

Study on Soil Fertility Evaluation and High Yield Fertilization Technique of Soybean in Xun Key County

【作者】 白树升

【导师】 刘继芳; 王玉峰;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业资源利用, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 逊克县耕地85%以上都种植大豆,但是,逊克县农民在大豆生产中存在诸多问题,农民片面追求经济利益,不了解土壤养分状况,盲目、过量施用化肥,并且氮磷钾施用比例不当,中、微量元素缺乏,致使肥料利用率偏低,增加了农业生产成本,减少收入,同时产生土壤养分失衡而致肥力衰退,而且带来严重的环境污染,威胁农产品质量安全。因此,明确逊克县土壤养分状况,研究高产施肥技术对大豆生产及农业可持续发展都具有重要意义。本文对边疆镇、逊河镇、干岔子乡、松树沟乡、新兴乡、新鄂乡、车陆乡、克林乡、宝山乡等9个乡镇开展土壤养分肥力调查与评价,明确逊克不同区域生产大豆的土壤养分肥力丰缺状况。选取高、中、低的三个不同肥力区域进行高产施肥技术大田试验,进一步明确了不同土壤肥力条件下大豆生产适宜的肥料用量。结果如下:土壤肥力评价将全县基本农田划分为四个等级,全县一级地面积占全县耕地总面积的22.5%,二级地面积占全县耕地总面积的34.5%,三级地面积占全县耕地总面积的32%,四级地面积占全县耕地总面积的11%。其中全县16%的耕地高度适宜种植大豆,49.46%的耕地适宜种植大豆,29.7%的耕地勉强适宜种植大豆,4.84%的耕地不适宜种植大豆。建立一元二次效应方程进行回归分析,计算得到逊克县推荐施氮量为38~58 kg/hm2,推荐施磷肥量为44~79 kg/hm2,推荐施钾肥量为56~88 kg/hm2。高产区施肥量为:N37.5kg/hm2, P2O543.8kg/hm2, K2O55.7 kg/hm2;中产区施肥量为N45.9 kg/hm2, P2O5 55.7kg/hm2,K2O 70.2 kg/hm2;低产区为:N57.8 kg/hm2, P2O578.8kg/hm2, K2O 88.1 kg/hm2。通过在三个试验区示范证明,由施肥模型获得的推荐施肥量效果显著,达到增产作用。在不同的产区,不同的施肥处理对大豆生长发育和产量的影响有所不同,因此不同产区推广应用的施肥技术不同。其中,在逊克县高产区,仅推荐施肥处理对大豆增产效果明显,建议只推广推荐施肥处理;在中产区,增施有机肥表现也不错,建议此区推广增施有机肥和推荐施肥两个处理;在低产区,秸秆覆盖也起到促进大豆生长发育提高产量的作用,因此此区建议对秸秆覆盖、增施有机肥和推荐施肥三个处理全部推广

【Abstract】 In Xun Ke County 85% farmland was soil field, but there were too many questions of planting soil. Many peasants only sought economic interests and did not understand the situation of soil nutrient, they were blindly and excess using fertilizer, the application ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was not balance. There were lack of middle and trace elements that lead to fertilizer utilization ratio was lower, which increasing the cost of agriculture production and decreasing income, at the same time the soil fertilizer became exhausted, which brought profound impacts on quality of environment and agricultural products. The clear understanding of he situation of soil nutrient was vary important to study on high yield fertilization technique of soybean and agricultural sustainable development.This studied investigation and evaluation of soil nutrient and fertilization on Bianjiang town, Xunhe town, Ganchazi township, Songshugou township, Xinxing township, Xine township, Chelun township, Kelin township and Baoshan township, and definite the situation of soil nutrient and fertilization in different areas in Xun Ke country. Selected three different fertility condition areas (high fertility, middle fertility and low fertility), to study on the high-yield fertilization technique in field test, and further clarify the suitable fertilizer amount of planting soybean in different fertility conditions. The results were as follows:By soil fertility evaluation, all country farmland was divided into 4 levels, the first level farmland area was 22.5%, the second was 34.5%, the third was 32% and the forth was 11%. This farmland accounted for 16% which was very suitable to plant soybean,49.46% was suitable, 29.7% was barely and 4.84% was unsuitable.Established unary quadratic equation to regression analysis, calculated by recommended nitrogen rate in Xun Ke country was 38~58kg/hm/, recommended phosphate rate was 44~79kg/hm2, recommended potassium rate was 56~88kg/hm2. Fertilizer rate in high-yield was:N 37.5kg/hm2, P2O543.8 kg/hm2, K2O 55.7kg/hm2; in middle-yield was:N 45.9kg/hm2, P2O5 55.7kg/hm2, K2O 70.2 kg/hm2; in low-yield was N 57.8kg/hm2, P2O578.8kg/hm2, K2O 88.1 kg/hm2.It was proved by 3 test areas that recommended fertilizer rate obtained from fertilization model was remarkable effect and yield increasing effect. In different yield areas, different fertilizer treatment got different effect of soybean growth and yield, so different yield areas had different fertilizer rate. In high-yield area, only fertilizer recommendation treatment had obvious effect of increasing yield, so it suggests to using fertilizer recommendation treatment; in middle-yield area, applying organic manure was well, so it suggests to using applying organic manure and fertilizer recommendation treatment; in low-yield area, straw mulching also promoted soybean growth and yield, so it suggests to using straw mulching, applying organic manure and fertilizer recommendation treatment.

【关键词】 土壤肥力评价大豆施肥技术
【Key words】 Soil fertilityEvaluationSoybeanFertilization technique

