

Chen Guangbiao-Sociological Unscramble on a Sample of Chinese Private Entrepreneurs’ Charity

【作者】 孙茂月

【导师】 李崇新;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 社会学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,在我国企业家慈善总体很不给力的尴尬形势之下,却出现了一朵引入瞩目的“奇葩”,他就是被称为“中国首善”的陈光标。他不走寻常路,而以其独特的慈善方式标新立异,独树一帜。作为是中国“裸捐”第一人,他对于慈善的捐款力度很大,每年拿出近50%的企业利润进行“豪捐”;他的慈善方式高调直接,新招迭出,夺人眼球,往往成为媒体和社会关注的焦点。他也因此成为当前中国最活跃、也最富争议的民营实业家兼慈善家。陈光标是一个极为难得的具有中国特色的民间慈善的活体样本,他的慈善目前还在路上,预计还有一个动态发展的过程。本文旨在通过对陈式慈善的表现、动因、困境以及社会影响的研究,试图为陈光标式慈善的“可持续发展”做出一些路径思考。本文主要采用文献法、问卷调查法以及访谈法等研究方法,对陈光标的慈善行为进行了较为全面系统的研究分析。从问卷调查和访谈的统计分析结果,本文得出的基本结论是,肯定和支持陈光标的意见占据了主流。被调查者的基本的倾向是,肯定其慈善行为,但不完全赞同其慈善方式。针对此结果,本文从需要层次理论、成就动机理论、利他行为理论、社会分层理论以及功能理论等视角,从个人、企业、社会三个层面,对其慈善行为的动机和原因进行分析,并讨论了其行为的正负功能。在此基础上试图探索出陈式慈善的可持续路径。笔者期待,通过陈光标等一大批慈善家的共同探索和努力,我们最终能够走出一条适合中国国情、具有中国特色、符合可持续发展要求的长效慈善之路。

【Abstract】 Out of the recent embarrassing years that Chinese entrepreneurs are in general unhelpful, a "miracle" has appeared. He is the "greatest philanthropist", Chen Guangbiao. He has been using his own unique way to practice charity, and developed a school of his own. As the first "all out donation" person in China, he’s been a generous donor and great help for Chinese charity practices. Almost 50% of the enterprise profits are donated, which shows that his charity works are surprising, high profile, direct and constantly make the headlines. Consequently he has been the most active yet most controversial businessman and philanthropist in China. He is an uncommon living sample of nongovernmental charity with Chinese characteristics. His charity is still on the way, and most probably will be going through a dynamic development process. The objective of this study is that through researching on the performance, motivation, difficulties and social impact of his charity behavior, the paper will make some suggestions on the sustainable development of Chen Guangbiao’s charity practices.In this paper, his charity behavior will be analyzed through the literature, questionnaire and interview methods. It will be analyzed from the hierarchy theory of needs, achievement motivation theory, altruism behavior theory, social stratification theory and function theory. Drawing from the questionnaires and interviews, the results indicate that most participants agree with and support Chen Guangbiao’s behavior. Generally speaking, respondents identify with his charity practices, but they cannot completely agree with the ways in which he has conducted them. In this paper, his charity behavior will be analyzed from the hierarchy theory of needs, achievement motivation theory, altruism behavior theory, social stratification theory and function theory, the reason for his charitable behavior will be analyzed through the three levels: individual, enterprise and society, and I will discuss the positive and negative functions of his behavior. On this basis, I will try to explore a sustainable path of Chen-style charity. I look forward to through the joint exploration and efforts by Chen Guangbiao and a large number of philanthropists, we will finally be able to find out the road which is suitable for China with Chinese characteristics and in line with the requirements of sustainable development.

  • 【分类号】D632.9;K825.38
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】725
  • 攻读期成果

