

Based on B/S Structure of Management Information System Design about Graduation Thesis

【作者】 应颂翔

【导师】 古辉;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 计算机技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会不断的发展和进步,人们对大学教学质量的要求也在不断提高。在大学的培养计划中,毕业论文环节是整个培养计划不可缺少的重要模块。在论文指导方面,传统的互动方式往往是通过面授、互发邮件、集中检查等形式来对论文进行指导,这些传统的指导方式有几个很明显的弊端:首先,毕业论文环节一般是在大学四年级实施的,而这段时间学生们将面临考研,出国,就业等现实,学生个性化、自主性需求迫切,使得教师很难集中起来当面进行论文指导,当学生的人数较多时,这种矛盾将更加突出;其次,教务管理部门很难对毕业设计过程进行有效的监管,缺少监管的论文环节无疑对论文质量是有很大的影响的[1]。每一所大学对于毕业环节都有其相应的运作流程。浙江工业大学之江学院是一所2004年由教育部确认的独立学院,具有较完善的教学管理系统,但在毕业论文管理环节上,采用的仍然是传统的运作模式,作为浙江省最优秀的独立学院之一,如何现代化,信息化毕业论文环节是其目前迫切需要解决的问题。也是基于这个原因,作者在获得浙江工业大学之江学院经贸分院的支持后,针对之江学院的毕业论文管理环节,着手开发出一款适应之江学院毕业论文管理需求的毕业论文管理信息系统。本系统将毕业论文(设计)管理工作以网页页面的形式进行整合,通过互联网技术搭建了学生、指导教师与教学秘书三者之间的交流平台。该系统使用PHP技术,采用B/S工作模式,MYSQL数据库系统。系统具有开放性好,架构灵活,在稳定和安全两个方面能也够很好的满足用户的使用要求。本论文分析了系统开发的必要性,详细描述了系统的需求分析、主要功能以及使用到的相关技术,提出了具体的实现方法,把师生从琐碎的论文管理工作中解脱出来,具有较强的实用性和科学性,扩充了现有的教学管理系统功能,大大提高了工作效率。该系统目前正在浙江工业大学之江学院经贸管理分院中进行小范围的试用,效果良好。该系统使用后,减轻了师生和学院管理人员的工作量,提高了工作效率,具有很强的实用性。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development and progress of society , the requirement to university teaching quality is improving . In the university course structure , the thesis link for each university is indispensable and important module in teaching process . In the thesis supervision , some tradition ways , such as face to face , email to each other, centralized observation , these methods exist several obvious drawbacks. First , the thesis link carry out in the forth year of college that students are faced with postgraduate entrance exams , going abroad and obtaining employment. It is difficult to gather students who have individuality and autonomy demands guiding thesis face to face, especially when there are more students. Second, it is difficult to effectively supervise the graduation thesis process which affect the quality of thesis improving .Graduation link for each university has its own corresponding operational process . Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology is an independent institute recognized by Ministry of Education in 2004 . It has a fairly complete teaching management system , but it still adopt tradition operation modes in the thesis management . As the one of best independent institute in Zhejiang province , there is an urgent need to solve the problem how to modernize and information graduation thesis link. For this reason , I develop a MIS of thesis management meeting the needs of Zhejiang College under the support of school of Financial Trade Administration of Zhejiang College .This system integration thesis (design) management through web page form and builds interaction platform and builds interaction platform among students , teachers and secretaries by internet technology . It uses PHP technology and adopts B/S work pattern and MY SQL database system. It has a good open feature , flexible frame work , and security . This paper analysis the necessity of system development , describes its requirement analysis , primary function and the used relevant technology in detail , and puts forward specific implementation methods which free teachers and students from trivial thesis management. It has good practicability and scientific, expands the existing teaching management system capabilities , and greatly improves working efficiency . This system is on trial in the small sector of Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology and has a good effect. After using, it lightens the work load of teachers, students and administrators, and improves working efficiency . It has highly practicability .

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】519

