

The Study on Storage Tank Bottom Testing Technology

【作者】 张曦阳

【导师】 杨理践;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近几十年来,我国国民经济高速的发展使我们对能源的需求也正在高速的增长,尤其在石油资源上,我国已经成为了继美国之后的世界上第二进口国。同时为了应对国际油价的波动和产油区的战乱,我国已经开始建立自己的国家石油储备,而大型的储罐是目前世界上存储石油的主要方式。大型储罐安全是石油储存的一个重要问题,包括我们国家在内的许多国家的大型石油储罐的服役期都已经超过十年以上,储罐罐底钢板则是最容易受到腐蚀而发生泄漏的地方。一旦储罐罐内的石油泄漏将造成严重的灾难和环境的污染。因此在役储罐罐底检测装置的研制就显得十分的重要了。本文针对石油储罐罐底材质的特点,采用了一种在役储罐中利用多通道超声检测设备检测罐底钢板缺陷的方法。针对超声检测、履带式自动行走小车、超声三点定位、防爆的信息传输、超声检测信号的高速采集及其处理等问题进行了比较深入的研究,对上述各个系统的实现方法进行了研究,并对超声检测系统的发射电路、限幅电路、可变增益放大电路和带通滤波电路进行了设计、仿真及其PCB电路板的制作并利用其进行了超声检测钢试件的实验。通过观察回波的变化可以判断钢试件厚度的变化,也可以通过观察判断钢试件中是否有缺陷。最后应用了小波分析的基本的理论,并通过MATLAB小波工具箱进行了超声检测回波信号的小波去噪的处理,得到了一个比较理想的超声检测的结果。通过对超声检测系统检测CSK-1试件的25mm、91mm和100mm的厚度实验来验证了超声检测系统对厚度变化的识别能力,又利用其对试件CSK-1上Φ1.5mm缺陷和2mm宽6mm深的缺陷进行了超声探伤的实验,系统可以很好的进行钢板的探伤的实验。此系统可以很好的完成在役储罐罐底的超声检测,具有良好的应用价值。

【Abstract】 In recent decades, with the development of economy of China, the demanding for energy is also high growth. Especially in oil resources, China has become the world’s second importing country after the U S A. In order to deal with the international price fluctuation and oil-producing areas of the war, China has started to build their own national petroleum reserve. Large storage tank is the main way of oil storage at present in China. Its security is a very serious problem. Including many countries, the large oil tanks have serviced for more than 10years. Storage tank bottom plate is the easiest corrosion leakage. Once it happens to spill, that will cause severe disaster and environmental pollution. So the detection instrument which is used in service of storage tank bottom.On petroleum storage tank bottom material characteristics, the paper creatively proposes a new way which uses multi-channel ultrasonic testing equipment to detect the storage tank bottom. It do the research of ultrasonic detection system, automatic walk caterpillar car, ultrasound three-point system, explosion-proof information transmission, ultrasonic signal high-speed data sampling system and data processing. Designed to the above all systems, and completed the simulation and production of ultrasound launch circuit, amplitude limit circuit, variable gain amplifier circuit, bandpass filter circuit. And do a lot of experiments about ultrasound, and propose the way how to judge defects. Do research in the wavelet analysis theory. Do wavelet de-noising processing of ultrasonic echo signal with wavelet toolbox main menu of MATLAB. An ideal ultrasound signal is obtainedWith the ultrasonic test system, it detect the thickness of CSK-1 of 25mm, 91mm, 100mm. The ability of ultrasonic test system is detected by recognition thickness. Do some experiments It used to detect the flaw of ?1 .5mm and 6mm deep of CSK-1. Through some experiments, the ultrasonic detection system is able to detect steel plate. And it can detect the bottom of oil storage tank and own good application value.


