

Studies on the Supply-Demand Contradiction of Urban Institution Pension Service in Shanghai

【作者】 阮凯

【导师】 刘燕;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 上海市人口老龄化高龄化形势日益加剧,据民政部公布数据显示上海已经成为我国老龄化程度最高的城市,随着经济的发展和人民思维的转变越来越多的老年人选择养老机构作为养老的方式,这对于目前上海现有养老机构的床位数和服务质量等方面产生了较大压力。本文通过对居家老年人及年轻人的问卷调查以及对养老机构住养老人的面谈,发现目前老年人对于养老机构所提供的服务种类、质量以及养老机构所在的区位和价格等方面有着较高的需求和特有的偏好。根据对现有养老机构数量、区位分布、服务质量等相应方面的分析,发现在老年人需求和实际供给方面存在着较为显著的矛盾。本文根据存在的矛盾,提出政府加强养老服务总体规划,并提出针对性的解决措施,以期对上海市养老机构发展有所借鉴。

【Abstract】 In Shanghai the aged tendency of population has aggravated. According to the data presented by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Shanghai ranks the highest position on aging population in China. With the development of economy and change of people’s thought, more and more aging people choose aging institutions. Investigation by questionary to aging people who are not living in the aging institutions, also some of their children and interview to the group who are living in the aging organizations, shows that aging people have high demands or preference on these aspects, namely the variety and quality of service, the location and price of the organizations. This dissertation through analyzing the quantity, distribution, service, quality of the existing aging institutes, finds a conspicuous contradiction on demands of aging people and supplies of organization and therefore, provides an overall scheme for government and detailed measures to lesson or even resolve such contradictions.

  • 【分类号】D669.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】525

