

A Study of How to Deal with Natural Disaster in Public Governmance Perspective

【作者】 唐炜

【导师】 陈橹;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 近些年频繁发生的自然灾害给处于安定生活中的人们带来了巨大的恐慌,因而成为当今各国政府急需解决的一项重要治理难题。我国处于亚欧大陆东部、太平洋西岸,亚欧板块和太平洋板块的交界地带,这种独特的地理区位成为造成我国自然灾害频发的重要原因。然而随着近些年社会经济的发展,人们的经济活动逐渐增多,为了追求经济利益对自然的破坏和对急需解决的公共治理问题的忽视,也造成了自然灾害衍发成自然灾变。现代社会处于不断变化之中,现代政府治理被各种风险和危机所围绕,加强现代政府治理能力,树立良好的政府形象是现代政府的重要责任。但是政府不是万能的,由于市场经济的缺陷和后危机时代的兴起等原因,由单中心治理向多中心治理的转变是我国政府治理的发展方向。本文以2010年甘肃舟曲特大山洪泥石流灾害为例,概述此次灾害演变为灾变的原因、经过和在整个灾变过程中政府治理的相关情况。通过对舟曲特大山洪泥石流灾害进行研究,总结地方政府在应对灾变过程中的现状和经验教训,探讨出以多中心治理为导向的公共治理方向和模式,为地方政府应对自然灾变提供具有参考价值的政策建议。首先,加强对自然灾变应急管理的宣传教育,增强地方政府应对自然灾变的能力;其次,从多中心治理的视角出发,以公民、市民社会、媒体和企业等作为治理的切入点,走参与式治理的道路;最后,将多中心治理的基本点结合起来,整合资源,积极推动自然灾变应对管理的国际化。

【Abstract】 Natural disasters frequently occurred in recent years which brings out people in stable life panic, so this has become an important issue needed to be resolved to every government. China is in east of Asia, west of the Pacific, in the junction of Eurasian plate and Pacific plate, this is an important reason why many disasters occurred in China. However, with the development of social economic in recent years, economic activities gradually increase and people ignore the public issues of the destruction of the nature, as the result of the frequencies of natural disasters.Modern society is in change all the time, and modern governance is surrounded by a variety of risks and crises, so strengthening the capacity of modern governance and establishing a good image of the government is an important responsibility of modern government. However, the government is not omnipotent, because of the deficiencies of market and the rise of post-crisis era, it’s the direction of single-center management turned to multi-center governance,In this paper, I will take the case of Zhouqu large debris flow in Gansu for example, overview of the reason and the process of the disaster, and the situation in the whole process of governance. By the study of the case of Zhouqu large debris flow, we can summary the status and the lessons in the process of governance for local governance, investigate a multi-center management-oriented direction and mode of public governance, provide valuable policy recommendations to respond to natural disaster for local government. First of all, publicity, education of emergency management and the capacity to respond to natural disaster of local government in natural disaster should to be strengthened. Secondly, from the perspective of the theory of multi-center governance, take the path of participatory governance. Finally, combines the basic points of multi-center governance, integration of resources, and actively promote the natural disaster response management to international cooperation.


