

【作者】 霍辉

【导师】 程寓;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 机械工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 工程陶瓷/玻璃钢复合构件以其优异的防护性能、较轻的质量和相对便宜的价格成为新型的防护构件材料,广泛应用于特种车辆构件。根据装车的要求,需要现场进行二次加工,如钻孔、修边、切割、开槽等,特别是需要进行大量的圆孔和异型孔的加工。工程陶瓷在陶瓷复合构件中起到主要防护作用的材料,而且它的加工难度也是最大的,所以将它作为重点的研究对象,同时对玻璃钢复合材料的异型孔加工技术也做一定的研究。本文首先分析总结了工程陶瓷/玻璃钢复合钢构件的应用和加工现状,然后分析了工程陶瓷/玻璃钢复合钢构件的加工技术难点。通过磨削加工试验对工程陶瓷/玻璃钢复合构件进行加工机理的研究。其次通过有限元软件对磨削过程中刀具断裂问题进行仿真分析,找出影响刀具强度的关键因素,并对仿真结果进行分析找出比较合理的刀具结构参数,然后通过磨削加工试验来验证仿真分析的正确性和合理性。并且通过调整各种胎体结合剂元素的成分以及金刚石磨粒的品级,制作多把烧结金刚石磨削刀具,然后进行磨削试验,经过分析选择出合理的胎体结合剂和金刚石磨粒的品级。最后通过对工程陶瓷/玻璃钢复合构件进行磨削正交试验,找出合理的加工工艺参数,然后通过单因素试验找出各工艺参数对磨削力的影响情况,然后利用线性回归的方法,找出了磨削力的经验公式。

【Abstract】 The Engineering ceramics and glass fiber reinforced composite materials components are widely used in specialty vehicles for its excellent protection performance and the light weight Usually secondary processing is necessary for the composite components before assembling, remarkably which needs a large number of drilling, trimming, cutting and slotting process, In particular the need for a lot of holes and abnormal shaped holes process. Engineering ceramics is the most difficult to process which play a major protective effect of the core material in ceramic composite components. So it will be as a key object of study.While I has to done some research on the glass fiber reinforced composite materials abnormal shaped hole processing technology.In the paper, we analyses and summarizes the engineering ceramics/glass fiber reinforced composite materials components application and processing situation,then,we analyzes the engineering ceramics and glass fiber reinforced plastic composite material processing features technology, and research mechanism of processing of the ceramic/ glass fiber reinforced composite material by grinding.Then we use the finite element software to simulation and analyse tool breakage problems during the grinding process, identify the key factors affecting the intensity of the tool, and analysis the simulation results to find more reasonable tool structure parameters, and verify to the correctness and rationality of the simulation analysis through the grinding process experiment.And, we rational choice parameters of Matrix binder and diamond abrasive through grinding process, then we produce lots of the sintered diamond grinding tool and then.we selected a reasonable of matrix of binder and diamond abrasive grade by grinding experiment.Finally, we find a reasonable process parameters through grinding orthogonal test to engineering ceramic and glass fiber reinforced composite components and then we estimate the impact of process parameters on the grinding force through a single factor experiment.then use the line regression method to find empirical formula of the grinding force.


