

The Study on Cultivation and Transformation of Artificial Ecological Forests of Pinus Massoniana

【作者】 张素梅

【导师】 马祥庆;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业推广, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 针对目前我国南方林区马尾松人工生态公益林存在着树种单纯、林分质量低、生物多样性下降、美学效果差、火灾风险大、生态功能等级低等系列问题,本研究采用强度间伐套种阔叶树种细柄阿丁枫的方法,通过对马尾松人工生态公益林套种改造l0a后林分生长量、生物量、涵养水源功能、培肥土壤功能、防火性能、森林景观、物种多样性的系统研究,比较马尾松人工生态公益林套种改造和不改造林分的生态效益,筛选适宜南方马尾松人工生态公益林的改造技术,为我国南方林区马尾松人工生态公益林的改造提供科学依据和配套技术。主要研究结果如下:1、马尾松人工生态公益林由纯林改造为具有复层林冠的异龄针阔混交林,林分结构得到改善,对林木生长极为有利。改造后林分中的马尾松平均胸径达26.05cm,平均树高19.12m,明显大于未改造的马尾松纯林。改造后林分中的10a生细柄阿丁枫平均胸径6.86cm,平均树高6.57m,生长良好。2、马尾松人工生态公益林改造成针阔混交林后,林分生物量明显增大。改造后马尾松平均木生物量达560.33kg,是未改造马尾松纯林的248.4%。改造后林分生物量为263.83 t/hm2,是未改造马尾松纯林的131.4%,其林分干、枝和根生物量均高于未改造马尾松林,可见改造后的马尾松林林分结构比未改造马尾松林分更有利于林分光合产物的积累。3、马尾松人工生态公益林改造成针阔混交林后,林分涵养水源功能得到提高,特别是林冠层和土壤层的持水量明显增加。改造林分林冠层的最大持水量为140.8 t/hm2,是未改造马尾松纯林的1.4倍;0-40cm土壤层最大持水量为1724.2t/hm2,是未改造马尾松纯林的1.1倍;林分总持水量混交林为1863.2t/hm2,是未改造马尾松纯林的1.1倍,进行马尾松人工生态公益林的套种改造可提高林分的涵养水源功能。4、马尾松人工生态公益林改造成针阔混交林后,林地的土壤结构得到一定改善,土壤团聚体含量和稳定性提高,土壤容重下降,孔隙度增加,养分状况改善,林地土壤肥力得到一定提高。5、马尾松人工生态公益林改造成针阔混交林后,林分发生火灾的可能性降低,林分防火性能得到提高。与未改造马尾松林相比,改造后林分的林内温度降低,空气湿度变大,林下可燃物的含水量提高,林内水分贮量变大,加上套种阔叶树叶片的着火温度提高,林分易燃可燃物较少,有利于降低森林火险,提高林分的防火性能。6、马尾松人工生态公益林改造成针阔混交林后,森林景观得到明显改善。改造后的林分林冠由单层变成了复层,林分的外貌和林内卫生状况得到改善,森林景观特征值由4提高到9,由属于改造对象提高到调整改善对象,进行马尾松人工生态公益林的套种改造能明显提高林分的景观效果,值得大力推广。7、马尾松人工生态公益林改造成针阔混交林后,林分物种多样性有一定程度的增加。改造后林分的物种丰富度为35种,而未改造马尾松林为27种;林分Dsh、Dsi、Jsh和Jsi多样性指数均表现为改造林分>未改造林分,表明马尾松生态公益林套种改造有利于林分物种多样性保护。8、马尾松人工生态公益林改造成针阔混交林后,有利于马尾松虫害的防治,马尾松虫情指数降低,危害程度由未改造马尾松林的轻度降低为无虫害发生,可有效控制林分虫情的发生。

【Abstract】 This research was aimed to solve problems such as single planting tree species, poor forest quality, low species diversity, poor aesthetics effects, high forest fire risk and so on in the management of artificial ecological forests of Pinus massoniana in south China. The growth, biomass, water holding capacity, soil fertility, fireproof character, forest landscape, species diversity, and pest resistance of the transformation and non-reformation forests of Pinus massoniana were investigated through the inter-croping broadleaved tree species Altingia gralilipes under the Pinus massoniana plantation. The ecological benefits of the transformation and non-reformation forests of Pinus massoniana were compared in this research. And then proper transformation techniques were selected for the artificial ecological forests management in south China. It would be valuable for the artificial ecological forest transformation. The main results were as follows:1、After the ten-year transformation, the stand structure of artificial ecological forests of Pinus massoniana was improved to be benefit for its tree growth. In the transformation Pinus massoniana forests, the average DBH, height, and volume of individual tree were 26.05cm, 19.12m and 0.4447 m3 respectively, while those of non-ransformation forest of Pinus massoniana were 19.98cm,17.14m and 0.2464m3 respectively.2、The average tree biomass of the transformation forest was 560.33 kg, which was 248.4 percent of non-transformation forest. The stand biomass of transformation forests was 263.83 t/hm2, which was 131.4 percent of non-transformation forest. Altingia gralilipes under Pinus massoniana canopy grew well.3、The water holding capacity of the transformation forest increased greatly compared with tthat of non- transformation forest, especially in the soil and the canopy. In the transformation forestt, the water-holding capacity of canopy and soil in the 40cm depth were 140.8 t/hm2, and 1724.2 t/hm2. They were both higher than those of non-transformation forest, which were 102.2 t/hm2 and 15916 t/hm2 respectively. The intercroping transformation would be benefit for the increment of its water-holding capacity. 4、The transformation of artificial ecological forests of Pinus massoniana had good function to improve soil fertility compared with the non-transformation forest. The soil aggregate composition, porosity, water and nutrient condition in the transformation forest were better than these in the non-transformation forest.5、The transformation of artificial ecological forest had good function to improve the fire-prevention-ability of Pinus massoniana plantation. Compared to the non-transformation stand, the temperature in the transformation forest was lower, while the air moisture, various water content in combustible, soil moisture storage, ignition temperature of broadleaved leaves were higher. These conditions were all favorable for decrease the forest fire development.6、Forests landscape were greatly improved after the transformation of artificial ecological forest. The forest crown density and transparency and sanitation situation at stands were improved. The forests landscape value was increased from 4 to 9, the landscape degree from the third to the second after the transformation of artificial ecological forests of Pinus massoniana.7、There was some influence on the stand species diversity after the transformation of artificial ecological forests of Pinus massoniana. The species richness of the transformation forests was 35, while that of the non-transformation forest was only 27. The tree species diversity such as Dsh、Dsi、Jsh and Jsi in the transformation forest appeared higher than those of the non-transformation forest. It indicated that the transformation of artificial ecological forest of Pinus massoniana was more benefit for its stand species diversity protection.8、The transformation of artificial ecological forest was favorable to control the Pinus massoniana pest development. Thr pest damaged degree of Pinus massoniana forest declined compared with that of non-transformation forest. The occurrence and development of pes were basically controlled in the transformation forest.

  • 【分类号】S791.248
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】67

