

A Rhetorical Study of David Cameron’s Political Discourse-Three Appeals as Discourse Strategies in the Debate

【作者】 杨娟

【导师】 严轶伦;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 首相电视辩论作为一种重要的西方政治文体和传播手段,在政治生活中的作用不可忽视。英国也不例外,其首次引进电视辩论形式成为首相竞选的一个焦点。作为政治活动的参与者,首相候选人通过精心设计的富有修辞色彩的论辩话语与受众交流,打动和说服受众,最终达到劝说的目的和赢得支持。目前已经有少数几位学者从语言学和修辞学的视角对电视辩论进行研究,其研究结果对从多种视角来理解辩论有很大帮助,但仍有继续深入研究的空间。本文以劳埃德·比彻尔的修辞情境作为理论基础,亚里士多德的三种诉诸作为话语策略,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,选取2010年英国第一场电视辩论中大卫·卡梅伦的论辩话语文本作为分析语料,旨在研究该竞选的修辞情境和卡梅伦对三种诉诸的成功运用。这三种诉诸作为话语策略在很多情况下都是共同起作用的,本文把它们分开论述只是出于方便分析的考虑。通过系统的分析,作者发现:1、论辩者对时政背景知识的掌握是政治论辩话语的基础,也是论辩成功与否的关键。论辩者对修辞情境的强调旨在了解论辩过程中应该说什么,怎么说。2、卡梅伦在政治论辩话语中运用亚里士多德的三种诉诸作为修辞策略。在逻辑诉诸中,他运用了三段论、事例和数据来吸引受众;在情感诉诸中,运用了否定、反问、愤怒、恐惧、希望和爱国来激发受众的情感认同;在人格诉诸中,运用了美德和智慧来获得受众的认同。3、在三种诉诸的分析中,情感诉诸在卡梅伦论辩话语中的运用最多,主要是为了适应英国人所面临的修辞情境的需求。

【Abstract】 The televised prime ministerial debates, as an important part of the western political genre, play a significant role in the political life and become one of the major popular means of political communication. It is no exception to the United Kingdom. The first time for the UK to introduce the form of TV debate becomes a focal point of the prime ministerial campaigns.As the participants of political activities, candidates communicate with the audience through their rhetorical construction of argumentative discourse to achieve persuasive goals, namely, convince the audience to vote for them as the next prime minister of the United Kingdom. Despite the importance of televised debates, there are only a few scholars who have conducted researches on them from the perspective of linguistic and rhetoric, which are helpful to understand the debates from various aspects. However, there still remains some space to be further studied.With Lloyd Bitzer’s rhetorical situation as the theoretical foundation, Aristotle’s analytical tool of three appeals as the discourse strategy and the quantitative and qualitative methods as the theoretical framework, this thesis chooses the text of David Cameron’s argumentative discourse in the first 2010 UK televised debate as a research subject and aims to investigate the rhetorical situation and show how three types of appeals are used by Cameron. Three Appeals of logos, pathos and ethos can be employed solely or as a combination at the same time, however, the author separates them from one another in this paper just for the convenience of analysis.Through the carefully-conducted analysis, the author gets some major findings as follows. Firstly, it is found that the political background information is the foundation of the political argumentative discourse and it is the key to the success of debate only when the debaters can grasp every chance to express themselves well according to the fitted rhetorical situation. The purpose of emphasizing on the specific rhetorical situation is to help debaters know what and how they should do in the debate. Secondly, three appeals, according to Aristotle’s rhetoric, are used as rhetorical strategies. These three persuasive means (logos, pathos and ethos) are realized and managed in David Cameron’s political argumentative discourse successfully. To achieve logos, Cameron utilized enthymeme, facts and statistics to appeal to the mind of audience. For pathos, he skillfully used negation, rhetorical questions and evoked the audience’s emotions like anger, fear, hope and patriotism by appealing to the common values of the British people. To establish his ethos, he successfully identified himself with the audience by showing his virtue and intelligence. Thirdly, of the three appeals, it is found that the persuasive means of pathos is most generally presented and used more frequently than another two appeals throughout the analysis of David Cameron’s discourse, mainly for its adaptation to the rhetorical situation of the campaign that British people were confronted with.


