

Research on Electromechanical Product Disassembly Sequence Planning Based on Partial Destruction Mode

【作者】 潘兴兴

【导师】 宋小文; 胡树根; 王耘;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,中国制造业面临着来自资源浪费和环境污染的双重压力,解决这些问题的关键便是走一条符合制造业的可持续发展路线,制造业的可持续发展不仅仅要求我们在产品的设计之初便考虑产品全生命周期中可能存在的资源浪费和环境污染问题,同时也要求我们寻找到一种切实有效的方法来解决大量已经或即将报废的机电产品;因此,拆卸回收将是处理这些堆积如山的产品的唯一有效途径。然而现有的拆卸方法只是小作坊式的盲目性拆卸,对于复杂的机电产品,这种拆卸方式不仅效率低,而且还会造成环境的污染,甚至对拆卸人员的身体健康会存在潜在的威胁;计算机辅助的产品拆卸序列规划方法能较好地解决回收产品特别是复杂产品的拆卸问题,拆卸序列规划是指根据产品的内部结构和装配约束关系等信息,生成满足一定条件的拆卸路径的过程。根据拆卸方式的不同,拆卸可分为完全破坏性拆卸、部分破坏性拆卸和非破坏性拆卸。现有的拆卸序列规划方法主要立足于常规拆卸方法,即采用非破坏性拆卸方式对产品进行拆卸;因而无法合理解决在拆卸序列规划和按照规划后的路径进行实际拆卸时遇到的零部件的理论不可拆卸性(NDT)和实际不可拆卸性(NDP)等问题。而这些问题的产生会在一定程度上降低拆卸效率、增加拆卸成本。为了解决拆卸序列规划过程中零部件的理论不可拆卸性问题,本文提出了部分破坏模式下NDT问题的机电产品拆卸序列规划方法,该方法立足于解决常规拆卸序列生成时产生的“绕弯”现象,通过提出零部件强制约束方向集来搜索出理论不可拆卸点,并提出了基于目标反推法(OIM)的目标拆卸序列生成方法以得到物理最短拆卸路径;分别构建了两种模式下的拆卸成本判据,并在优化算法下完成两种拆卸序列的成本比较,最终生成相应的拆卸方案和最优拆卸序列。结果表明,该方法提高了拆卸效率、降低了拆卸成本。同时,为解决实际拆卸过程中可能遇到的实际不可拆卸性问题,本文提出了部分破坏模式下NDP问题的产品拆卸序列规划方法。提出了模型重构方法,该方法通过构建已拆卸零部件DP、受影响零部件集SAP、子受影响零部件集SSAP,实现模型的更新;根据目标拆卸体是否受影响并结合拆卸序列优化算法来产生具体的拆卸方案和拆卸序列。结果表明该方法较好地解决了NDP问题,产生了切实可行的拆卸方案和拆卸序列,大大降低了拆卸成本。为验证所述方法在解决NDT和NDP问题时的有效性,本文在Matlab软件和SQL Server的基础上,开发了一套部分破坏模式下的机电产品拆卸序列规划仿真系统。该系统分为三大模块,分别是产品拆卸信息建模初始化、NDT下的拆卸序列规划模块和NDP下的拆卸序列规划模块。产品拆卸信息建模初始化是将产品拆卸信息输入到SQL数据库中,作为具体实施序列规划的信息基础;NDT下的拆卸序列规划模块和NDP下的拆卸序列规划模块分别解决两种不可拆卸性问题,两个模块的关系是即相互联系又具有一定的独立性。最后以滚筒洗衣机为例,证明了所述方法的正确性和有效性,避免了常规拆卸可能发生的“绕弯”现象以及在实际拆卸过程中的零部件不可拆卸问题,大大提高了拆卸效率、降低了拆卸成本;同时也验证了部分破坏模式下的机电产品拆卸序列规划仿真系统的实用性。

【Abstract】 At present, China’s manufacturing industry is facing the dual pressures from the waste of resources and environmental pollution. The key to solve these problems is to take a sustainable development path in line with manufacturing. Manufacturing of sustainable development requires us not only to take both of waste of resources and environmental pollution into account in early product life cycle, but also requires us to find an effective way to solve a large number of electromechanical products which have been or will be scrapped. Therefore, disassembly recycling is a great and unique way to deal with thousands of products. The existing disassembly way which is blindness disassembly in a small workshop is not good; however, such way is inefficient and may cause environmental pollution and even a potential threat to the health of workers especially for complex electromechanical products. Computer-aided product disassembly sequence planning method can better solve this problem. Disassembly sequence planning is a way which can generate the path to guide the process of disassembly based on the products’ internal structure and assembly constraint relationship and other information. Disassembly can be divided into three types:complete destruction disassembly, partial destruction disassembly and non-destruction disassembly. Existing disassembly sequence planning methods are based on the non-destruction disassembly method, which can not be reasonably resolved in the problems of Non-Disassembly of Theory (NDT) and Non-Disassembly of Process (NDP). These problems may reduce the disassembly efficiency and increase the cost of disassembly.In order to solve the problem of NDT, this paper presents a method of electromechanical product disassembly sequence planning based on partial destruction mode NDT problems. A method of parts disassembly direction has been proposed to search for a point which can not be disassembled theoretically. This paper also presents the objectives inverse method (OIM) to obtain the physical shortest disassembly path. Then the disassembly cost criteria are constructed under the two models, and finally generate the optimized disassembly sequence by the comparison between two disassembly sequences. The results show that the method improves the disassembly efficiency and reduces the cost of disassembly.In order to solve the problem of NDP, this paper presents the electromechanical product disassembly sequence planning method based on partial destruction mode NDP problems. It proposes a method of model rebuilt which constructs the disassembled parts (DP) and the set of affected parts (SAP) and the sub-set of affected parts (SSAP) to update the mode. And then generate the disassembly method and sequence by the proposed optimization algorithm. The results show that the method can solve the NDP problem and reduce the cost of disassembly.This paper makes a disassembly sequence planning simulation system by the software Matlab and SQL Server to verify the above method. The system is divided into three modules:the disassembly information modeling initialization, the disassembly sequence planning module under NDT and the disassembly sequence planning module under NDP. The effect of the disassembly information modeling initialization is to construct the information basement for product disassembly by inputting the information into SQL database. The disassembly sequence planning modules of NDT and NDP can solve two different disassembly problem, respectively. The relationship between the two modules is not only linked but also independent.Finally, taking the drum washing machine for example to prove the correctness and effectiveness of the methods described above, which can avoid both the "rotary draw bending" phenomenon and NDP problems. The example also verifies the utility of the simulation system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

