

【作者】 诸永清

【导师】 杨宜康; 黄国兴;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,由于现代互联网技术的迅猛发展,远程教育的教育、教学模式和考试模式都发生了质的飞跃。尤其是在现代远程教育的教育、教学模式逐步完善的今天,对于传统考试模式的改革提出了新的要求,在线的网络化考试系统的研究和开发将成为现代远程教育考试模式改革的热点环节,网上考试也因此成为了教育信息化的必然发展趋势。基于.net的考试系统是信息技术的重要应用之一,对这个方向的研究具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本论文主要研究《体育理论知识》课程在线考试系统的系统功能构架以及实现过程中涉及的一些关发展键技术,首先在对本课题充分理解的前提下,对本系统的实现作了需求分析和UML建模分析,对本系统的整体功能需求和模块功能需求进行了详细的说明;其次,对收集的数据加工整理,用E-R图描述了各实体间的联系,并利用SQL Server 2005采用面向数据的设计方法创建了对应的数据库;最后,系统以.NET为开发平台,用Visual Studio.NET 2005开发环境,利用Microsoft公司提供的ASP.NET,C#编程语言、SQL Server2000数据库来实现系统功能。该系统能够实现多用户同时在线考试、自动组卷、时间控制、自动阅卷,试题录入及修改、用户管理、科目管理、成绩管理等重要功能。管理员可进入管理模块,进行系统的设置、用户管理等以及系统管理操作;教师登入以后可以进行题型的管理、试卷的管理、成绩的管理、试题录入、试卷评阅等操作;学生登录进行考试、查阅成绩等操作。在实用性和公平性方面,本考试系统采用自动组卷的方式,试题抽取范围相对较大,可较全面的考察学生的实际水平,保证了考试的客观准确性。本系统打破了传统体育教学模式在时间上和空间上的限制,实现了学生在线学习、解答学生提问、资料上下载等功能。本系统界面友好,操作简单,能够方便教师和学生使用,实现体育理论课教学资源的信息化管理及教师之间教学资源的共享。

【Abstract】 In recent years, because of the rapid development of IT technology, the teaching model and test model of distance education have made a qualitative leap. Especially nowadays, the teaching model of modern distance education has been improved gradually, so the test model need reforming. Presently research and development of online network test system became hot link of the reform, therefore online test has become the inevitable trend of educational informationization. Test system based on .net is one of IT’s important application and has great significance to the study in the field.This paper studies the existing multi-user online test system,and then designed and implemented a Sports Theory System based on B/S architecture which on the question of its existence.It begins with requirement analysis,develop the system in strictly accordance with the planning of software engineering process which ensuring the stability and maintainability,scalability of this system.The system to the current software development and application of software engineering theory as a guide,using the prototyping and object-oriented development method,in combination with the design of a multi-layer architecture,database and other fields technology.Using.NET as a development platform,Visual Studio.NET 2005 as development environment, ASP.NET,C# provided by Microsoft as programming language,SQL Server 2005 as database to realize the system.The system gradually realized some important functions, such as multi-user online test at the same time, auto grouping, time controlling, auto scoring, test questions inputting and modifying, user management, subject management, score management. After entering relative modules, administrator makes system management operation, such as system settings and user management; teacher makes question type management, paper management, score management, question inputting, paper scoring; student makes test and checks result. On practicability and fairness, the test system uses auto-group method, so test question scope is very wide, the test can comprehensively examine students’learning and make sure the objective accuracy.This system has broken the restrictions of traditional PE pattern,having realized student functions such as online learning,asking questions,upload and download the data in gleam.The interface of the system is friendly,the operation of which is simple, offering a lot of convenient to teachers and students,implement the information management of teaching resource,and the teaching resource will be shared between each other.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】71

