

The Current Status Research and Practical Exploration of Pop Music’s Entering Secondary School Class

【作者】 周素梅

【导师】 郭声健;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 流行音乐进中学课堂,近年来不仅仅得到社会各界及中学音乐教师的重视,并逐渐成为音乐理论研究领域的热点。然而,纵观这些研究成果并未能真正触及流行音乐进课堂的问题所在。一般认为流行音乐进课堂只是流行歌曲的简单听赏,不能提高学生的音乐鉴赏能力;面对各色各样的流行音乐,没有系统的筛选和设计教学内容和教学方式;不能从文化的角度来看待流行音乐进中学音乐课堂,未能深入了解、掌握并发现流行音乐的教学活动中存在的问题。鉴于此,本文建立在实地调查基础之上,试图探讨有关流行音乐进课堂的一些较深层次的实践问题。文章共分现状研究和实践探索两部分。现状研究部分,设计调查问卷对中学生喜爱流行音乐的目的与动机、对流行音乐的态度与观念,对教材与教师教学的满意度、有关流行音乐的音乐兴趣与爱好、知识技能的掌握等问题有个全面的把握与认识。实践探索部分,则从流行音乐的欣赏教学和歌唱教学两个部分入手,从教学内容的选择、专题的设计、教学方式的探讨、学生的学习方式、课例分析几方面进行探索,以真正提高学生学习流行音乐的鉴赏能力,对一线的音乐教师也起到一个借鉴的作用。

【Abstract】 Letting pop music enter secondary class, which has not only got the great attention of society and music teachers in secondary, but also it has been the hot topic in music theory research area gradually. However, the current research achievement has not solved this problem actually. It is generally recognized that letting pop music enter music class is only the simple enjoyment of pop music which can not improve students’ music-appreciation ability; Even if all kinds of pop music enters music class, there is no systematic screening and teaching content designation and teaching method; People can not treat with this fact that pop music enters secondary class at the from the aspect of culture or recog nize or discover the existing problem in pop music teaching. Therefore, this article attempts to discuss relative more profound practical problems about this issue based on actual investigation. This article is divided into two part, current status research and practical exploration.Based on the secondary student-investigation of purpose and motivation about pop music, attitude and concept towards pop music, the part of current status research is to have a comprehensive recognition towards these problems, such as satisfaction of textbook and teaching, interest and hobbies on pop music, grasp of knowledge skills, etc.As for the part of practical exploration, it begins by appreciation teaching and singing teaching of pop music, explores from aspects of teaching content, thematic design, teaching method, learning method and lesson-analysis to improve students’appreciation ability of learning pop music truly, which will also be exemplifying function for teachers.

  • 【分类号】J605
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】359

