

Evaluation Research of Water Resource’s Sustainable Utilization in Huolin Gol City

【作者】 吴金亮

【导师】 姜文来;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农村与区域发展, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 水是生命之源,人类经济社会的发展都与水密切相关。石油、煤炭、有色金属矿石以及粮食等资源都可以通过国外进口或以其它资源替代解决。水资源没有可替代品,也不能以进口来解决,是一个国家的最重要战略资源。水资源是人类经济社会发展的生命线,是实现社会可持续发展的重要物质基础。随着全球人口的急剧增长和人类经济社会的快速发展,水资源匮乏已成为阻碍世界经济社会发展的最重要因素之一,水资源问题已日益引起世界各国的强烈关注。“水资源是基础自然资源,系生态环境的控制性要素;同时又是战略性经济资源,为综合国力的有机组成部分”。所有这些都说明了水资源的重要性。随着经济社会的发展,人们对水资源质量和数量的需求也越来越高,但是自然界所能提供的可用水资源量是有一定限度的,因此迫切需要解决水资源的供需综合平衡问题,从而进行产业结构优化配置,实现水资源的可持续利用。霍林郭勒市是一座新型能源工业城市,位于内蒙古自治区的东北部,属于水资源极不丰富地区,整个城市的水资源由地表水和地下水两部分组成,属于典型的工程型缺水城市,直接可利用的地表水水资源量十分有限。一方面,随着国家西部大开发及振兴东北老工业基地等各项措施的实施,霍林郭勒市凭借自身丰富的煤炭资源优势,重点发展煤电铝、煤化工、煤电硅等高耗能、高耗水产业,城市社会经济近两年出现了跨越式的发展,对水资源的需求越来越大,供需矛盾也日益突出。另一方面,近几年的自然干旱以及煤田的过度开采输排水导致霍林郭勒地区水资源严重短缺。水资源的短缺现象已成为制约霍林郭勒市经济社会发展的重要因素。本论文以霍林郭勒市为研究区域,重点研究该区域水资源可持续利用情况,并针对霍林郭勒市提出了一套城市水资源可持续利用的评价框架和指标体系,评价霍林郭勒市不同时期水资源可持续利用的情况,通过对比分析,可以了解霍林郭勒市过去和现状水资源利用的状况,并查找出水资源可持续利用过程中存在的问题,从而有针对性地提出对策建议来改进和实现霍林郭勒市水资源可持续利用。全文内容包括以下几个方面:(1)霍林郭勒市水资源利用概况。通过对霍林郭勒市城市水资源可持续利用现状的调查,了解霍林郭勒市水资源可持续利用基本情况、存在的问题及发展趋势。(2)霍林郭勒城市水资源可持续利用评价实例研究。结合霍林郭勒市水资源利用的实际情况,构建了霍林郭勒市水资源可持续利用指标体系和评价方法,评价霍林郭勒市不同时期水资源可持续利用状况。(3)霍林郭勒市水资源利用过程中存在的问题及相应对策。通过评价结果查找出霍林郭勒市水资源可持续利用过程中存在不足之处,并提出改进的意见和建议。

【Abstract】 Water is the resource of the life, and also is necessary for the human economic society. They all can be imported from other countries and be instead of other resources that the petrol、coral、non-ferrous metal mineral、grain and so on. But the water can not be instead of others or imported. It is the important and strategic resource for a country. The water is the lifeline for the development of the human being, and also realizes the Sustainable development of the important material base for the society.With the rapid rise of the global population and the rapid expansion of the human economic society, the pinch of the water resource has already been one of the most important factors to block the world economy development. More and more countries pay attention to the water resource in the world. The water resource is the basic of the natural resources and the Controlling factors of the environment. At the same time, it is also the strategic economic resource and is the organic part of the comprehensive national power. All of these can show the importance of the water resource. Along with the development of the economic society, the demand of the human is higher and higher for the quality and the quantity of the water resource. But the quantity of the water is a certain extant that the nature can provide. So the urgency is to solve the overall balance of supply and demand for the water resource. Accordingly, it also to realize the sustainable utilization of the water resource to adjust the industrial structure and optimize the resource distributionHuolin Gol city, locates in the northeast of Inner Mongolia, is a new energy industrial city and the pinch of the water. The water resource of the water is divided into the surface water and the ground water. The available quantity of the surface water is limited. One the one hand, as the implementation of the measures, such as countries of western development, promoting the northeast old industrial base and so on, Huolin Gol city rely on the rich coal resources to develop the High production water industry, such as Coal-electricity-aluminuum、coal chemical industry、Coal-electricity-silicon. Nearly two years, the demand of the water resource is more and more to leapfrog its economy. The contradiction between supply and demand on water has been increasing obviously, On the other hand, there are other reasons to lead to the shortage of the water in Huolin Gol city, such as the natural drought and the over-exploitation for the coal. The shortage of the water resource has already restricted the development of the economy in Huolin Gol city.The paper is based on the Huolin Gol city as the study area. It is the priority research area for the sustainable utilization of the regional water resources, and aim at Huolin Gol city to propose the determination of evaluation index system for the sustainable utilization. It can evaluate the condition of the different periods of the sustainable utilization in water resource. Through Comparative Study, it can show the past and current situation and find the problems of the water utilization. In this way, the human can give modified opinions and suggestions in the present situation to realize the sustainable utilization of the water resource. The full text includes the following:(1) The situation of the water resource in Huolin Gol city. We can know the basic information of the sustainable utilization of the water resource, find the problems and predicted its development tendency in Huolin Gol city.(2) The evaluation system and the case study of sustainable utilization of urban water resource in Huolin Gol city. Integrating the reality of the water utilization, we built that the evaluation system and the case study of sustainable utilization of urban water resource to evaluate the condition of the different periods in Huolin Gol city.(3)The present problems and the corresponding countermeasure in the process of water utilization in Huolin Gol city. Through the evaluate result, we can find the shortcomings in the sustainable utilization of urban water resource and put forward modified opinions and suggestions.

【关键词】 水资源利用评价对策
【Key words】 utilization of water resourceevaluatecountermeasure
  • 【分类号】TV213.4
  • 【下载频次】94

