

Research on the Community Services Obligations of Financial Institution-Centering on Car

【作者】 杨楠

【导师】 汪鑫;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 经济法学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 美国《社区再投资法》是世界上唯一赋予了金融机构社区服务义务的法律。其立法背景是由市场失灵、种族歧视等原因引起的“划红线”拒贷现象,这种现象使得美国中低收入社区的居民的信贷需求无法获得满足。美国《社区再投资法》规定,“受监管的金融机构在安全和稳健经营的前提下,有义务持续地满足所在社区的信贷需求,特别是中低收入社区的信贷需求。”实施了30多年的《社区再投资法》,提高了金融机构在中低收入社区的放贷比例、增加了中低收入社区信贷的流动性,有效地改善了美国金融排斥的状况。目前,世界各国都在致力于治理金融排斥,建立金融包容体系。例如,英国和澳大利亚等国家主要采用以市场自由为导向的治理方式,与美国以政府强制性干预立法的形式不同,政府充当的是提供者和引导者的角色。这些国家采取政府与金融机构合作、行业协会引入自愿性约法等措施治理金融排斥问题,但是收效不大。我国目前存在严重的金融排斥问题,在发展中国家居于首位,中低收入地区和居民存在信贷不足和难以享用基本金融服务的情况。为了解决治理金融排斥的难题,我国政府实施了很多举措,但是这些举措都只是停留在政策层面,并没有上升到制度层面,以致收效甚微。笔者认为,应当借鉴美国《社区再投资法》,赋予我国金融机构社区服务义务。以强制性政府干预的正当性和金融机构的企业社会责任这两个方面为确立金融机构社区服务义务的法理依托,从金融机构社区服务义务对义务主体的界定、金融机构社区服务义务对义务范围的界定、金融机构社区服务义务对社区的界定、立法形式、监管和评估以及履行方式等方面全面确立我国金融机构社区服务义务。

【Abstract】 The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of the United Station is the only one which endues with the community services obligations to financial institution. The legislative background of that is:the invalid market and racial discrimination leaded to lone rejected in redlining, what severely affected the credit requirements of low- and moderate-income communities and borrowers. The Community Reinvestment Act of the United Station regulated financial institutions have continuing and affirmative obligation to help meet the credit needs of the local communities in which they are chartered, especially for low-and moderate-income communities. The Community Reinvestment Act has been carried out for more than 30 years; it has increased the lending ratio in low- and moderate-income communities; has increased the mobility of the community credit; has effectively improved financial exclusion in the United Station. Nowadays, all the countries in the world are committed to tackle financial exclusion and provide financial inclusion. For instant the United Kingdom and Australia deal with financial exclusion with market-orientated. Differencing from mandatory legislation in the United Station, their governments act as provider and guider which cooperate with financial institutions and help industry association to make their own voluntary rules. But all the measures have little effect.Our country now have serious financial exclusion problem, it’s severity is on the top in developing countries, low- and moderate-income communities have difficulties in lack of credit and financial services using. Our country takes many measures to try to resolve financial exclusion, but these measures are only policies, so they are useless. The author believes, we should reference community reinvestment act in the United Station:gives the community services obligations to financial institution. By using the theories of ’The legitimacy of the mandatory government intervention’ and ’Corporate social responsibility’ establish the community services obligations to financial institution in obligation subject, obligation range, community defined, legislation model, supervision and assessment, performance model.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

