

Pollutant Discharge Loads in Tiaoxi Inlet of Taihu Lake

【作者】 杨哲

【导师】 史惠祥;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 环境工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 苕溪是太湖的主要入湖河流之一。本文根据苕溪入湖口的污普资料、水质和水量监测资料,核定区域内的污染物排放量,分析苕溪入湖与太湖倒灌的水质、水量现状,计算污染物通量;并利用苕溪流域水质水量耦合模型,模拟不同水文年苕溪进出太湖的水质、水量及入湖口现有污染物减排措施对苕溪入湖水质改善效果。研究结果表明了在入湖口地区开展污染物减排工作的重要性,可为苕溪水污染控制和太湖综合治理提供数据支持。主要内容和结论如下:1、根据2008年污染物普查数据核定苕溪入湖口地区工业、城镇生活、畜禽养殖、水产养殖、农村生活以及农田径流等污染源的NH3-N、TP、TN排放量。结果表明,入湖口地区各污染物的年排放量为:CODCr 27965.21吨、氨氮1550.81吨、总磷270.63吨、总氮2742.96吨;近湖区单位面积排放量最高,主要污染来自城镇生活,缓冲区主要污染源为农村生活和农田径流,滨湖区无污染物排放。2、采用2005-2010年苕溪入湖河流小梅港、长兜港和大钱港的水质监测资料以及杨家埠和杭长桥两个水文基点站的径流量数据,分析苕溪入湖水质和水量现状,计算CODMn、NH3-N、TP和TN等污染物的入湖通量。结果显示,苕溪的入湖河流水质总体为Ⅲ类,首要污染物为TN;2005-2010年苕溪入湖水量为9.15×108~17.85×108m3,太湖倒灌水量为11.52×108~15.28×108m3;苕溪入湖的总氮通量较高,年均值为3400t/a。3、采用苕溪流域水质水量耦合模型,模拟不同水文年苕溪进出太湖的通量,并对入湖口污染物削减及水生态修复技术集成示范工程和依托工程进行水质改善预测。数据表明,在不同降雨保证率条件下,模拟的污染物通量变化较大;污染物削减及水生态修复技术集成示范工程对苕溪入湖水质改善尚不明显,而依托工程可实现水质改善8%左右。

【Abstract】 Tiaoxi River is one of the main inflow rivers around Taihu. Based on the census sources data of pollution, monitoring data on the water quality and water quantity about the lake inlet of Tiaoxi, the pollutant discharge quantity was calculated as well as the inflow and outflow water quality and water quantity of Tiaoxi were analyzed to calculate the pollutant fluxes. Tiaoxi basin’s coupling model of water quality and water quantity was applied to simulate the inflow and outflow water quality and water quantity of Tiaoxi in different hydrologieal years and the effect of water quality through measures for the lake inlet of Tiaoxi’s emission reduction in hand. The results showed the importance of waste reduction in this area and could provide supporting data for both Tiaoxi and Taihu basins’water pollution control. The main content and conclusion were given below.1. Based on the census sources data of pollution in 2008, the pollutant discharge quantity of CODMn, NH3-N, TP and TN from industrial source, town living source, livestock breeding source, aquaculture source, rural living source and farmland runoff source in the lake inlet of Tiaoxi were calculated. It is shown that the annual pollutant discharge quantities in the lake inlet of Tiaoxi were CODCr 27965.21t/a, NH3-N 1550.81 t/a, TP 270.63t/a, TN 2742.96t/a. The emissions per unit area in near-lake place were highest which were chiefly from town living source. The emissions per unit area in buffer zone were mainly from rural living source and farmland runoff source. There was no pollution source in the lakeside.2. Based on the monitoring data on the water quality of three main rivers round Taihu Lake(Xiao-mei Gang, Chang-dou Gang and Da-qian Gang) and on the water quantity of two staff gauge stations of Tiaoxi (Yang-jia Bu and Hang-chang Qiao) during 2005-2010, the water quality and water quantity of Tiaoxi were analyzed and Tiaoxi inflow rivers’pollutant fluxes of CODMn, NH3-N, TP and TN were calculated. The results showed that the water standard of each river was Class III and the chief contaminant was TN. During 2005-2010, the water quantity from Tiaoxi to Taihu Lake was 9.15×108~17.85×108m3 while which from Taihu to Tiaoxi was 11.52×108~15.28×108m3. The pollutant flux of TN was relatively high, whose average pollutant flux was 3400t/a.3. Tiaoxi basin’s coupling model of water quality and water quantity was applied to simulate Tiaoxi’s pollutant fluxes on different hydrological years as well as the water quality improvement through Poluution Reduction and Aquatic Ecological Restoration Project and Experimental Project in the lake inlet of Tiaoxi. It was shown that the simulated pollutant loads varied in different rainfall probability and Poluution Reduction and Aquatic Ecological Restoration Project made little contribution to inflowing water quality mend, whereas Experimental Project could achieve about 8% of water quality improving effect.

【关键词】 苕溪太湖污染物通量水质模拟
【Key words】 TiaoxiTaihuPollutant FluxWater-quality simulation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

