

A Study on the Long-Trem Operating Mechanism of University Counterpart Support

【作者】 谢能重

【导师】 李露;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 2001年5月教育部印发《关于实施“对口支援西部地区高等学校计划”的通知》(教高[2001]2号),高校对口支援计划正式启动。十年来,该计划的实施取得了巨大的成就,但运行中也出现了目标不突出、运行动力不足、协调不深入、约束机制缺失等问题,影响了计划的长效运行,因此构建一个长效的运行机制显得尤为迫切。本研究围绕如何构建高校对口支援长效运行机制,从以下几个方面展开。首先,对实施高校对口支援计划的原因和意义进行分析。计划的实施,是科教兴国战略、西部大开发战略的人才需求和转变东西部高校发展失衡的局面的要求,为西部高校的发展提供了动力,对促进东西部高校发挥各自的比较优势,实现合作共赢有着积极的现实意义。经过不断实践完善,高校对口支援已成为我国帮助落后地区发展高等教育的一项重大的制度创新,对于进一步提高我国高等教育质量,促进我国高等教育全面、协调、可持续发展,实现教育公平,有着深远的理论意义。其次,从目标管理理论和高等教育可持续发展理论入手,以广西“高校对口支援计划”为案例,着重调研分析广西大学对口支援钦州学院的运行现状,查找计划运行中存在的问题。最后,尝试从目标机制、动力机制、协调机制和约束机制四个方面构建高校对口支援长效运行机制:第一,目标机制。在政府主导下,加强对口支援双方高校及受援高校所在地政府(以下简称地方政府)在高校对口支援政策目标制定过程中的参与度,将目标从内容和时间两个维度层层分解,突出重点。第二,动力机制。建立“高校对口支援专项基金”,引导对口支援双方高校明确工作重点和合作项目,经申请同意,由“基金”给予专项支持。鼓励对口支援双方高校加强与地方政府及他们彼此间的合作,发挥各自的比较优势,搭建合作共赢的平台,为高校对口支援注入动力。第三,协调机制。对外,协调诸多相关政策与高校对口支援政策、地方政府与“政府-支援高校-受援高校”系统的关系,寻求更多的支持;对内,进一步完善“重心下移”和现有协调机制,促进高校对口支援工作深入到学科(项目)对学科(项目)的对口支援,减少协调环节,保证高校对口支援运行顺畅,提高效率。第四,约束机制。建立督导和评估机制,加强对高校对口支援工作的监督。建立责任落实和奖惩机制,在“政府-支援高校-受援高校”系统内将高校对口支援目标分工到户、层层落实。综合以上,本研究提出了以政府为主导,对口支援双方高校为主体,高校对口支援专项基金为导向,地方政府提供支持的高校对口支援长效运行机制。

【Abstract】 The Ministry of Education issued<the Circular of Implementing Counterpart Support Plan about the Western Universities>(Department of Higher Education [2001]2) on May 2001.Plan of University Counterpart Support was officially launched. For decades, the program has made great achievements in the implementation. However, in the operation, problems of insignificant targets, insufficient running force, poor coordination, lack of constraint mechanism and others influenced the efficient running of the plan in the long term. Therefore, constructing a long-term operation mechanism is particularly urgent.This dissertation aims at revealing that how to construct a long-term operation mechanism, which is as follows:First of all, it is necessary to analyze the causes and significance of implementing the plan of University Counterpart Support. The implementation of the plan is requested by the talent demand of "Through Science and Education Strategy" and "Western Development Strategy". It is also the needs of changing the situation of the imbalanced development between eastern and western universities. Such implementation, which provides the propulsion to the development of western universities, has a positive and practical significance of playing the comparative advantages of eastern and western universities and achieving win-win cooperation. With the constant practical improvement, University Counterpart Support which can help backward regions in our country develop higher education has become a major institutional innovation. It has far-reaching theoretical significance in further improving the quality of higher education, promoting our higher education to develop comprehensively, cooperatively and continuously. Not to mention that equitable education can be achieved.Secondly, based on the theory of "Management by Objectives" and "Sustainability in Higher Education", this dissertation takes "the plan of University Counterpart Support in Guangxi" as a case, focusing on investigating and analyzing the operational status of Qinzhou College which is the counterpart of Guangxi University and finding problems in the running program.Finally, this dissertation is tried to show how to constructing a long-term operation mechanism from the four aspects such as target system, power system, coordination and restraint mechanisms:First, target system. Under the guidance of the government, participation of both sides of the universities and the government in which recipient universities exists (in the next content, writes it as "the local government") should be added in the progress of formulating the political target of university counterpart support. Meanwhile, the target will be decomposed from the dimensions of both time and content, highlighting the focal point.Second, power system. "The special fund of University Counterpart Support" should be set up to lead both sides of the universities to understand the working highlights and cooperation program. Based on the agreed application, the special support was given by "the special fund". It encourages both sides of the universities to strengthen the cooperation between them and the local government. Then, injecting a powerful impetus for university counterpart support to play their respective comparative advantages and build a platform of win-win cooperation.Third, coordination mechanism. For the external part, the relationships which are relevant policies and policies of university counterpart support, the local government and "government-support universities-aided universities" should be cooperated, seeking for more supports; For the internal part, "Gravitation Downscaling" and current coordination mechanism should be further improved, promoting the work of university counterpart support to go deep into discipline(project) and discipline(project) and decreasing the links of cooperation. Owing to what mentioned above can guarantee the program to run auspiciously, increasing the efficiency.Fourth, restraint mechanism. Supervision and evaluation mechanisms should be set up to enhance the supervision for the work of university counterpart support. "Responsibilities ascertained" and "rewards and punishments" mechanisms should be established. In the system of "government-support universities-aided universities", the target of university counterpart support should be ascertained for everyone.To sum up, this study raised a long-term operation mechanism which saw government as a dominant, both sides of the universities as a subject, the special fund of university counterpart support as a guide, receiving supports from the local government.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

