

Research on the Mechanism of China-India Trade Friction Under the Visual Angle of Industry

【作者】 史翔娜

【导师】 张弛;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 国际贸易学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,中印两国间贸易发展势头强劲。双边贸易额由2001年的35.96亿美元增至2010年的555.8亿美元,在10年内增长了近20倍,年均增长率超过30%。然而,与此同时,中印两国贸易摩擦态势愈演愈烈,目前印度已经超过美国、欧盟等发达经济体成为对华发起贸易摩擦最多的国家。另外,当前世界经济复苏的不稳定性和不确定性突出,世界经济格局已发生改变,中印同为新兴的发展中大国,两国经济的健康发展不仅关系双方自身,甚至对整个亚洲乃至世界经济都具有积极的影响。因此研究两国贸易摩擦的发展状况,从中寻找解决贸易摩擦的对策对于推进中印经贸关系的健康发展具有积极的理论意义和现实意义。本文以研究中印频繁发生贸易摩擦产业的特征为目的及出发点,从两国产业结构演进的动态视角,理论和实证两个方面进行了定性和定量研究。首先本文阐述研究背景及意义,国内外研究现状以及本文的研究思路、研究方法和创新点,然后对贸易摩擦产生机理进行一般分析,在此基础上本文概述中印双边贸易的现状,对两国贸易摩擦的发展过程以及近年来呈现的新特点进行研究。本文重点是从中印两国贸易产业结构的角度对两国贸易摩擦产生机理进行实证分析。最后在总结以上章节的基础上,重点研究了缓解我国与印度贸易摩擦的对策并得出结论。为了缓解中印两国的贸易摩擦,我国应加快产业升级,提高产品附加值;建立和完善贸易摩擦预警机制,实现出口市场多元化;针对印度的国家贸易政策实行产品差别化;与印度加强合作,互惠互利。

【Abstract】 Since the 21st century, China-India trade has developed strongly. The amount of bilateral trade has increased by 20 times during 10 years with an average growth rate of over 30 percent, from 3.596 billion dollars in 2001 to 55.88 billion dollars in 2010. However, the trade friction between China and India has been increasingly serious, and now India has become the country which launches trade investigation most to China, exceeding such developed economies as US and EU. What’s more, with the unstability and uncertainty of world economy, the global economy pattern has changed. As the emerged developing countries, China and India has not only contributed greatly to the sound development of bilateral relations between each other but that of the whole Asia and world. Therefore, it is of significance theoretically and practically to study the development course of China-India trade friction and find out the countermeasures to cope with the friction.The paper studies from theory and empiricism perspects in qualitative and quantitative method with the dynamic perspective of industrial structure development of the two nations in purpose of studying the characteristics of trade friction occurring frequently between China and India. Firstly the paper begins with the introduction, which expounds the research background and significance, the present domestic and foreign research achievements and the thoughts, research methods and innovation, and it generally analysis the mechanism of the trade friction. On the basis it summarizes the present situation of China-India trade, and then research on both the development course of China-India trade friction and the new features present in recent years. The paper emphasizes on the empirical research on the mechanism of China-India trade friction from the perspective of the industrial structure of bilateral trade. Last it emphasizes the countermeasures to relieve China-India trade friction on the basis of summarizing the above chapters. To ease the trade friction between China and India, China should accelerate industry upgrade, increase the added value of products, improve the trade friction early-warning mechanism and promote export market diversification. China should implement the product differentiation to tackle the problems rising from the national trade policies of India. China and India also need joint efforts to strengthen cooperative partnership and mutual benefits.

【关键词】 中印贸易摩擦产业结构
【Key words】 China-Indiatrade frictionindustrial structure

