

The Research of Peng Dehuai’s Party Spirit and Self-cultivation

【作者】 刘先德

【导师】 黄东桂;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 彭德怀是中国共产党、中国人民解放军的杰出领导人之一,也是中华人民共和国的主要缔造者之一,他为中国人民的独立和解放鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已,受到了全党、全军和全国各族人民的爱戴和敬仰。本文通过研究彭德怀的人生轨迹,分析他崇高的党性修养,挖掘他人格品质中最具有特色的部分之一。以丰富人们对他的认识。彭德怀的党性修养是在他不断地为民族和人民奋斗、不断地研读马克思主义的理论著作、不断地勇挑重担、敢为人先的人生实践过程中形成和发展的。他的党性修养,主要来源于他对共产主义理想的坚定信念和对广大人民群众的深厚感情,这是彭德怀世界观、人生观、价值观的集中体现。本文通过研究史料,概括彭德怀的党性修养所包含的内容,其中最具有特色和代表性的有:“对共产主义信仰的忠贞”;“密切联系群众,廉洁奉公”;“实事求是,一切从实际出发”;“坚韧不拔,顾全大局”,并归纳了彭德怀的党性修养的历史贡献。中国共产党十七届四中全会明确把党的建设摆在了当前工作的首要位置,将要健全权力运行制约和监督机制。笔者希望通过对彭德怀的党性修养的研究,不仅丰富对彭德怀的认识,而且可以让广大党员及领导干部树立以人为本的理念,并对当代党的作风建设和党员队伍建设给出一些启示。

【Abstract】 Peng dehuai was communist party of China, the Chinese people’s liberation army distinguished leaders, and also one of the main founder of the People’s Republic of China for the Chinese people, one of his independence and liberation dedicated, responsibility, which was the party, the army and the people of all nationalities liked and admired. This article through studies peng dehuai life trajectory, the analysis of his high party spirit and self-cultivation, dig his most distinctive character in one of the part. With rich people to his knowledge.The Peng dehuai’s party spirit and self-cultivation was for national he constantly struggle with people, and constantly studying marxism theory works, constantly heavy burdens and dare to be the first task in the process of practice of life of formation and development. His party spirit and self-cultivation, mainly comes from his communist ideal and belief of the masses of deep affection, this is peng dehuai world outlook, the outlook on life and values of the centralized embodiment. This paper, through studying the historical data, summarized peng dehuai contained party spirit and self-cultivation of content, one of the most distinctive and representative of a:"the belief of communism loyalty"; "Close ties with the masses, clean and honest"; "Seeking truth from facts, proceeding from reality"; "Perseverance wagging the dog", and summarizes the peng dehuai contribution to the history of the party spirit and self-cultivation.The 17th session of fourth plenary meeting of the communist party of China in the party’s construction clear the current working first position, will sound power restriction and supervision mechanism. I hope that through the party spirit and self-cultivation of peng dehuai, not only enrich the research of peng dehuai understanding, and can let the party members and cadres establish people-oriented concept, and to contemporary the party’s style construction and the party member troop construction give some enlightenment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

