

The Research of Equipment Condition Monitoring Issue

【作者】 江香云

【导师】 吴国忠; 丁健;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 电气工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 为适应未来经济社会发展的需要,保障安全、经济、高效、可持续的电力供应,结合电网发展新趋势,国内外各国政府均开展了智能电网研究工作。智能变电站具有“先进、可靠、集成、低碳、环保”等特征。变电设备状态监测系统是智能变电站的重要建设内容,但在智能变电站中如何选择设备状态监测装置、如何实现设备状态监测系统的整合,需要进行进一步的深入研究。本课题针对典型的智能变电站探讨高压设备状态监测装置配置方案,主要完成如下内容:(1)研究国内外设备状态监测装置的监测原理,各个装置的监测范围,提出现阶段智能变电站设备状态监测的配置方案。(2)分析智能变电站的分层分区系统结构情况,提出建设统一的设备状态监测一体化后台系统方案。(3)对智能变电站采用状态监测系统后的故障诊断优势和投资因素分析,对设备状态监测系统进行技术经济举例分析。

【Abstract】 In order to meet the needs of future economic and social development, protect the security, economic, efficient and sustainable supply of electricity, combined with new trends of power grid, domestic and foreign governments have carried out research on the intelligent grid.Intelligent Substation has "advanced, reliable, integrated, low-carbon, environmentally friendly" and other features. Equipment condition monitor ing system is an important part of intelligent substation construction. How to choose the equipment condition monitor ing device, how to achieve the integration of equipment condition monitoring system. These require further in-depth study for intelligent substation. This topic is for discussion on intelligent substation of typical high pressure equipment condition monitoring device configuration, the main job of the following areas:(1) Study monitoring principle and range of equipment condition monitoring device, the paper proposed the configuration program for intelligent substation equipment condition monitoring at this stage.(2) Analysis of the hierarchical partition of intelligent substation, the paper proposed construction of a unified integrated back-office systems for equipment condition monitoring.(3) Analysis of the fault diagnosis advantages and investment factor of intelligent substation using condition monitoring system, for example analysis of Equipment condition monitoring systems for technical and economic。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

