

Research on the Control Characteristics of MPS Coal Mill Loading Hydraulic System

【作者】 丁立轩

【导师】 苏东海; 王洁;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代火力发电机组中,火电厂的装机容量越来越大,MPS型磨煤机成为磨粉系统中广泛应用的设备,它具有启动迅速、调节灵活、阻力小、单位磨煤金属磨耗小、结构紧凑、占地面积小及制粉系统简单、单位电耗低、噪音低等优点。传统的固定式磨辊加载系统具有磨辊加载力不能随磨煤机出力变化而变化,导致磨煤机出力降低,电耗增大,研磨件金属磨损大及磨煤机振动大等缺点。针对这些缺点,笔者提出应用电液比例技术对磨煤机进行可变加载的设计,使磨煤机的液压加载系统与电子技术PLC相结合,从而解决原有加载系统的缺陷,提高磨煤机变加载的自动化程度。由于磨煤机许多参数之间的关系比较复杂,有许多问题需要做进一步的研究,本论文运用仿真法对该磨煤机液压加载系统进行研究探讨。基于对磨煤机加载系统原理的介绍,笔者设计了模拟加载方法,应用Matlab对系统进行仿真。论文中,笔者根据磨煤机实际工作中对加载系统控制特性的要求进行了研究,再次证明应用电液比例技术设计加载系统的合理性,笔者认为影响整机工作性能的最为关键性问题是当磨煤机所受负载突变时,加载系统的缓冲效果。为此,笔者对加载系统中影响缓冲效果的重点因素进行了一系列的理论分析和仿真研究,探讨分析了其影响机理,得出一些新的有益结论。实践证明,本文所采用的思想方法是合理的、正确的,对研究其他类似系统有一定的参考价值。该文中所研究出的有益结论已经在磨粉机加载系统中得到了应用和验证,达到了预期目的。

【Abstract】 In the modern thermal power generating units, as the boiler to the direction of the development of large capacity, MPS mill becomes widely used in the large-scale thermal power generating units. There are many advantages, such as start-up rapidly, adjusts neatly, little resistance, compact, simple system, low noise and so on.The traditional loading system’s loading force of the grinder roll can hardly varies with the output force changing, so that there are many problems in work. It causes to debase the output of the coal mill increase the consumption of the electricity, fray the abrasion and affect the librations of the coal pulverizes. To solve those problems, this paper combines the hydraulic loading system with electro-hydraulic proportional technique, so that the deficiencies of original system are solved and the automatic degree of coal mill loading mode is improved.Because the relationship of many parameters of this machine is complex, there are many problems to be studied. This paper uses the simulation method to research its hydraulic loading system. The writer designed experiment device and appropriative computer testing system. After a series of practical tests under various conditions, the test results are analyzed and compared to the simulation results, and then the mathematic model of this system is verified. On the base of abundant simulations and experiments, a lot of researches and analysis are carried out. At last, some useful conclusions are derived.Practice in all stages above reflects the author’s rational and correct mind. The thesis can be referred by those similar systems. What’s more, these well-proved research results have been applied successfully on the plot. Generally speaking, the study fulfills previous goals.


