

【作者】 李燕

【导师】 汪炳良;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 园艺学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 茎瘤芥(Brassica juncea var. tumida Tsen et Lee)是中国特产蔬菜,以其为原料加工而成的榨菜滋味鲜美,风味独特,深受广大消费者的喜爱。芥子油苷是十字花科植物中一种重要的次生代谢物质,它具有广泛的生物学功能,其降解产物与植物风味、抗病虫性等有关。目前已经鉴定的芥子油苷有120多种,但关于茎瘤芥中芥子油苷的报道还比较少。本研究以茎瘤芥13个品种为材料,在现蕾期分根、瘤状茎、功能叶、花蕾取样,测定了芥子油苷组分及其含量,研究了茎瘤芥芥子油苷组分和含量的品种和器官间差异,主要结果如下:(1)在茎瘤芥不同品种和器官中均检测到9种芥子油苷,其中脂肪族芥子油苷4种(2-丙烯基芥子油苷、3-丁烯基芥子油苷、1-甲基丙基芥子油苷和1-甲基丁基芥子油苷),吲哚族芥子油苷4种(4-羟基吲哚基-3-甲基芥子油苷、吲哚基-3-甲基芥子油苷、4-甲氧吲哚基-3-甲基芥子油苷和1-甲氧吲哚基-3-甲基芥子油苷),芳香族芥子油苷1种(2-苯基乙基芥子油苷)。(2)13个茎瘤芥品种根、瘤状茎、功能叶、花蕾中总芥子油苷含量依次为2.360-20.155μmol·g-1DW、15.544-46.052μmol·g-1DW、35.808-96.259μmol·g-1DW和79.762-130.831μmol·g-1DW。四个器官间总芥子油苷含量存在显著差异,蕾中含量最高,其次是叶片,再次是瘤状茎,根中含量最低,瘤状茎、功能叶和花蕾中芥子油苷总量分别是根部的1.1倍、3.8倍和5.8倍。(3)13个茎瘤芥品种根中芥子油苷以2-苯基乙基芥子油苷和2-丙烯基芥子油苷含量为主,分别占根中芥子油苷总量的39.18%和34.16%;茎瘤芥瘤状茎、功能叶和花蕾中均以2-丙烯基芥子油苷为主,分别占瘤状茎、功能叶和花蕾芥子油苷总量的90.24%、93.74%和92.94%。茎瘤芥根、瘤状茎、功能叶和花蕾中芥子油苷组分的含量在品种间存在显著差异。品种08A-124根中的2-苯基乙基芥子油苷、2-丙烯基芥子油苷含量较高,分别为10.194和5.801μmol g-1DW,叶中的2-丙烯基芥子油苷的含量为92.359μmol g-1DW,显著高于其他参试品种。品种08A-131、08A-133茎中2-丙烯基芥子油苷含量较高,都在40μmol g-1DW以上,是含量较低品种08A-53和08A-141的三倍左右。同时,08A-131叶中2-丙烯基芥子油苷的含量也较高。(4)芥子油苷存在三种类型,即脂肪类、吲哚类、芳香类。茎瘤芥不同器官间三种类型的芥子油苷含量存在差异。根中三个种类的芥子油苷分布比较均匀,分别为总含量的40.16%、27.23%、32.61%。而茎、叶、蕾中都是脂肪类占绝大部分,分别占到了93.80%、97.09、96.60,其他两种含量很少。

【Abstract】 Tuber mustard(Brassica juncea var. tumida Tsen et Lee) is an original Chinese vegetable that can be processed into a very delicious food with special flavor called Zhacai. Glucosinolates are important natural plant products found mainly in Brassicaceae family. The hydrolysis products have many different biological activities, such as characteristic bitter flavor and defense compounds. In order to analyze the glucosinolate (GS) composition and content in various organs and varieties of tuber mustard, tissues of roots, swollen stems, leaves and floral buds of thirteen varieties were sampled at floral bud emergence stage. A total of nine glucosinolates were detected in different varieties and various organs, including four aliphatic glucosinolates (2-Propenyl GS,3-Butenyl GS,1-Methylpropyl GS and 1-Methybutyl GS), four indolyle glucosinolates (4-Hydroxyindol-3-ylmethyl GS, Indol-3-ylmethyl GS,4-Methoxyindol-3-ylmethyl GS and 1-Methoxyindol-3-ylmethyl GS), and one aromatic glucosinolate (2-phenylethyl GS). Total glucosinolate contents in roots, swollen stems, leaves and floral buds ranged from 2.360 to 20.155μmol·g-1DW、15.544 to 46.052μmol·g-1 DW、35.808 to 96.259μmol·g-1 DW and 79.762 to 130.83lμmol·g-1DW respectively. Floral buds contained the highest concentration, followed by leaves, swollen stems and roots.2-phenylethyl GS and 2-Propenyl GS were the major glucosinolate in roots, accounting for 39.18% and 34.16% of the total root glucosinolates, respectively. The major glucosinolate in swollen stems, leaves and floral buds was 2-Propenyl GS, accounting for 90.24%、93.74% and 92.94% of the total glucosinolates, respectively. Significant differences of total and individual glucosinolates levels were abserved among different organs and varieties. The varieties (08A-124,08A-131,08A-133) showed the highest 2-Propenyl GS or 2-phenylethyl GS content. So, they could be good candidates for future breeding programs. There are also obvious differences in glucosinolate types between four organs. In root, indole, aliphatic and aromatic glucosinolates shared a approximately proportion of total GS content, while the aliphatic glucosinolates were relatively abundant in the other three organs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】S637.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】47

