

The Inquiry into Training Status of the Peasantry in Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province

【作者】 姜仁刚

【导师】 王凤忠;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农村与区域发展, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着农村改革的不断深入和新农村建设的继续开展,提高农民的知识和创业技能成为当前的一个热点。农民培训不同于我们日常所接触到的业务、知识、特定内容的培训,它的特殊性在于它的培训对象,传统意义上的农民知识文化水平不高,经济收入来源相对单一,对他们的培训效果不明显,而随着时代的发展和社会的进步,新时代的农民相对于以前来讲已经有了很大的变化,他们虽然长期居住在农村,但他们具有一定的文化素质和学习创新能力,对新生事物有较强的接受能力,对知识表现出渴望,因此,系统规范的培训对他们来讲有着重要的意义。当前我国对于农民培训的探讨越来越多,在培训主体上大多数培训是政府主导,其次还有专业培训机构的培训,那么,培训的方式方法是否切合实际,培训内容与农民意愿是否一致都成为值得关注的问题。本文实地调研了辽宁瓦房店市的部分行政村,结合当前国内外的研究,采用理论研究和实证研究相结合的方法,系统阐述了新形势下农民培训理论,根据人力资本理论和公共产品理论,结合实际调研数据,分析了当前我国部分地区农民培训的现状及问题,借鉴其他国家现有的培训模式,对当前我国农民培训的模式提出了自己的见解,希望本文可以为提高当前农民培训效果起到积极作用。

【Abstract】 With the deepening of the reform and construction in rural area, improving peasants’ knowledge and ability currently becomes a hot topic. The farmer training is different from the daily work and knowledge that we know in the normal times. The particularity of farmer training is that the training object is traditional farmers who have no good education and relatively simple economic source of income. With the social development and progress, the peasant of new times have great difference from the previous ones. Though they live in the countryside for a long time, they have better cultural quality and better ability of innovation and acceptance of new things, and desire for more knowledge. So standard training system is significant for them.Recently, there is more and more discussion on the farmer training in our country. Most of farmer training is led by government, and some by professional institution of training. Then whether the way of training is practical and the training is in accord with peasants’ wishes is a cause for concern.Combined with the current domestic and foreign research and adopting both theoretical and empirical methods, this thesis systematically expounds the theory of farmer training in the new situation after surveying some administrative villages of Wangfangdian City, Liaoning Province. According to the theory of human capital and public product and combined with the actual survey data, this thesis analyzes the current status and problems of farmer training in some regions of our country. Learning from the existing farmer training models of other countries, this thesis puts forward a new idea about the ones of our country, hoping to improve the effect of the current farmer training.

【关键词】 新型农民农民培训模式
【Key words】 New FarmerFarmer TrainingModel
  • 【分类号】G725;F323.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】76

