

The Interventional of Exhibition Space—The Research about the Exhibition Space

【作者】 史慧洋

【导师】 任绍辉;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳航空航天大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的进步和发展,我国博物馆行业正如雨后春笋般兴盛起来,博物馆行业成为一个社会文化素质水平发展的象征。但是当今大多数的博物馆的展示设计仍然是传统意义上的,是通常用来存放具有民族意义和历史意义的文化遗迹和具有审美价值物品的场所,可见博物馆与社会多样化相关联的社会意义没有得到充分的重视。本文在整理和归纳出当前我国博物馆展示设计中所呈现出的弊端和面临的困境的同时,站在当今大众心理的角度上进行分析研究,结合当今社会新的文化背景,改变从前的单一的博物馆展示设计形式,在原有的设计基础上,探讨在博物馆展示设计中运用“介入”手段的重要性,从而挖掘出原本的展示空间的“介入性”,在介入新的元素和新的体系之后,能够丰富博物馆展示设计的形式和功能,使展示设计元素与观者、建筑本身、展品以及社会需求之间进行相互作用,能够更方便快捷,更直观地进行交流、沟通、融合、互动。并且使博物馆展示设计最终达到信息传递,与社会环境相沟通的目的,体现博物馆展示设计中多元化的重要意义。

【Abstract】 With social progress and development, our industry of the museum are springing up prospered, it has become a symbol of development level of a social and cultural. But nowadays most of the museum display design is still in the traditional sense; it usually used for keeping with aesthetic value items and cultural heritage of national and historical significance, social significance of museum bears on social diversity has not been fully appreciated.Through summing up the museum design defects and problems facing, this paper will change a single design form of museum with researching from common standpoint and the present new culture backgrounds. On the basis of original design, the significance of intervention about museum design will be discussed, and so the original intervention inherent to museum display space will be dug out. The new elements and the new system can enrich the design form and function of museum. And display design elements, visitors, the structure itself, exhibits and social demands can be linked together, and they can become more convenient and easier to carry out the exchange, communication, integration and interaction. In the paper, museum design can finish the purpose of conveying information and social communication and show the significance of the design of diversification.

【关键词】 博物馆展示设计介入性
【Key words】 MuseumExhibition DesignIntervention

