

Integration of Finish Machining System of Hole & Surface on Fuselage-Wing Joint Based on Task Dispatcher

【作者】 郑思渊

【导师】 柯映林; 王青;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 为了保证飞机机身-机翼(以下简称“翼身”)对接的互换性和协调性,在翼身对接装配前,需要进行翼身交点孔、面精加工。本文依托浙江大学承担的某项目,以飞机数字化装配及精加工系统为平台,着重对飞机翼身交点孔、面精加工系统集成的实现进行了研究与探索,应用VC++、Oracle数据库技术、数控加工技术及测量技术在机身对合、精加工集成管理系统中实现了精加工工艺管理模块的开发与集成,并对其中的关键技术问题如可加工性评价、精加工检验等进行了深入的分析和研究。结合西门子SinCOM技术、socket接口技术以及西门子PLC技术实现了与西门子SINUMERIK840D数控系统的通信及数据交互,从而将翼身交点孔、面数字化测量与评价技术以及数控加工技术有机结合,实现了翼身交点孔、面检测和精加工的工艺流程自动化。本文第一章介绍课题的研究背景,数字化技术在飞机装配中的应用以及飞机数字化装配系统的集成技术,然后总结数控技术和测量技术在飞机翼身交点孔面精加工中的应用现状,最后给出本文的研究内容、意义和框架结构。第二章从飞机数字化装配及精加工系统工装布局和工艺流程出发,探讨了翼身交点孔、面精加工过程的实现方法。第三章探讨了翼身交点孔、面精加工软件系统集成,并针对数控加工中心及集成管理系统之间的通讯需求,开发了交点精加工辅助通讯系统实现二者之间的数据传输,并研究了各系统之间通信接口的实现方法。第四章基于任务调度的思想,将精加工划分为三大任务模块,实现精加工工艺执行过程中的数据处理与任务调度。第五章对精加工过程中机身移动平台的站位调度、机床自检与更换主轴头、设备干涉碰撞检查、人机交互界面等流程之外辅助功能的开发实现进行研究,以保证精加工工艺执行的安全性。第六章总结全文,并对下一步的工作进行展望。

【Abstract】 In order to guarantee interchangeability and coordination accuracy of joining fuselage and wings, it is necessary to have finish machining for hole and facet on the fuselage-wing joints before joining. This paper relies on a project assumed by Zhejiang University, and mainly researches and explores the realization of system integration of finish machining of fuselage-wing joints based on the digital assembly and finish machining system for aircraft. First, the module of finishing maching management in Fuselage Joining and Finish Maching Main Control System is developed and integrated by applying VC++, Oracle data-base, NC machining and Detecting technology. Several key problems such as feasibility evaluating and digital method for checking of finished product are studied and analyzed deeply. Also, this paper realizes the communication between Main Control System and SINUMERIK840D NC System by conbining SIMENS SinCOM, socket and PLC technology. Finally, it realizes the automatic integration of finish machining by combining feasibility evaluating, finish machining for hole and facet on joints and checking of finished product.In chapter 1, the article’s background, digital and integration technology in assembly of aircraft are expounded, then application status of NC and Detecting technology are sumed up, finally the reaserch goals and meaning and the structure of paper are presented. In chapter 2, the method of realization of finish machining for hole and facet on the fuselage-wing joints is discussed according to the positions of massive devices and general assembly process of finish machining. In chapter 3, finish machining software system integration of hole and surface on the fuselage-wing joint is discussed, and Finish Maching Auxiliary Communication System is developed by analyzing the demands of communication fuction to fulfish data transfer and communicate between Finish Maching Auxiliary Communication System and Main Control System. In chapter 4, finish machining task is devided into three task modules according to task dispatcher, and data processing and task dispatcher in finish machining are realized. In chapter 5, in order to guarantee the security of finish maching, it is to be researched on motion of fuselage platform, checking of machine tool and changing head, checking of interference between devices, and human machine interface during finish maching process. Finally, in chapter 6, summary for the whole work in this dissertation is given, and the future work is discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

