

Globalization Marketing Strategy of Minority Film Studio

【作者】 吴鹏

【导师】 张智荣;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古财经学院 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新中国成立后十几年,我国少数民族聚居地区“小而全”的电影制片厂相继筹建并正式成立,少数民族电影逐步走进了观众的视野。虽然当时电影作品主旋律是体现国家意志,表达意识形态,但少数民族电影制片厂的作品同时也负担着记录民族生活、反映民族心理、表达民族美学的责任。由于民族艺术和民族风情的完美融合,为少数民族电影制片厂的电影作品提供了更多的欣赏元素,进而赢得了全国人民的喜爱。《十天》、《阿丽玛》等一批脍炙人口的电影红遍了当时的大江南北。少数民族电影制片厂为我党的宣传事业和电影产业的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。随着我国市场化的不断深入,我国的文化产业也进行了相应的改革,尤其是在电影产业方面,打破了过去中影的“大包大揽”,电影制片厂作为一种文化产业主体,开始独立承担它的经济风险,同时享有它的经济利润。经历了改革初期的阵痛,转企改制后的电影制片厂逐步焕发了活力,取得了骄人的成绩。同时人民生活水平的提高也带动了电影市场的发展,我国电影市场正迎来发展的“黄金十年”。反观曾在我国电影史上获得过无数荣誉的少数民族电影制片厂当前却举步维艰,长期的计划体制,禁锢了管理者的思想,面对汹涌而来的市场经济显得无所适从。而且少数民族电影制片厂自身历史积弊较多,机制惰性严重、内耗纷争不断,这些都严重阻碍了少数民族电影制片厂的发展。与实力强大的国内电影集团相比,少数民族电影制片厂已走到边缘,只能依靠政府扶持和电影以外的第三产业来维持运作,所以少数民族电影制片厂的转企改制势在必行。但是由于少数民族电影制片厂自身的原因,转企改制还具有一定的盲目性,目的性不强。转企改制之后如何发展,是当前少数民族电影制片厂面临的一个难题。少数民族电影制片厂是我国电影产业中不可缺少的一个重要部分,本文对少数民族电影制片厂外部情况和自身的情况进行了系统分析,提出了转企改制后的少数民族电影制片厂切实可行的营销战略,同时通过战略实施步骤,把营销战略层层细分,以符合少数民族电影制片厂不同发展阶段的需要。期望此研究能为我国少数民族电影制片厂的发展提供一些有价值的建议和参考。

【Abstract】 Ten years after the founding of New China, China’s ethnic minority areas with "small" and build film studios have been formally established, the film gradually into the minority view of the audience. At the time, the main theme of the film works is the expression of national will, the expression of ideology, but also the burden of minority film records of national life, reflecting the national psychology and aesthetic expression of national responsibility. The national art and ethnic customs of the perfect integration of the minorities enjoy the film provides more elements, and then win the national people’s favorite. "Under the Mountain Wreath", "five" and a number of popular movies popular at the time of the river north and south. Minority Film Studio as the cause of the Party’s publicity and film industry made an indelible contribution.With the constant deepening of China’s market, China’s cultural industry has also carried out corresponding reforms, especially in the film industry, the breaking of the past Film of "taking on everything", the film studio as a subject of cultural industries Started independently of its economic risks, while enjoying its economic profit. Experienced the pains of the early reform period, after the reform and Transformation studio gradually vigor, and achieved remarkable results. At the same time improve people’s living standard has also led to the film market, the development of China’s film market is ushering in the "golden ten years"The other hand, the history of cinema in China’s ethnic minorities has received numerous honors current studio is difficult, long-term planning system, detained the managers thought the face of turbulent market economy appears to come from nothing. Minority Film Studio, and more long-standing abuse of their own history, mechanism of inert serious internal friction disputes, as these have seriously hampered the development of minority film studios. And strength compared to a strong domestic film group, film studios have come to the edge of minorities can only rely on government support and the film other than to maintain the operation of the tertiary industry, so minorities as enterprise film studio’s potential in the inevitable. However, due to the reasons for their own ethnic studio, turn into enterprises also have a certain blindness, the purpose is not strong. How to develop after transfer into enterprises, is currently a minority problem facing studio.Minority Film Studio is indispensable to China’s film industry is an important part of this paper the situation of minorities and their own film studio outside the case of a systematic analysis is presented as enterprise film studio after the minority Practical marketing strategy, through implementation of the strategy steps, the sub-layers of marketing strategies to meet the minority studios the different needs of different stages of development. Expect this film studio for the development of China’s ethnic minorities to provide some valuable suggestions and references.


