

Effects of Decomposition Regularity of Green Manure Crops after Returning on Soil Fertility and Maize Yield

【作者】 刘宏伟

【导师】 曹卫东; 宿庆瑞;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业资源利用, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 苜蓿、草木樨是东北地区主要的绿肥兼牧草作物。本文研究了绿肥作物苜蓿、草木樨还田翻压后的腐解规律以及翻压做绿肥对土壤肥力和玉米产量的影响,为在东北粮食主产区发展绿肥作物提供技术和理论支持。研究采用田间试验、室内实验分析结合的方法,于2008-2010年在黑龙江省富裕县沈阳军区富裕农副业进行。苜蓿、草木樨茎叶埋入土壤后其干物质的腐解及氮、磷、钾的矿化规律具有相同的趋势,腐解速率与气温的高低成正比,在每年的7月-8月之间是腐解及矿化最快的时期;两种绿肥钾的矿化都是在第一年就矿化了96%以上。试验结果表明:苜蓿和草木樨生物量两年的分解率分别为87.54%、90.18%,苜蓿碳、氮、磷、钾两年的矿化率分别为88.91%、94.45%、84.12%、99.72%,草木樨碳、氮、磷、钾两年的矿化率分别为88.94%、85.52%、83.15%、99.82%。玉米苜蓿、玉米草木樨间种轮作可以提高土壤有机质的含量,各个处理土壤有机质增加最多的是玉米草木樨3:1间种轮作。各个处理土壤速效氮变化大致呈现出在玉米生长期缓慢增加,玉米收获后至第二年春播时再逐渐升高的趋势,各个处理土壤速效氮含量差异显著,含量最高、增幅最大的是玉米苜蓿2:1处理,含量达118.0 mg/kg,增加了19.8mg/kg。各个处理速效磷含量与速效氮含量变化基本一致,均高于对照,差异显著,玉米苜蓿1:1处理土壤速效磷含量最高、增幅最大,含量达35.5 mg/kg,增加了10.1mg/kg。绿肥翻压后在玉米整个生长过程中土壤速效钾含量普遍快速升高,而经过冬季后增加不明显,与试验开始时相比,各个处理土壤中速效钾含量均增加明显,增加最高的是玉米草木樨1:1处理,达206 mg/kg,增幅最大的是玉米苜蓿3:1处理最大,达55.6mg/kg,增幅37.0%。玉米苜蓿、玉米草木樨间种轮作玉米的生育状况明显改善、单产显著提高,玉米、苜蓿间种比例从小到大单产依次提高47.1%、33.5%和23.3%,玉米、草木樨间种比例从小到大单产依次提高38.5%、26.6%和22.1%。

【Abstract】 Alfalfa and sweet clover are the main green manure and forage grass crops in the Northeast. The purpose of study made sure that the decomposition regularity of alfalfa and sweet clover after turning over and the effect of soil fertility and maize yield as green manure after turning over. Development of major grain producing areas in the Northeast green manure crops to provide technical and theoretical support.The field tests and the indoor stimulation experiments were carried out in Administration of Agriculture Sideline Production Site of Fuyu Directly under the Regional Military Command of Shenyang of Fuyu county in Heilongjiang Province from 2008 to 2010.The decomposition regulation of dry matter and the mineralization regulation of N, P and K of alfalfa and sweet clover after turning over have the same tendency. The decomposition rate is proportional to temperture, so the fastest times between July and August. The K mineralization rate of two green manures were more than 96% in the first year. The dry matter decomposition of alfalfa and sweet clover were 87.54%,90.18% in two years, and C N P and K mineralization rate of alfalfa were 88.91%,94.45%,84.12% and 99.72% in two years, C N P and K mineralization rate of sweet clover were 88.94%,85.52%,83.15% and 99.82% in two years, respectively.Corn alfalfa and sweet clover rotation between the species which can increase soil organic matter content of treatment and improve the most is between 3:1 kind of corn sweet clover rotation. Changes in soil available nitrogen in all treatment generally showed slow increasing in the corn growing season, and after corn harvest until the second year spring had gradually increasing trendency. Each experiment with soil available nitrogen content was significantly different, and corn and alfalfa 2:1 treatment was higher than others,118.0mg/kg,and the largest increasing was corn and alfalfa 2:1 treatment,19.8mg/kg. Each experiment with Available phosphorus content had significant difference with CK and in basically the same with available nitrogen. The soil available phosphorus content of corn and alfalfa 1:1 treatment was higher than others,35.5mg/kg, and the largest increasing was corn and alfalfa 1:1 treatment, 10.1mg/kg.After turning over green manure, the available K content was generally fast in the whole growth, but had no significant increasing through the winter. Compared with the start of the trial, the available K content of each treatment were increased significantly, corn and sweet clover 1:1 treatment was higher than others, 206mg/kg, corn and alfalfa 3:1 was the largest of which 55.6 mg/kg, an increase of 37.0%.The intercropping of maize and green manure had a significant improvement in the growth and average per unit status of maize. The order of intercropping maize and alfalfa yield was 47.1%, 33.5% and 23.3%, and the order of intercropping maize and sweet clover yield was 38.5%,26.6% and 22.1% according to the width proportion from small to large.


