Research on the Development and Evaluation of Low-Carbon Economy of Jiangsu Province
【作者】 范茹婷;
【导师】 闫星宇;
【作者基本信息】 南京财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2011, 硕士
【摘要】 随着全球人口数量和经济规模的不断增长,环境污染和能源短缺日益成为影响人类社会经济发展的重要问题,由此带来的气候问题已经成为全球关注的焦点。发展低碳经济是解决资源、环境与经济发展之间矛盾的有效途径,已经成为现在世界各国大力提倡和全面推进的一种新的经济发展模式。中国正处在工业化中期,是世界第二大能源消费国,江苏省是中国的经济大省、制造业大省,发展低碳经济对江苏省建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会、转变经济发展方式、实现经济社会全面进步有重大的意义。在此背景下,本文立足于江苏省低碳经济发展的现实情况,对其发展水平进行了比较研究,在分析问题和差距的基础上,提出进一步促进江苏省低碳经济发展的对策和建议,这对于江苏省发展低碳经济具有一定的现实意义。本篇论文一共分为五个部分。首先从低碳经济的概念出发,对国内外相关国家和地区低碳经济的发展历程和状况进行了说明。然后从低碳经济发展最主要的两个方面,即污染物排放和能源消耗两个方面入手,分析了江苏省低碳经济的发展状况,同时把江苏省的一些代表性指标和国内外一些国家和地区做了相关的比较分析以判断江苏省低碳经济的发展水平。之后通过模型分析出影响江苏省低碳经济发展的因素,再由此构建出城市低碳经济发展水平评价指标体系,用因子分析法对江苏省内十三个城市的低碳经济发展水平进行了综合评价,分析了这十三个城市的发展现状。最后给出了相关的政策建议。本文通过分析得出了关于江苏省低碳经济发展的相关结论。江苏省近年来低碳经济的发展取得了明显的成效,但是与国内领先地区和其他国家地区相比,还有很大差距。影响江苏省低碳经济发展的因素可以分为技术因素和非技术因素,其中技术因素是主要影响因素,要促进江苏省低碳经济的继续发展,就要加快低碳技术的研发和应用。非技术因素主要包括产业结构、人口增长、城市化水平、对外经济贸易等。在江苏省内的13个城市中,南京的低碳经济发展水平最高,苏州次之,无锡再次,而苏北的三个城市排在最后3位。要进一步促进低碳经济的发展,江苏省可以采取调整政府职能、加快产业结构升级、发展新技术、完善基础设施及相关制度建设等政策措施。
【Abstract】 With the growth of global population and economy, the influences of pollution and lack of resources become more and more important in the development of human society and economy. Climate issues have already become the focus point in the international community. To develop Low-Carbon economy, an effective way to solve these problems, is supported by many countries in the world. China is the second largest resource consumer in the world, and Jiangsu Province is an important part in China’s economy, therefore to develop Low-Carbon economy is very important to Jiangsu for developing environment-friendly and resource-economic society, and transforming economy mode. This research studied the performance of Low-Carbon economy in Jiangsu, and proposed some suggestions, which would be helpful to its future development of Low-Carbon economy.This research includes four parts. Firstly, the research introduces the concept of Low-Carbon economy and some basic theories. Then the situation and developing process of Low-Carbon economy of many countries and regions are analyzed. Thirdly, two aspects of resource consuming and several classic indexes are analyzed to reflect the level of Low-Carbon economy of Jiangsu. After that, A STRIPAT model are used to study the factors can impact the development of Low-Carbon economy in Jiangsu, which followed by an evaluation of Low-Carbon economy development of 13 cities in Jiangsu, by Factor Analysis. At last, suggestions are proposed for future development of Low-Carbon economy in Jiangsu.This research has some conclusion about Low-Carbon economy of Jiangsu. In recent years, the improvement of Low-Carbon economy in Jiangsu is remarkable, but it is not reach the highest level of China and the world. The factors effecting development of Low-Carbon economy of Jiangsu include technological factors and other factors, and the technological factors are the essential. The other factors include industrial structure, population increase, urbanization level and international trade. The Low-Carbon economy of Nanjing is the best-developed in 13 cities in Jaingsu, Suzhou is the second and Wuxi is the third. And three cities in northern part of Jiangsu are the last three. To accelerate the development of Low-Carbon economy in Jiangsu, the government should take some policies, which are about government function, industrial structure, and new techniques, into measure.
【Key words】 Jiangsu Province; Low-Carbon Economy; Evaluation; Factors Analysis;