

Principle and Implementation of Business Support System Management Based on J2EE

【作者】 李晓薇

【导师】 徐小龙;

【作者基本信息】 南京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 电信业务支撑系统是企业IT体系的核心,系统在传统业务受理、品牌经营、C网承接、融合业务发展、3G业务支撑等过程中发挥了巨大的作用,以其强大的支撑服务能力得到了广大营销人员的认可。随着全业务经营推进速度加快,客户个性化需求不断增加,BSS系统在融合业务支撑、简单快捷受理、客户消费引导、多渠道协同等方面都面临新的挑战,广大一线人员也对简化系统操作提出新的要求。本课题中的电信业务支撑系统需要实现的目标应以中国电信企业运营目标为指导,最终成为实现企业运营目标的有力支撑手段,并在“聚焦客户的全业务运营的信息化创新战略”指导原则下,实现电信业务支撑系统优化的目标。本课题首先从系统的课题背景,系统实现目标,技术架构基础和系统分析切入,论述系统的设计思想,遵循的设计模式,技术架构的优越性。对各个子系统的统一管理系统进行详细分析说明。最后,提出系统中存在的不足之处,并对此进行前景展望。本课题的重点工作是采用了J2EE体系架构来实现了电信业务支撑系统管理模块,对于系统模块进行了结构上的细化分析和设定,系统的颗粒度设计也同时达到了安全性和有效性的要求,对于各个使用系统的用户的权限能进行到按钮级的精确控制,极大的提高了系统的安全性和可靠性,使得此模块达到了高可用性、高可靠性以及可扩展性的应用的需求。通过提供统一的开发平台,降低了开发多层应用的费用和复杂性,同时提供了对各个接口应用程序强有力的集成支持,增强了安全机制,提高了系统性能。

【Abstract】 Telecom business support system is the core enterprise IT system,system in traditional business application, brand management,network to undertake, fusion of business development, 3G business support plays an important role. With its powerful support service capacity has been recognized by the broad sale personnel. Along with the whole business of advance speed, personalized customer demand increases ceaselessly, BSS system in the fusion of business support, simple and quick acceptance, consumer guide, much channel coordination etc are facing new challenges, the majority of personnel to simplify the system operation put forward new requirements.In this paper the telecom business support system needs to achieve the goal should be to China telecom enterprise operation target as guidance, eventually became the enterprise operation target and powerful support means, and in "focus on customers full service operation informationization innovation strategy" guiding principle, realization of telecom business support system optimization.The first issue from the system background of the topic, the system to achieve a goal, technology infrastructure and systems analysis perspective, discusses the design ideas of the system, followed by the design of mode, technology structure superiority. On the various subsystems of the unified management system detailed analysis. Finally, the proposed system deficiencies, and this prospect.The point of this paper is using the J2EE system architecture to achieve the telecom business support system management module, the system module structure refinement analysis and setting, system size design also reached safety and efficacy requirements, for all users of the system permissions to button the precise control, greatly improve the safety and reliability of the system, the module to achieve high availability, high reliability and scalability of applications. By providing a unified development platform, reduces the development of multi-tier application cost and complexity, and provides the interface application program powerful integrated support, enhanced security mechanism, improving the performance of the system.

【关键词】 业务支撑J2EE系统管理
【Key words】 business supportJ2EEsystem management
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】36

