

The Research and Application of Daily Production Schedule Based on Lean Production in H Company

【作者】 曹军

【导师】 冯定忠;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 工业工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着改革开放的深入、经济全球化步伐不断的加快,我国注塑机制造企业在质量、成本、产品以及服务等方面面临的竞争压力也不断加大。注塑机制造企业要想在变化的竞争环境中获胜并取得进一步发展,必须增强在质量、成本、货期、生产柔性化等方面的综合竞争能力,以应对日益激烈的竞争环境和满足顾客不断增长的需求。从目前国内外的研究和实践来看,实施基于精益生产的日别生产计划是提升企业综合竞争能力的有效手段之一。文章通过对H公司目前生产计划运行状况进行分析,并结合注塑机行业的特殊性,得出了现阶段H公司在生产计划流程上存在的各类问题。继而通过引入日别生产计划使H公司在产品质量、成本控制和交货期上得到了较大的提升。主要工作和成果如下:⑴以H公司实际案例为研究背景,对未导入日别生产计划前的各相关业务流程的实际状况进行了细致和深入的分析,指出了在物料配送模式、BOM清单结构、成本控制、供应商到货率等各方面存在的问题。并提出必须引入日别生产计划体系以对目前的现状进行改善。同时围绕日别生产计划的内容在主生产计划、采购时间域控制等几方面提出了改进方案,并进行设计。⑵在日别生产计划实施和导入的过程中,对现有的物料配送模式、BOM物料清单结构和条码系统等相关业务模块进行了相应的完善和改进,同时开发了支持日别生产计划的SAP新业务模块。⑶设定了评估体系,对实施日别生产计划后的生产达标率、日装配均衡负荷率和成本控制等各生产指标进行了评估,并判断实施日别生产计划的成功是否。

【Abstract】 With the advancement of reform and opening-up,China has been playing a very important role in world economy.The competition in quality,cost,production and service of injection machine company is getting more and more intense.In order to secure foothold and development,enterprises have to boost their competitiveness continuously by improving cost efficiency,quality,quick delivery and production flexibility.Studies have proved that daily production schedule based on the lean production is one of the methods to boost competitiveness.It made a summary of the now-exiting problems and managing status with H company based on the normal status and specificity and practical production proces in H company.and get improves in quality, cost and delivery by import Daily Production Schedule,the main work and effect had done as below:⑴Research by the really case of H company that is the biggest plastics machinery-made company of the world.After deeply analysis with the production proces,the MPS(Master Production Schedule),distribution of the material,struction of the BOM(Bill Of Material),cost control and on-time delivery of the supply then import a daily production schedule to H company.and make some improve and new-design to the MPS and the purchasing time system.⑵Improve the delivery ways, the BOM struction, the bar code system, and design a new module of SAP when during the time that import the Daily Production Schedule.⑶Analysis the improve effect with some index such as Completion rate of the plan and Balance rate of the Daily Production by a evaluation system, and to check if it good or not to import the Daily Production Schedule to H company.


