

Research on Influence Factors and Measures for the Development of Organic Tea in China

【作者】 张优

【导师】 鲁成银;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 有机农业作为一种遵循自然规律和生态循环的农业生产方式,在当今全球气候变化、不可再生资源的逐步耗竭的形势下,是人类实现低碳环保、食品安全、可持续发展战略目标的一项重要举措。有机茶开发是中国有机农业的典型代表,其健康发展对我国农业的可持续发展具有积极的指导意义。本文作者通过大量的资料查询、机构调研、问卷调查等多种途径,结合有机茶认证和推广的工作实践,运用实证分析、比较分析、定量分析与定性分析相结合等方法,在研究有机茶基本理论和国际有机农业发展的基础上,重点分析了影响中国有机茶产业发展的主要因素,通过SWOT分析总结出中国有机茶的发展优势、存在问题以及面临的机遇和挑战,提出中国有机茶产业发展的战略思路和对策。研究结果表明:1.与欧盟、美国等西方国家相比,我国有机农业起步迟,发展慢,在生产技术、标准体系、产业政策、市场规模等方面总体上还不够完善成熟。我国的认证认可制度至今尚未与国际接轨,严重影响了我国有机农产品的出口贸易。2.有机茶是我国有机农业的先驱者,产业发展速度相对较快,截止2010年12月31日,我国有机茶园(含转换)生产面积为4万公顷,产量3.0万吨,其中出口1.3万吨,内销1.7万吨,认证的企业超过650家。这主要归功于:一是国家相关产业政策的扶持,大大激发了劳动者的生产积极性;二是生产技术的研究和标准体系的建设,提高了有机茶的产业发展水平;三是专业机构的认证和推广,规范了有机茶的市场和管理。3.我国有机茶产业的可持续发展受到地域发展不平衡、市场认知度不高、政策不稳定、关键技术未突破和国际认可制度等诸多因素的影响。在当前倡导低碳农业,重视食品安全和国内外市场需求不断扩大的形势下,我国有机茶产业面临巨大的机遇和挑战。作者认为,我国有机茶产业应在吸收国外有机农业的先进经验的基础上,针对我国的实际情况,充分发挥各种优势条件,因地制宜地进行开发。4.结合我国有机茶发展现状,建议政府制定和实施合理有效的产业政策,强化科技支撑,开展有机茶生产关键技术的研究和示范推广;加强基础数据调查,突出整体规划;整合各方资源,组建有机茶战略联盟;加大宣传,提高民众对有机茶的认知度;强化对有机茶认证和市场的监督管理;积极开展国际合作争取国际认可,推动中国有机茶产业持续、健康、平衡发展。

【Abstract】 As a kind of agricultural mode in following the natural rules and ecosystem circulation, organic agriculture is the effective way to low carbon, environmental protection, food safety and sustainable development under the situation of global climates change and non-renewable resources depleting. The healthy development of organic tea, a typical representative of organic agriculture in China, has positive significance to the sustainable development of China’s agriculture.On the basis of organic tea theory and international organic agriculture research, the author analyzed the main influence factors of the development of China’s organic tea industry in material inquiry, institutions research, questionnaire investigation way with his work of organic tea certification. The strengths(S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), threats (T) of the development of China’s organic tea industry were summarized after analysis, and the ideas and countermeasures were put forward. The main results were summarized as follows:1. Comparing with EU, the United States and other western countries, China’s organic agriculture started late, and it is not perfect in production technology, standard system, industrial policy, market, etc. The certification and accreditation system of China has not been recognized by the Occident, which seriously restricts the export trade of China’s organic products.2. Being the front runner of China organic agriculture, the organic tea industry grew rapidly. By 31 December 2010, there were 40,000 ha organic (including conversion) tea farm in China and 30,000 tons organic tea products, including exported 13,000 tons and domestic 17,000 tons. The amount of organic licensers was more than 650. All these were attributed to three aspects. Firstly, the industrial policy greatly stimulated laborer’s production enthusiasm. Secondly, the technology and standard system research improved the level of the organic tea industry development. Finally, the professional certification body regulated the organic tea production rules and market management.3. The sustainable development of China’s organic tea industry is influenced by some factors including regional unbalanced, immature market, astable policy, key technology, international recognition system, etc. In the situation of advocating low carbon, attaching great importance to food safety and expanding of market demand, China’s organic tea industry is facing enormous challenges and opportunities. The author thinks that our organic tea industry should be based on absorbing foreign advanced experience of organic agriculture, give full play to all sorts of advantages, and adjust measures to local conditions of our country.4. According to the current situation of China’s organic tea development, some suggestions were put forward such as setting reasonable and effective industrial policy, promoting scientific support in key technology research and demonstration promotion, enhancing basic data survey and overall plan, integrating various resources into organic tea strategic alliance, increasing the propaganda and improving people’s awareness of organic tea, strengthening the organic tea market supervision and management, actively developing international cooperation. These can be ensured to promote the sustainable, healthy and balanced development of China’s organic tea industry.


