

Dynamic Analysis of Driving Mechanism for Needle in Tufting Machine

【作者】 程杭杭

【导师】 顾洪波;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 生活水平的提高,使得人们对地毯的需求量不断增长。根据统计,簇绒地毯占整个地毯市场份额的80%以上,但我国簇绒地毯的产量仅仅是全世界的3%。究其原因在于国内地毯装备的研究、设计与制造方面较比国外存在差距。一方面,国内还没有形成具有自主知识产权的簇绒技术,地毯织机严重依赖进口,但根本无法满足整个地毯市场的需求。另一方面,只有少数国家拥有地毯织机的关键技术,严重制约了我国地毯织机技术的发展。因此,针对地毯业的巨大市场潜力,各企业开展核心技术研究,簇绒技术的国产化已经迫在眉睫。本文研究的对簇绒机簇绒针传动机构的动力学分析正是基于这个背景提出的。在传动机构中,细长轴作为其核心,承受着多点交变载荷,更是研究的重中之重。本文以研究簇绒机簇绒针的传动机构机械结构为出发点,对现有的簇绒针传动结构进行了SOLIDWORKS三维建模,ADAMS运动学仿真,以及ANSYS动力学分析。针对分析结果,对传动机构进行改进设计和后续的动力学分析,以较比改进后参数的变化,以验证改进设计的可行性。主要研究内容有:1.针对一簇绒机型,在SOLIDWORKS中建立簇绒针传动机构进行三维建模。对模型进行四杆简化,得到机构中各杆件的位置、角速度和加速度及杆件上各点的位置、速度和加速度。通过运动分析,指导参数设计和受力分析。2.借助虚拟样机技术,运用运动学分析软件ADAMS对簇绒机传动机构进行运动学仿真分析,并将分析数据导入动力学分析软件ANSYS进行动力学分析。动力学分析过程中,主要对传动机构的细长轴进行了载荷分析。3.针对动力学分析结果,分别提出三种方案:重新设计长轴、重布局轴上连接点和增加轴承支撑。综合考虑方案的可实行性、复杂程度和改进后效果,选择最为方便、效果最好的一个方案优化即改进簇绒机上横箱结构。对新设计进行运动学仿真和动力学分析,将分析结果与原设计进行比较,验证改进设计效果。4.集中阐述模型从建立到分析过程中的缺陷以及对分析结果的影响大小。进一步说明本文提出的设计方案的不足以及对传动机构优化设计的展望。本文首先对簇绒机现有传动机构运动学仿真和动力学分析,得到轴受力变形情况。根据分析结果,重新设计上横箱结构,再次对轴进行动力学分析后,比较轴的受力情况,达到了簇绒机传动机构改进的目的。不足之处是没有结合轴的修改和结构布局的优点,进行整体优化。

【Abstract】 The requirement for carpet is continually increasing with better life. According to the statistics, tufting carpet is supplied more than 80% of market share, however China only occupies 3% of tufting carpet production in whole world. The state attributes to the tufting technology about research/design and manufacturing is far behind others’abroad. One reason is Independent intellectual property right of carpet technology has not been formed in China so that with importing the carpet machine, the requirement is still more than the production. The other reason is the advanced technology is owned in several countries to limit the domestic technological development. Then to change the situation, many companies develop core technology to have independent tufting technology. The dynamic analysis of driving mechanism in tufting machine is raised at the background. In driving mechanism, the slender spindle is prior to develop, because it as the core system is suffered with the variable load.Start from researching the structure of driving mechanism to draw the 3D modeling in Solidworks, to simulate kinematical movement in ADAMS and to analyze dynamical load in ANSYS. On the basis of analysis, improve the mechanism and analyze the new one to compare with the old load result, then verify the availability of improved design. The content includes:1. According to the real tufting machine, draw the same dimensional modeling in SOLIDWORKS. Simplify the modeling to four-bar mechanism to get the position/velocity and acceleration of linked point on each bar. The data can guide the analysis of design and load.2. With virtual prototype technology, use ADAMS to simulate kinematical movement of driving mechanism and analyze the load on spindle to export the load data. Import these data to ANSYS to analyze the load state. These analyses are most developed on spindle.3. With the load analysis, make three proposals respectively:redesigning the spindle/ readjusting the layout the linked joint on spindle/adding a new bearing. Considering the availability/complexity and improved effect, choose the most convenient and best proposal. It means modifying the horizontal structure to bearing house. Kinematical simulation and dynamical analysis for new design are researched and compared to the old one to verify how the design is.4. Elaborate what the lack is and how big the influence is in the process from creating modeling to analysis. Make further explanation about the deficiencies of improved design and the prospect on optimization design.Research the kinematical simulation and dynamical analysis of driving mechanism to get the deformation situation on spindle. Redesign the mechanism structure to decrease the deformation. Then analyze the new design in ANSYS and compare with the old one to verify the improved structure. The lack is without considering integration the modification of spindle into the adjustment of structure, optimize the whole structure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

