

Research on Performance Evaluation of New Rural Construction in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 李绍文

【导师】 李先德; 王根林;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农村与区域发展, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 建设社会主义新农村,是党中央审时度势做出的重大战略决策,也是党和国家确定的事关全局的重大历史任务。它全面体现了科学发展观和构建和谐社会的要求,涵盖了农村发展的物质基础、重要目标、内在要求、必要条件和政治保证等几个方面,是一个庞大的系统工程。黑龙江省作为农业大省,建设社会主义新农村的重大现实意义和深远的历史意义不言而喻。本文从新农村建设历史背景出发,指出新农村提出的社会经济发展状况,新农村建设的内涵和意义。针对黑龙江省新农村建设绩效评价的研究目标,指出黑龙江省建设新农村的机遇和挑战。机遇表现在黑龙江省建设新农村条件有利,恰逢其时,有支撑,有保障,环境好,动力足。制约因素表现在黑龙江省农业和农村基础比较差、底子比较薄、欠账比较多的矛盾还非常突出,农业和农村发展仍处于艰难的爬坡阶段,新农村建设任重道远。指出了黑龙江省建设新农村的意义和建设的目的。本文以黑龙江省新农村建设绩效为核心,首先,交代了研究背景和研究意义。主要阐述新农村建设提出的历史背景与现实意义,并且说明研究黑龙江省新农村建设的意义所在。通过相应文献回顾和找寻理论基础,阐述新农村建设的相关理论,明确社会主义新农村建设对黑龙江省发展的意义及影响。在此基础上,从历史、经济、制度和政策四个方面分析黑龙江省社会主义新农村建设的现状,调查分析黑龙江省社会主义新农村建设的特点。并且通过对黑龙江省新农村建设历史和现状分析,评价黑龙江省新农村建设绩效,找出目前制约黑龙江社会主义新农村建设因素。重点在于以下六个方面:农业生产现代化;公益事业配套化;村屯建设园林化;村风民俗文明化;村务管理民主化;农民生活小康化。最后,针对黑龙江省新农村建设面临的主要问题和存在的机遇,提出加强新农村建设绩效评价的思路和有效办法。通过调查研究和实证分析得到了黑龙江省新农村建设的重点可以概括为“保民生、促发展、有特色、可持续”十二字战略。已有新农村理论与实践丰富,针对黑龙江省而言,新农村建设初见成效,以甘南县兴十四村和尚志市一面坡镇长营村典型村示范意义明显,但经济体制和政治体制对新农村建设具有重要制约作用。上述问题可以通过经济发展与农村公共事业共进,保民生强化农村社会事业建设,突出地域特色促进非农产业发展,完善组织和管理增进民主及精神文明建设等方面提供解决问题思路,在发展中加以解决。

【Abstract】 Building a socialist new countryside is the CPC Central Committee made a major strategic decision is determined by the state party and the overall situation of the major historic task. It fully reflects the scientific development concept and building a harmonious society, covering the material basis for rural development, an important goal, the inherent requirements necessary to ensure that such conditions and political aspects, is a huge project. As a major agricultural province of Heilongjiang Province, building a new socialist countryside of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance is self-evident.This historical background starting from the new rural construction, proposed that the new rural social and economic development, new rural construction of meaning and significance. Heilongjiang Province for the construction of new rural research objectives of performance evaluation, that the construction of new countryside in Heilongjiang Province, opportunities and challenges.Performance opportunities for building a new countryside in Heilongjiang Province, the conditions favorable, the right time, there is support, security, environment, power enough.Constraints reflected in the Heilongjiang-based agricultural and rural poor, thin base, debts are more contradictions in the very prominent, agriculture and rural development is still in the difficult climbing stage, the new rural construction long way to go. Heilongjiang Province, pointed out the significance of building a new countryside and construction purposes.In this paper, the performance of Heilongjiang Province, the core of the new rural construction, divided into the following sections.The first part:the research background and significance. The main building of new countryside explained the historical background and practical significance, and describes the construction of new countryside in Heilongjiang Province, the significance of.Based on the sultan:the literature review and theoretical basis. Elaborated the theory of the construction of new countryside, clear construction of new socialist countryside in Heilongjiang Province, the significance and impact of development.The end:the historical, economic, institutional and policy analysis of four aspects of the construction of new socialist countryside in Heilongjiang Province, the status of investigation and analysis of Heilongjiang Province, the characteristics of a new socialist countryside construction.new rural construction in Heilongjiang Province, the history and current status of the analysis, evaluation of performance of building new countryside in Heilongjiang Province, Heilongjiang identify current constraints of the socialist new countryside construction factors. Focus on the following six areas:modernization of agricultural production; support of public welfare; village’s garden construction; village folk style civilization; democratic management of village affairs; their living off of. Conclusions and research prospects. Heilongjiang Province for the construction of new countryside and the presence of the main problems facing the opportunities for strengthening the performance evaluation of new rural construction ideas and effective way. Through the full text studies draw the appropriate conclusions. Full study of the limitations and prospects for future research necessary.Through research and empirical analysis has been the following simple theory and recommendations:first, Construction of new countryside in Heilongjiang Province, the focus can be summarized as "people’s livelihood and promote development, unique, sustainable," 12-character strategy. Then, it has a new wealth of theory and practice in rural areas, an important economic and political system constraints; initial results of new rural construction; Gannan Xing 14 mayor of the village and Shangzhi yimianpo Typical village for exemplary obvious.Basic recommendations:based on the fact of Heilongjiang Province, Economic development and rural public utilities together to strengthen the livelihood security of rural social construction and highlight the regional characteristics for non-agricultural industrie, wiht organizating and managementing the promotion of democracy and spiritual civilization maybe improve the New Rural Construction


