

【作者】 陈秋

【导师】 马家福;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,代购毒品行为成为毒品买卖中的常见交易形态,也是各司法机关处理毒品犯罪案件中常见的行为类型之一。在司法实践中,正确认定代购毒品行为对处理毒品案件有着极为重要的理论及实践意义。但在我国的法制现状下,对代购毒品行为的认定仍然困难重重:我国刑法及相关司法解释在这方面没有明确的规定,相关会议纪要的出现与运用引来了学界的争议,从共犯理论的角度对该行为定性已经成为司法的唯一合法选择,但却表现出了明显的局限性。本文通过宋某代购毒品一案,对代购毒品行为定性问题进行分析研究,以期通过探讨论证,明晰法理,使代购毒品定性问题得以更加公平、公正的解决。全文共分六部分,共计约1.6万字。第一部分:案由。宋某代购毒品案第二部分:案情。主要是介绍宋某代购毒品案的具体案情,包括行为人的行为目的、行为方式、行为结果等情况。第三部分:案件焦点。本案的焦点在于宋某的代购毒品行为是否构成贩卖毒品罪。第四部分:争议及分歧意见。包括了该案产生后引发的争议,以及形成的各种分歧意见。第五部分:法理分析。此部分为论文的核心。论文首先分析了主要影响贩卖毒品罪认定的贩卖行为,对贩卖的含义进行了界定,指出了其常见表现形式。接着,论文探讨了代购毒品行为的特征、类别及与居间介绍买卖毒品行为的区别。指出为他人代购是代购毒品行为的必要条件,是区别于居间介绍买卖毒品的行为特征;仅用于他人吸食,是构成代购毒品行为的主观因素。然后,文章指出并分析了实践中和理论界对代购毒品行为的不同处理意见,并对两种不同的处理意见进行分析探讨,表达自己的观点。最后,论文分别对不认为是犯罪的代购毒品行为、以营利为目的的代购毒品行为定性、代购毒品后得以分食行为定性、代购毒品过程中的运输毒品行为定性以及多次帮助他人代购毒品的行为定性五种情形探讨了代购毒品行为是否构成贩卖毒品罪的理由,并提出自己的观点。第六部分:结论。结合对上述问题的探讨分析,就本案行为人的代购行为定性提出自己的观点。

【Abstract】 In recent years, act as purchasing agency drugs act as drug trade deal, also is the common form the judiciary processing drug cases in one of the common behavior type. In judicial practice, cognizance to deal with drug purchasing behavior drug case has a very important theory and practical meaning. But in our country legal status to buy on behalf, the behavior of the drugs that remains very difficult: Our country criminal law and the relevant judicial explanation in this respect no clear rules, related meeting minutes appear to be using drew academic debate, from the Angle of the theory of the accomplice behavior has become the only qualitative judicial legal choice, but it showed the obvious limitation. This article through the SongMou act as purchasing agency drugs one case, buy on behalf to drug behavior problems are analyzed, qualitative to discuss the legal reasoning, clear, that act as purchasing agency drug problem to be more qualitative fair and equitable solution.The article is divided into six parts, a total of about 16000 words.Part one: courts. SongMou act as purchasing agency drug seizuresPart two: The case is mainly the introduction SongMou act as purchasing agency of the specific case drug seizures, including actor’s behavior purpose, the behavior way, the outcome of behavior, etc.Part three: Cases focus is on SongMou act as purchasing agency drug behavior is a drug trafficking of sin.Part four: The dispute and disagreement. Includes the case generated after the disputes, and the formation of disagreementPart five: Legal analysis. This section is the core of the paper. It firstly analyzes the main influence drug trafficking sin that trafficking of action, to sell the meaning of the defined, points out the common form of expression. Then, the paper discusses the characteristics, the drug purchasing behavior the category and brokerage and introduced the behavior of the difference between selling drugs. For others buy on behalf buy on behalf is pointed out that the necessary conditions of drug behavior, is different from intermediary the behavior of selling drugs introduced; Only for others, it is to make cocaine drug purchasing behavior subjective factors. Then, the paper points out that the analysis and practice and theoretical circles on the drug purchasing behavior, and the different processing opinion of two different processing opinion is discussed, express their point of view. Finally, this paper is to don’t think the drug purchasing behavior, a crime for the purpose of making profits drug purchasing behavior, buying drugs to qualitative after eating behavior, buying qualitative points in the process of drug transport drugs behavior and help others buy on qualitative drug behavior qualitative five kinds of situations discusses drug purchasing behavior is a drug trafficking of sin, and proposed own reason view.Part six: Conclusion. According to the above analysis, the paper discusses the problems the actor’s purchasing behavior qualitative proposed some ideas.

  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【下载频次】298

