

【作者】 徐伟

【导师】 王炅;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学的进步和微机电系统(MEMS)技术的发展,引信的小型化,智能化水平越来越受到人们的关注和青睐,引信的功能实现也从传统的机械化朝着电子化、智能化及小型化的方向发展。然而,引信电源体积过大是目前小型化引信面临一个现实的问题,只有电源的小型化才能从根本上解决引信系统体积过大的问题。微型电源作为微系统的一个重要组成部分是决定整个系统能否独立工作的关键,体积小、性能好、稳定性高的小型物理电源不仅能够解决小型引信电路的自供能问题,提高弹丸勤务处理时的安全性;同时也可解决某些弹种冗余环境力的缺失问题,为引信安保机构提供基于环境激励的解保信号等。然而,传统的物理电源或化学电源存在着体积过大、寿命过短、激活时间较长、稳定性较差等问题。因此,设计出小型的物理电源将具有巨大的经济价值和军事意义。首先结合课题的研究背景,介绍了微机电系统(MEMS)技术的发展以及引信对小型物理电源的需求,探讨了小型物理电源的地位、种类和发展现状。其次介绍了压电材料的发电特性和射流发电机的工作原理等。进而结合引信对电源的战术技术要求设计,MEMS工艺技术和压电材料的发电特性等设计了一种小型的气流激励发电装置,并对其进行了亚音速(选取50m/s~300m/s)入口气流速度的流体分析和仿真验证,结果表明该微型气流激励发电装置具有一定的可行性。最后对该气流激励发电装置的MEMS加工工艺进行了介绍并设计了一种能量采集电路,然后对发电装置的发电特性和采集电路进行了模拟分析和研究,并与理论分析的结果进行了对比,得出发电装置的发电特性与理论分析结果一致,能够满足使用要求,气流激励电源的输出电压和能量大小以及响应时间等也可以满足使用要求。通过上述工作,对引信微型气流激励电源的原理和特性进行了研究,同时通过仿真和实验等得出了初步的结论,为今后的进一步工作积累了经验,也为引信小型电源的设计和气流激励发电技术奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 With the progress of science and the development of MEMS technology, the mini-aturization and intelligence of fuze has attracted more and more people’s attention and favour, and the realization form of fuze’s function is moving from the traditionally mechanism to the direction of electronic, intelligent and miniaturization. However, the power supply for fuze is so large that it greatly enlarges the volume of the fuze. As an integral part of the whole system, miniaturized power is the key to determine that whether the system can work independently. So, a power supply with small size, good performance, high stability, not only can solve the problem of fuze circuits self energy supply, but also can solve the problems of some projectiles missing redundant power environment. Due to the traditional power supply has too many problems of large volume, long activation time and unstable performance, to meet the requirements. So it has a great economic value and military significance to design a new small power supply.Firstly, combined with the background of the subject, the paper described the development of MEMS technology, the needs of small physical power for fuze, then investigated the status of small physical power, and it’s development. At the same time, the properties of piezoelectric material and the principle of air jet generator were also introduced. Then a small air jet generating device was designed based on the conditions of fuze’s tactical and technical requiremnts for power designs, MEMS technology and power generation characteristics of piezoelectric materials. Its performance analysis and simulation results show that the micro-jet generating device has feasible to some extent. Finally, introduced the jet processing technology for MEMS devices and designed an energy acquisition circuit, then experiments were carried out on the characteristics of the airflow drive power and the acquisition circuit. It was found that the experiments results are basically consistent with the theoretical analysis; both of them can meet the requirements of the fuze.Finally, the work of this dissertation was concluded. The innovations and contributions of this work were introduced. And also, the potential issues of this research were pointed out.


