

Researches and Applications of Smart Distribution Grid Information System Integration

【作者】 胡俊杰

【导师】 吴国忠; 王彬栩;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 电气工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 智能电网已成为当前国内外电力领域的研究热点,国家电网公司结合中国电网特点,提出了坚强智能电网的概念。智能配电网是智能电网的重要组成部分。本文以宁波电业局海曙区智能配电网试点建设为研究背景,本项目的目标是建成集成型配电自动化系统,实现智能配网的信息系统集成应用以解决“信息孤岛”问题并提高信息应用的能力和效率。论文通过对智能电网规划和建设的要求,重点提出了智能配电网的信息系统集成应用在该项目中的重要作用和重大意义,提出了智能配电网信息系统集成的原则、研究的方向、建设的目标和预期达到的效果等。重点研究建立符合IEC61970/61968要求的信息交互总线。研究实时/历史数据库系统(PI系统)和地理信息系统(GIS),从而有效集成生产管理系统(PMS)、营销管理系统(CIS)、95598、用电信息采集等系统,使整个信息管理大区能够紧密结合、协同工作。充分利用PI系统和GIS系统的数据整合优势,从智能配网信息管理角度出发研究建立停电管理系统、配电图形管理系统、配电离线分析应用系统等应用系统,为整个信息管理大区提供应用层面的支撑体系。该项目的研究为构建完整的智能配电网系统提供了重要的技术保障,为其他地区的智能配电网建设中的信息系统集成应用提供经验和理论支持。

【Abstract】 Smart grid to become the current domestic and foreign research focus in the field of electric power, the state grid corporation of China power grid with characteristics, puts forward the concept of intelligent strong power grid. Intelligent distribution network is an important part of the intelligent power grid. This paper takes ningbo haishu district intelligent distribution network power bureau for pilot construction research background, the goal is to build an integrated power distribution automation system, intelligent network information system and integrated application of information islands to solve problems and improve the capability and efficiency of information application.Paper through to the intelligence power grid planning and construction requirements, focuses on the intelligence of the distribution network information system integration in the project application to the important role and significance, and puts forward the intelligent distribution network information system integration of the principles, the research direction of the construction of the target, and expected to reach the effect. Key research establishment conforms to IEC61970/61968 required information interaction bus. The real-time/historical database system (PI system) and geographic information system (GIS), thus effectively integrated production management system (PMS), marketing management system (CIS),95598, electricity information collection, system, make the whole information management regional can combine closely, work together. Make full use of PI system and the GIS system of data integration advantage, from intelligence to the network information management perspective research to establish a power outage management system, power distribution graphics management system, power distribution offline analysis application system, application system, for the whole information management to provide the support system application layer region. A study for the construction of a complete intelligent distribution network system provides the important technical support, for other areas of intelligent power distribution network in the construction of information system and integrated application experience and provide theoretical support.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】TM76;TP315
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】447

