

The Study on Brand Integration Strategy after Merger and Acquisition

【作者】 陈芳

【导师】 于立宏;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 并购已经成为当今世界经济发展中非常普遍的经济现象,随着并购数量和并购规模的不断攀升,对制约并购成败影响因素的研究越来越广泛。本文选取了并购后如何对品牌进行成功整合这一课题展开研究,希望相关成果能够为我国企业的品牌并购整合实践提供参考。文章以此起彼伏的世界并购浪潮为背景,从并购理论、品牌理论和品牌整合理论出发,在对国内外企业并购后普遍采取的品牌整合模式归纳分析后,以巴斯夫化学建材公司为具体案例深入研究。作者将并购后的品牌整合划分为公司品牌整合和产品品牌整合两步:公司品牌整合是决定选用并购方品牌或被并购方品牌或联合品牌或双品牌或新创品牌作为公司品牌的过程;而产品品牌整合是梳理产品组合,精简品牌数量,选取优势品牌,明确不同层次品牌之间关系的更为复杂的过程。文章通过详细分析巴斯夫化学建材公司所处的宏观环境和行业竞争环境,找出企业在品牌整合过程中的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,同时运用PPM多因素组合模型定位当前的品牌状态,最终为企业构建出全面具体的品牌整合战略,随之指出要利用B to B品牌的特点建设品牌,使整合后的品牌发展与品牌生态环境相适应,并以品牌整合战略支持体系和评估体系为辅助。

【Abstract】 Merger and Acquisition (M&A) have become a very common phenomenon in the world economic development. With the sustainable increasing numbers and scales of M&A, the research on the constraining factors which lead to success or failure become much more extensive. This paper selects to discuss how to successfully implement brand integration strategy after M&A, and the purpose is to provide a valuable reference for Chinese enterprises’practice.It starts with the background introduction of world M&A waves, and follows with relevant theories of M&A, Brand and Brand Integration. After the induction of general brand integration methods taken by both domestic and international enterprises post-merger, it goes into deeper study on the specific case from BASF Construction Chemicals. The author divides the brand post-merger integration into two steps, which are cooperate brand integration and product brand integration:Cooperate brand integration is to determine what the new company’s brand is, whether to choose a brand from acquiring party, or from the acquired party, or to use a united brand or dual brands or a totally new brand; and the product brand integration is to clear up the product portfolio, to reduce the brand quantity, to select the dominant brand and to determine the brand hierarchy, which surely is a more complex process. The paper firstly analyses the outer macro environment and industry competition conditions of BASF Construction Chemicals; secondly identifies the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; thirdly uses the PPM multi-factor portfolio model to help positioning the current brand status; finally proposes a comprehensive and detailed brand integration strategy. Further on, it points out brand establishment should base on the characteristics of B to B, and brand integration and development should adapt to its ecosystem, as well as the strategic supporting system and evaluation system.

【关键词】 并购品牌品牌整合
【Key words】 Merger and Acquisition (M&A)BrandBrand Integration
  • 【分类号】F273.2
  • 【下载频次】368

