

The Study of ESD Radiation of the Electric Field and Calibration Method of ESD Simulator

【作者】 王望

【导师】 周克生;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 环境工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 静电放电是一个高电压、强电场、瞬时大电流脉冲的过程,它不仅可以以传导的方式对电子设备造成干扰,也还可以以辐射的方式对电子设备造成干扰。因此,研究在静电放电情况下,辐射场的分布与作用规律是非常具有现实意义的。它不仅可以推进现有的测试方法和测试平台的改进,而且可以指导提高电子器件和系统抗静电放电的能力。在进行抗静电测试实验时,我们最常用的是静电放电模拟器,也称之为静电放电枪。为了使测试结果更加准确,同时降低校准成本,开发设计一种在实验室内部就可检验静电枪性能的方法就变得尤为具有实际意义。本文主要从仿真和实验两方面研究。首先利用仿真软件对静电枪建模,并对静电放电接触放电、以及静电放电与金属腔体孔缝耦合的情况分别作了模拟仿真,主要研究其产生的辐射电场以及耦合到腔体内的辐射电场情况,得出了在距离放电点不同的距离处的辐射电场的变化情况以及放电时腔体内部辐射电场的分布变化情况。之后运用实验的方法,对静电放电接触放电方式下产生的辐射电场进行了测量研究,主要研究了不同放电电压与辐射电场幅值的关系,之后研究了接地线方向的改变对辐射电场的影响,分析辐射电场的时域与频域特性,并在时域与仿真结果作对比分析。最后介绍了自主设计的静电枪检验方法,将静电枪置于屏蔽室内,通过自制的放电靶将电缆和置于屏蔽室外的示波器相连,示波器用来对静电枪静电放电电压波形进行监测,通过研究其放电波形定性的分析静电枪的性能,该方法可以用来在实验室内部进行静电枪的检验,有效地提高了抗静电测试的准确性。

【Abstract】 Electrostatic discharge is a process of high voltage, strong electric field, the instantaneous large current pulse. It can cause interference with the electronic equipment not only because of conducting but also because of radiating. Therefore, researches on the distribution and effect of radiation field deriving from electrostatic discharge are very realistic, which can not only promote the existing test methods and platform, but also improve the capacity of electronic devices and systems against electrostatic discharge. In the antistatic test, we are most often using electrostatic discharge simulator, which is also called electrostatic discharge gun. So in order to make the results more accurate, while reducing calibration costs, developing an approach that in the laboratory can test the performance of electrostatic gun has become particularly practical significance.This paper studies two aspects of simulation and experiment. Firstly, simulations are made for contact discharge, electrostatic discharge, electrostatic discharge and metal cavity aperture coupling, which mainly study the variation of radiation and coupling E-field in and out of the cavity, get the changes regularity of radiation E-field in various positions, and we also get the changes of internal radiation field distribution in the metal cavity. Then radiation electric field deriving from electrostatic contact discharge was measured and investigated using the experimental method, which mainly studies the effect to radiation E-field due to the different discharge voltage and grounding direction, including time domain and frequency domain properties, and then the results of simulation was compared in the time domain. Finally a calibration method of ESD simulator is introduced, by discharge current waveform monitoring and research, qualitative analysis of the performance of electrostatic gun, which can be used in the laboratory to calibrate electrostatic gun, effectively improving the accuracy of antistatic test.

  • 【分类号】TN03
  • 【下载频次】131

