

A Study of Rhetorical Situation in Obama’s 2011 State of the Union Address

【作者】 张悦

【导师】 严轶伦;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 政治演讲是所有政客的政治生命之水,尤其是当他们处于政治危机时更为重要。政客们措辞严谨因为他们相信语言的力量能够影响人的思想,借此可以在听众无意识状态下欣然接受他们的观点,服从他们的意愿。奥巴马当选总统为时两年,面对民众对其政府的不满和失望,及2012年的总统竞选的临近,奥巴马发表了2011国情咨文。这篇演讲被视为他继续参选的前奏,对于赢得支持以连任起着至关重要的作用。修辞情境是当代西方修辞理论的核心概念,任何修辞话语的产生都是以修辞情境为依据的。本文首先探讨了修辞的定义和修辞情境理论,分析了修辞形势的三要素,并指出比彻尔(1968)修辞情境理论的不足,进而将其和袁影(2008)对他的修正进行整合以形成一个新的理论框架。该论文验证了这一理论模式的可行性和有效性并论证了在修辞性交际时适应修辞情境的重要性。对于政治人物,掌握特定政治时期的紧急事件,分析历史背景,当前事态的严重程度和问题所属领域,那么演讲者就能将自己融入到听众所需要的情境中以有效的改变现状,达到演说的目的。“听众适应论”和“人格投射论”是这篇论文的中心理论,论述了如何“适应”受众从而使其成为改善修辞形势的力量和修辞人格树立的动态特征,以及人们在认识上的某些偏差。在“听众适应论”中,对于听众的适应也就是得到听众认同,拉近修辞者和听众两个独立个体之间的距离以达到“同质”。认同的策略有两种:图尔明的逻辑认同和伯克的情感认同;有效的投射修辞人格以适应修辞情境也是演讲成功的必要因素,修辞者的威望对于说服受众至关重要,可以起到一种“先声夺人”的作用。修辞者应该知道如何适时的展示个人魅力,建立最适合情境的及对自己最有利的修辞人格。

【Abstract】 Political speech is considered to be the water of the political life for all politicians, especially when they are in crisis situation. Politicians choose their words carefully because they believe that the power of language can influence thoughts, with which the powerful figure imposes his will under the audiences’unconscious or comfortable condition.Obama government’s inaction in the more than two years provokes people’s disappointment and discontent. With 2012 presidential campaign approaching, Obama delivers his 2011 State of the Union Address. This speech is considered to be the prelude to his reelection, which plays extremely important role in winning over his support and striving for serving for another term of office.Rhetorical situation is the core of present western rhetoric theory. This paper is a tentative study to test a new theoretical model:an integration of Bitzer’s (1968) rhetorical situation with Yuan Ying’s (2008) modification feasibility and effectiveness. This paper manifests that adapting to the rhetorical situation is of crucial importance for success in rhetorical engagement. Apprehending the local moment and exigence of political times, analyzing the historical backdrop, the seriousness of the current situation and the Guerra, the speaker can fit himself into the desired content as to effectively alter the reality. Audience adaptation should also be paid enough attention. The audience’s power in rhetor-audience interaction is easily ignored. Since the rhetor and audience are separate entities, there exists dividedness between them. To skip the distance and gain identification, Toulmin’s Argument and Burke’s Identification (Identification by Inaccuracy, Identification by Antithesis, and Identification by Sympathy) become the vital rhetorical strategies. Correct perception of ethos is a key in rhetorical practices too. Fashioning the ethos in accordance with the particularity of the situation is inherent in situation adaptation. The rhetor should know how and when to display the tokens to establish an ethos that would best suit the situation and most favorable for him or her.

  • 【分类号】H05
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】263

