

Teaching Research of the Method of Combination of Figure and Chart for High School Students of Liberal Arts

【作者】 周剑利

【导师】 昌国良;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “数学是打开机会大门的钥匙。现在数学不再只是科学的语言,它以直接的和基本的方式为财政、保健、国防和商业做出贡献,它为学生打开职业大门;它使国民能做出有充分依据的决定;它为国家提供竞争技术经济的学问,为了充分参与未来世界,美国必须开发数学的力量。”这是美国研究会在其著名报告《人人关心:数学教育的未来》中的开篇辞。由此可见,数学的重要性,在中国一样,数学是一门重要的学科。数学教学的核心是思维教学。为了一切学生的全面发展,终生发展,为了三维目标的达成,教师应该始终坚持数学思想方法的教学。数形结合思想方法的教学是高中文科生数学教学的重中之重。在素质教育的背景下,多元智能理论和建构主义学习理论的指导下,本人通过对高中文科生数形结合思想方法的教学研究,总结出以下几点:第一,数形结合思想方法的教学方式,是适合高中文科生的数学教学方式,它能把形象思维和抽象思维结合起来,有利于提高学生的观察、比较、联想、综合、创造等能力。第二,数形结合思想的教学要遵循一般教学原则和数学思想方法教学原则。第三,根据建构主义学习理论,数形结合思想方法教学过程是以学生为中心,以学生的全面发展、终生发展为本位的过程式教学。具体到教学模式,我们可以采取引导探索式,自学指导式,小组合作式等等。第四,数形结合思想方法的教学策略:反复渗透——初步形成——综合运用,数形结合思想的灵活运用需要不断的长期的有意识的训练。第五,数形结合思想对思维品质的培养。数形结合思想方法的教学中,由数思形,由形想数,对思维的灵活性、广阔性、深刻性、批判性、周密性、创造性的培养都有很大的作用。第六,实践证明数形结合思想教学有利于高中文科生的数学教学。本人对两个相当的班级,进行了为期三个月的区别教学。其中一个班级,经常采用引导探索式的数形结合思想方法教学,最后测试二表明这个班不仅数形结合思想意识高于另一个班,而且对数学基本知识方法理解的更好,解题能力也提高了。

【Abstract】 Math is the key to the door of chances. Nowadays it’s not only a language of science, but makes direct and indirect contributions to finance, healthcare, national defense and commerce. It also offers an opportunity for students’employment, enables people to make right decisions on the basis of dependable information and provides the nation with rich knowledge of competitively technological economy. For the purpose of getting involved in the world’s affairs, Americans must develop math ability." Above is the preface of American Research Association’s report "Everyone’s concern:the Future of Math Education".As is seen above, math is of worldwide importance, so it is the same case in China. The core of math teaching is to teach people how to think. For all students’all-round and lifelong development and the reach of three-dimension goals, teachers are supposed to insist on the teaching method of thinking in a mathematic way. combination of figure and chart becomes the most important method for teaching students of liberal arts of high school.In the background of education for all-around development and under the instructions of multiple intelligence theory and constructivism, through the my personal study of combination of figure and chart for students of liberal arts of high school, my points come as follows:first, the method of combination of figure and chart is the best one for students of liberal arts of high school, which makes it possible for them to arouse their interest in studying math, make things simpler or easier and enable the imaginary thinking to be combined with abstract one. As a result of it, it is of great help for the improvement of students’abilities of observing, comparing, associative imagination, induction, creation and so on. Second, the method of combination of figure and chart follows the general teaching principles and the rules of teaching and thinking in a mathematic way. Third, according to the constructivism, the method of combination of figure and chart is centered on students, and their all-round and lifelong development. As for the details of teaching mode, we can put the methods of guidance, self-study and group cooperation into practice. Fourth, the teaching strategy of combination of figure and chart is repeated consolidation-original formation-comprehensive application, the flexible application of which takes a long time to get students trained intensively. Fifth, the idea of combination of figure and chart does good to the formation of thinking ability. In the context of combination of figure and chart, people have to change their thinking of chart when seeing figure and their thinking of figure when observing chart. It benefits a great deal the flexibility, width, depth, criticism, carefulness and creation of our thinking. Sixth, it proves the idea of combination of figure and chart is beneficial for teaching students of liberal arts of high school. I spent three months carrying out an experiment in two classes of equal study ability, the result of which is that one of the two following my idea of combination of figure and chart finally does better at thinking than the other one and their way of understanding math basic knowledge is enhanced as well.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】469

