

Study on Safety Risk of Group Buildings Crossed by Shield Tunnel

【作者】 苏守一

【导师】 袁大军;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 摘要:结合苏州轨道交通2号线盾构隧道大面积、长距离、连续穿越群房屋的工程实例,进行了盾构隧道穿越群房屋风险研究,提出了盾构隧道穿越群房屋风险研究内容,重点研究其中的待穿越群房屋风险识别与分级体系。盾构隧道穿越群房屋风险研究主要有四部分内容:盾构掘进对地表变形的影响、盾构隧道及待穿越房屋信息统计、盾构隧道穿越群房屋风险识别与分级方法和盾构隧道穿越群房屋风险控制。在风险识别中,选取房屋距离隧道轴线的水平距离;房屋所处断面隧道埋深;房屋段隧道线形;房屋与隧道相交角度;房屋基础结构形式;房屋上部结构形式;房屋年龄;房屋使用类型共八个风险因素作为基础,提出盾构隧道穿越群房屋风险分级方法,并对待穿越群房屋面临的风险进行分析。风险分级的目的在于风险控制。本文从盾构机设备、地表及房屋变形监测与控制、盾构掘进施工三方面讨论了盾构隧道穿越群房屋风险控制措施。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT:In connection with the practice of the shield tunnel crossing group buildings in Suzhou Metro2, the risk of the shield tunnel crossing group buildings was researched, and risk research contents were put forward. The risk identification and the risk classification of the shield tunnel crossing group buildings were key points.There were four parts in the risk research of shield tunnel crossing group buildings:the influence of shield advancing on ground settlement; information of shield tunnels and group buildings; the risk identification and the risk classification and the risk control. A kind of risk classification of shield tunnel crossing group buildings is presented based on eight risk identification subjects which are horizontal distance, depth of tunnel, shape of tunnel, intersection angle, type of infrastructure, type of upper structure, years of building and use type of building. The aim of risk classification is to control the risk. The risk control measures of the shield tunnel crossing group buildings were discussed in shield machine equipment, monitoring and controlling deformation of ground and buildings and shield tunnelling construction.


