

The Research of Resources Integration Based on Business Model Innovation

【作者】 杨希若

【导师】 田增瑞;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着企业间竞争的加剧,行业里处于领导地位的企业常常是那些善于进行资源整合、具有创新商业模式的企业,而不是传统观念中那些拥有大量资源的企业,或是那些投入巨资来开发新的资源的企业。因此,研究企业如何进行资源整合与如何实现商业模式创新受到学术界以及实业界的追捧。在商业模式创新、资源整合两个单独的领域,国内外已有大量学者做过研究,但前人的研究尚未抓住商业模式创新与资源整合二者之间的因果关系,却把二者脱离开来进行研究,因此造出逻辑上的不完整,导致企业仅仅为了商业模式创新而创新,为了资源整合而整合,带来不理想的效果。另外企业进行资源整合往往实践经验比较多,有很多成功的案例以及不同的整合方式,但理论层面的论证匮乏。因此,本文试图在前人研究的基础之上,通过理论研究和实例分析相结合的方式,分析资源整合与商业模式创新之间的内在机理,并将资源整合的实践经验上升到理论层面,从大量的实例中提炼出具有普遍适用性的资源整合方法,建立企业资源整合的理论框架,推而广之,为更多需要资源整合的企业所用。其次,本文进一步在该理论框架的基础上,建立商业模式创新贡献度定量评价模型。通过该模型评价最优的资源整合方式,并选择最有利于商业模式创新的资源进行资源整合。本文的研究内容主要包括三部分:理论研究、模型研究和案例研究。这三部分的关系是,理论研究为模型的创建奠定基础,模型的确立为理论研究提供实现的途径,最后通过案例分析,检测理论研究是否具有普遍适用性。理论研究包括两个层面:首先打通资源整合与商业模式创新两个概念之间的因果关系,明确了研究的脉络;其次研究了企业资源整合的动力机制及路径分析。动力机制的研究表明了资源整合是具有生命力、可持续且不断发展的,具备一个理论应有的特性。而本文在前人理论基础上结合大量实际案例进行路径分析,提出了具有普遍适用性的资源整合的五种方式,并把企业经营活动归类为九种资源,具体探讨了四种比较常见的资源整合途径,以期为企业资源整合带来启发。本文的模型研究是利用层次分析法建立的资源整合的评价模型,通过该评价模型,可以得出不同的资源整合方式对商业模式创新贡献度的大小,还可以得出对于同一种资源整合方式,整合何种资源更有益于企业的商业模式创新,帮助企业选择契合自身需求的资源整合方式。最后,本文还利用了上文建立的资源整合理论分析了芒果网、携程-如家的成功整合经验,以验证对于不同性质企业及不同资源整合类别的普遍适用性。

【Abstract】 With the increased competition among enterprises, industry leading enterprises are those that are good at integrating resources and have innovative business models, rather than the traditional concept of businesses that have a lot of resources, or those who invested heavily to develop new resources of the enterprise. Therefore, the research on how to integrate enterprise resource and how to achieve business model innovation is pursuit by academic and business circles. In business model innovation, resource integration of two separate areas, a large number of domestic and for-eign scholars have done research, but previous studies have not yet grasp the relationship between business model innovation and integration of resources, just study them separately. So the result is not satisfactory. Besides, we have some successful cases on the integration of resources but lack the theory.Therefore, this article attempts to research on the basis of previous studies, through combina-tion methods of theoretical research and case analysis, analyses the internal mechanism between model innovation and resources integration in order to study them on the theoretical level. This article extract a large number of examples from the universal applicability of resource integration methods, and establish the theoretical framework of enterprise resource integration.This study mainly includes three parts:theory, models and case studies. This three-part rela-tionship are that theoretical studies lay the foundation for the creation of the model, the model es-tablished as the theory provides the means to achieve, and finally through case studies, testing whether the theory is generally applicable.Theory study consists of two levels:first, to get through the integration of resources and business model innovation, the causal relationship between the two concepts, a clear context of the study: second study the dynamic mechanism of enterprise resource integration and path analysis.This model study was conducted using the resources of analytic hierarchy process to establish an integrated assessment model, through the evaluation model can be drawn from different re-sources integrated approach to business model innovation, the size of the contribution can also be obtained for the same resource integration method, what resources are more beneficial to integrate the business model innovation. This article also takes advantage of resources created by above theory, analyzing the Mango integration, Ctrip. the successful integration of experience, to verify whether the theory is applica-ble to all kinds of businesses with different nature and to the different kinds of resource integra-tion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】F273.1;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】597
  • 攻读期成果

