

The Research on the Students’ Entrepreneurial Service System in College E

【作者】 毛华军

【导师】 骆守俭;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着全国高校毕业生数量的迅速增加,大学生就业压力日益加剧,大学生创业已经成为缓解大学生就业压力的重要途径。然而我国大学生的创业率和成功率都很低,其中一个重要原因是大学生创业服务体系不够完善和健全。本文以E校为研究对象,采用理论分析和实证研究相结合的研究方法,探讨大学生创业服务体系的构建。本文从政策支持、创业教育支持、资金支持和孵化支持等四个方面对E校大学生创业服务体系现状进行了研究,采用访谈和调查问卷的方法对E校大学生创业服务体系的需求现状进行了分析,找出E校现有大学生创业服务体系存在的不足之处,从政策服务、创业教育服务、资金服务、孵化服务等四方面提出了强化创业激励政策、完善创业教育组织架构、建立学校创业专项基金、为入住科技园的企业提供一个全方位的服务等进一步完善E校大学生创业服务体系的建议。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid increase of national college graduates, the pressure of college graduates’ employment is increasing, college students’ entrepreneurship has become an important way to alleviate the pressure of college graduates’ employment. However the rate of entrepreneurship and the rate of success are both low, one of the important reasons is the imperfection of college students’ entrepreneurial service system in our country. This thesis studied on college E, using the methods of theoretical analysis and empirical study to explore college students’ entrepreneurial service system.This thesis had a study on the present situation of the students’ entrepreneurial service system in college E in terms of policy support, entrepreneurial education support, capital support and incubator support. Using the methods of interview and questionnaire, this thesis had a demand analysis of the students’ entrepreneurial service system in college E, found out the shortages of the students’ entrepreneurial service system in college E, put forward some suggestions on the improvement of the students’ entrepreneurial service system in college E in terms of policy service, entrepreneurial education service, capital service and incubator service:Strengthen entrepreneurial incentives, improve the organizational structure of entrepreneurship education, establish a special fund and provide a full range of services for the companies in the science and technology park, etc.

  • 【分类号】G647.38
  • 【下载频次】540

