

The Design of a Deep-sea ROV Power Transmission and Electricity Supply System

【作者】 彭鹤

【导师】 顾临怡;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着海洋工程、深海采矿等技术的发展,人类对海洋的探索已逐渐由浅海转向深海。在大深度和危险区域,有缆遥控水下运载器(ROV)发挥了更大的优势。深水动力传输及供配电系统是有缆遥控水下运载器的重要组成部分,为水下机器的正常作业提供稳定、强大的动力保障。动力传输及供配电系统作为ROV系统研究领域的关键技术之一,直接影响着水下机器人的工作性能,近年来一直受到广泛的关注与研究。本文结合课题背景,对一种4500米有缆遥控水下运载器的动力传输系统进行了设计和研究,并在此基础上研究和开发了有缆遥控水下运载器的供配电系统。研究结果表明该系统满足此类型ROV的工况和性能要求。本文共分五章:第一章概述了国内外动力和供配电系统的发展和研究状况,介绍了常用的几种ROV动力传输和供配电方法,分析了它们的特点,最后提出了本论文的研究目的、意义和主要内容。第二章结合动力传输系统的设计原则,借鉴国外的成功经验,完成了对4500米级ROV的动力传输系统的设计,通过详细的原理研究,提出采用一种水下电机直接起动,独立变压器供电,驱动恒压变量泵为液压系统提供动力的设计方案,并对关键部件进行研究,最后对起动过程进行仿真试验,完成可行性分析。第三章主要针对深水供配电系统的电力控制系统,展开了硬件系统的设计和研究。然后,开发了上位机对控制柜的操作界面,实现控制台对供配电系统的集成。在研发出的软硬件环境下,进行试验、分析和研究,试验结果表明电力控制系统可以很好的实现对4500米级ROV系统的控制。第四章根据4500米深水环境下的ROV的作业工况和性能要求,对电力系统进行了保护和监控功能的相关研究,分析了水下供电常见故障现象并提出保护设计方案。最后,为各功能模块设计试验方案,通过研究验证了各功能模块可以有效地对深水电力系统进行保护和预警。第五章总结了本文的研究工作,并对下一步工作提出了展望和设想。

【Abstract】 As the development of ocean engineering and deep-sea mining, the exploration of ocean has turned from the shallow sea to the deep sea. In the deep and dangerous regions of the deep-sea, Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) have been playing a crucial role. Deep-sea power and electricity supply and distribution system are significant part of ROV that provides stable power to ROV. As one of the key technologies of ROV system, power and electricity supply and distribution system have aroused wide concern and been widely studied due to its direct effect on the performance of ROV in recent years.Concerned with the background of the project, the power driving and transmission system for the 4500-meter cable under-water vehicles was designed and studied in this paper. Moreover, based on these studies, the electricity supply and distribution system for ROV was also investigated and developed. The results showed that the power and electricity supply and distribution system designed in this paper satisfied the operation conditions and performance requirement of ROV.This paper was divided into five chapters:Chapter 1 presented a survey on the development state and trend of the power and electricity supply and distribution system, and introduced the usual methods of power driving and supply. With analyzing the characteristics of these power systems, we proposed the research purpose, significance and content of this paper.In Chapter 2, basing on the design principle of the power driving and transmission systems and taking advantages of successful experience of overseas, we designed the power transmission system for ROV. Moreover, the hydraulic-actuated and line-start scheme were proposed, and the key components were investigated. At the end of this chapter, the feasibility analysis of the whole power transmission system was given by simulation test.Chapter 3 aimed to develop the specific hardware part of the power control system. In this chapter, an operation interface of the upper computer over the electric power cabinet is programmed by using LAB VIEW, and an integration of the console over the power supply and distribution system is developed. The results of the experiments showed that under the recent software and hardware conditions, the mother ship can take a good power control of ROV.In Chapter 4, according to the operation condition and the performance requirement of ROV, the protection and monitoring modules were developed. Also, kinds of error phenomena were analyzed and optimized. In addition, the simulation experiments of different modules were given. The result of simulation showed that theses modules can protect ROV efficiently.A summarization of the total research works in the paper was given in Chapter 5. Moreover, an expectation of the future research work was brought forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】TP242;TM72
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】377

