

Research of the Web-based Highway Landscape Evaluation System

【作者】 王婵玥

【导师】 戚春华;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 森林工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的快速发展,公路建设水平也得到提高,人们不在是简单的要求公路的使用功能,更多的开始关注公路的景观功能与协调性方面,建设可持续发展的公路。国外在公路景观评价的基础理论方面的研究已趋于成熟,拥有了较为完善的规划和建设体系,20世纪后则更多的引入了计算机技术,出现了一些典型的景观评价应用系统,使数据更精确,工作效率提高。我国对高等级公路景观进行评价大多还是采用人工操作阶段,工作量繁琐,误差大且工作效率偏低。若开发基于Web的高等级公路景观评价系统则不但可以使数据精确,而且能够提供良好的人机交互界面,使评价工作不再单调,提高工作效率。本文阐述了高等级公路景观评价工作的现状与Web技术的发展历程,公路景观的概念、特点,通过综合分析不同的公路景观评价方法的基础上,本文以基于层次分析法(AHP)的多级模糊综合评价的方法为理论依据进行了高等级公路景观评价系统的研究与开发。系统选用Myeclipse6.0为开发环境,选择Tomcat v5.5作为网络服务器,MYSQL作为数据库服务器,采用Java语言编码实现,基于MVC框架来实现各个功能模块之间的协调,系统目前只进行了高速公路景观评价模块的具体开发。最后以内蒙古呼包高速公路为例进行了高速公路景观评价模块的验证,其结果表明了本系统的实用性与有效性。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of national economy, highway construction has been got strong support. With the highway construction, people requires highway’s function, meanwhile people pay more attention to highway landscape and coordination in order to construct sustainable development highway. Overseas have relatively perfect planning and construction system on basic theory in highway landscape evaluation. With the computer technology appear, there is some typical landscape evaluation application system after the 20th century which make the data more precise and the working efficiency more improved. We still use manual operation to evaluate highway landscape.This method load the workload trival and work efficiency low. Highway landscape evaluation system based on the Web is not only can make the data accurate, but also provide good man-machine interface, making evaluation work efficiency.This paper expounds the current situation of the highway landscape evaluation and the development course of Web technology and highway landscape’s characteristic and concept. Under the analysis of different highway landscape evaluation method, highway landscape evaluation system’s research and development will base on the analytic hierarchy process (ahp) multi-grade fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The system makes the Myeclipse6.0 as operation environment and Tomcat v5.5 as the Web server and MYSQL as database server. Java is used to write, based on MVC framework to realize the coordination between modules. Currently, the system only develop specifically on the module of highway landscape evaluation. This paper use hu-bao highway in Inner Mongolia for an example to testify highway landscape evaluation module, its result show the effectiveness and practical of this system.


