requirement inthe paper, the key signal to be collected includes blood pressure, heart rate, movement direction andmovement posture and so on. Signals of blood pressure and heart rate are physiological signals,which can be detected by dynamic electronic sphygmomanometer; movement direction andmovement posture are geographic signals, which can be detected by geographic informationmonitoring module i.e. high-precision electronic compass. Dynamic electronic sphygmomanometeris designed based on blood pressure measurement through measurement of pulse wave transmissionspeed, and high-precision compass is design based on geomagnetic navigation theory.Then, hardware and software design process of the dynamic electrical sphygmomanometer anddigital compass, and encountered difficulties and solution are described. The stabile acquisition ofpulse wave signals and calculation of signal phase difference are the main difficulties in the designof dynamic electrical sphygmomanometer. With comparison of different pressure-sensitive sensormaterial, PVDF membrane is selected as pulse signal acquisition material, and finally differentialpulse wave sensor is innovated designed. Digital compass is based on geomagnetic navigationtheory, and removal of hard and soft iron interference is its design challenge, and the accuracy isincreased ultimately within 2°through self-calibration algorithm.Finally, the monitor for outdoor adventure rescue is designed based on the non-invasivesphygmomanometer and 3-axis electronic compass, which is also implemented and developed by the ARM embedded platform. A graphical user interface (GUI) is designed and the real-time datacommunication between various modules is realized based the embedded platform with the coreprocessor S3C2440. In addition, the data transmission format and the interface are designed forremote communication in the future.First, the capital cost is reduced greatly through the independent design of the key modules.Second, the advanced signal sampling scheme and the optimal digital signal processing algorithmare used to guarantee the precise and real-time measurement of different parameters. And then theoptimal embedded platform is selected to real-time output the digital information dynamically andto achieve a friendly interactive interface. In addition, the data transmission format and the interfaceare designed for the remote communication and network construction of outdoor adventure rescuein the future. Finally, the whole system focuses on the application in the outdoor adventure rescuearea, moreover, dynamic electronic sphygmomanometer and high-precision electronic compass canbe used independently as well, and it must have very good application prospect.

  • 【分类号】TP274.2;TP368.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】74
  • 攻读期成果

