

Research on Tactics of Unexpected Violent Events in Perspective of Multi-center Governance

【作者】 方随意

【导师】 叶美霞;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国在各方面的建设都取得了一定成效,经济总量不断提高,民主政治日益完善,社会文化逐渐丰富,中国特色社会主义事业得到长足的发展。但是,社会发展过程中的问题也随之出现,资源分配不均、贫富差距悬殊加剧了利益矛盾与冲突,法律意识淡薄、沟通渠道不畅限制了社会利益的表达与诉求。社会中的不和谐因素与日俱增,突发性暴力事件时有发生,对社会成员的人身和财产安全构成了严重的威胁,扰乱了正常的社会秩序,阻碍了社会的发展进程,因而突发性暴力事件的合理应对迫在眉睫。本文以2010年持续高发的多起幼儿园、小学暴力事件为出发点展开思考,对相关的概念进行界定,对现阶段突发性暴力事件的表征、主要类别、特点以及困境加以分析,并结合转型期社会发展的实际情况,对当前社会中突发性暴力事件频发的主要成因展开剖析。在此基础上,突破传统的应对理念与机制,从多中心这一全新的视角来探讨突发性暴力事件的应对策略,结合多中心治理理论的核心内容,来对突发性暴力事件多中心治理的必要性、治理主体及其协作、治理主体的责任等内容进行探讨,并为突发性暴力事件多中心治理的实践设计了一整套全面、合理的策略,以期推动突发性暴力事件及时、有效地处理,进而促进社会的安定、和谐与发展。

【Abstract】 Since China’s reform and opening-up, our country has reached great achievements on social construction. The national overall economy is increasing unceasingly, while politics is becoming more democratic and social culture is getting more diversified. In a word, the socialism with Chinese characteristics has developed prosperously. However, problems have emerged during the process of social development, in terms of uneven social resources distribution and the deeper income gaps between the rich and the poor, which exacerbate the contradictions and conflicts between different interest groups. Besides, the weak citizens’ awareness of law and limited communication approaches impede expression and appeals of interests. As a result, disharmonious factors arose and unexpected violence incidents happened, which did not only threaten citizens’personal safety and social property, but also disturbed the normal social order and the normal process of the social development. Therefore, it is really important and urgent to find the right ways to cope with unexpected violent incidents.This dissertation starts from the well-known unexpected violent events happening in kindergartens and primary schools in year 2010. It firstly displays a series of unexpected violent accidents happening in recent years, analyzes the classification and the characteristics of those accidents, as well as the most used methods and the shortages of those methods. Then it finds the main causes of the frequently happened accidents linking with the reality. The thesis also breaks through the traditional concepts and methods, investigates the main subjects, their cooperation principles concerned as well as each subject’s responsibilities on the basis of grasping the core meaning of multi-center management theory. It eventually discusses the effective coping tactics of unexpected violent accidents from the angle of multi-center management. This thesis will be significant in perfecting the coping mechanisms of unexpected violent accidents, guarantying social stability and promoting social harmony.

【关键词】 多中心治理突发性暴力事件
【Key words】 Multi-center governanceunexpected eventsviolence

