

【作者】 陈芳芳

【导师】 苑书涛;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本文是由一起普通交通事故引发的,一位受害人因偶然的交通事故产生二种不同法律关系的赔偿请求权,一个是基于劳动关系而产生的损害赔偿请求权,另一个因交通事故侵权而产生的损害赔偿请求权,而该二种请求权在我国法律理论界被称之为不真正连带债务,虽然我国理论界对此有诸多研究,但是在我国的法律制度上关于不真正连带债务制度规定较少,仅仅是零星散落在我国相关法律和司法解释中,但是随着社会生活的日益变化,社会法律关系日趋复杂,不真正连带债务制度渐渐引起人们的注意。但是我国目前仅有对不真正连带债务少量规定,而无统一的原则性和司法适用上的规定,已经无法满足社会生活的需要,导致司法实践过程中各地法官对不真正连带债务制度理解和适用上的不一致,致使很多受害人都无法充分保障自己的合法权益,造成了司法实践中的混乱。因此本文将通过一起普通的交通事故来对不真正连带债务的概念、构成、效力、及国内外相关法律的比较,对不真正连带债务进行全面的分析研究,为进一步完善我国不真正连带债务在理论和司法实践提供参考。全文共分为五部分:第一部分,据以研究的案例。本文将通过真实案例,介绍案例基本案情、案件处理结果,从而提出本文的研究方向。第二部分,不真正连带债务的概念、构成要件和效力。该部分通过对不真正连带债务理论上的分析研究,让我们对不真正连带债务有更全面、深刻的了解。第三部分,不真正连带制度的比较法考察。通过对其他国家或地区的不真正连带债务制度与我国不真正连带债务制度的比较分析,进一步研究不真正连带制度的现状。第四部分,我国不真正连带债务制度的完善。针对我国不真正连带制度的不足之处,提出自己的意见和建议来完善我国的不真正连带债务制度,期待对我国的立法和司法实践有所帮助。

【Abstract】 The paper is caused by an ordinary accident, and a victim obtains two different legal-relationship damages’claim rights due to the traffic accident: One is produced by the labor relationship; The other is caused by traffic accident tort. However, the two legal rights are called the unreal joint and several liabilities in theoretical field. Although there are many studies on unreal joint and several liabilities, the provisions about the unreal joint and several liabilities are few, which just patch in the related laws and judicial interpretations. But as the social life changes and the social legal relationships become more and more complicate, the system of unreal joint and several liabilities attracts people’s attentions. Nevertheless, there have only a small amount of provisions on the unreal joint and several liabilities in China, and without uniform principle rules and judicial application rules, it can’t meet the needs of social life, then as a result, the judges in different places have inconsistent understandings and applications of unreal joint and several liability system in the judicial practice, so that lots of victims can’t fully protect their own legitimate rights and interests, which have resulted in the confusion of judicial practice at last. So the paper analyzes and studies the unreal joint and several liabilities with an ordinary traffic accident in all aspects ----its concept、composition、effects and a comparison between related domestic and international rules, in order to provide references for further improving the unreal joint and several liabilities system and the judicial practice. The paper is divided into four parts:The first part, is about the case for the study. It introduces basic facts and the result of the case to make sure the research direction of the paper by a real-world case.The second part, is about the concept、constituent elements and effects of the unreal joint and several liabilities. With the analysis and study of the theory of unreal joint and several liabilities, this part makes us understand the unreal joint and several liabilities more comprehensively and profoundly.The third part , is about a comparison of related domestic and international rules about the unreal joint and several liability system. By the comparative analysis of unreal joint and several liabilities systems between other countries and districts and China, it further researches the current situation of the unreal joint and several liabilities system.The fourth part, is about the improvement of the unreal joint and several liabilities system in China. In view of the disadvantages of the unreal joint and several liabilities system, the author raises comments and suggestions to improve the unreal joint and several liabilities system, looking forward to help the legislation and judicial practice.

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】80

