

Research on the Spiritual Rights and Interests of New Generation Peasant Workers

【作者】 刘晓亮

【导师】 鲜开林;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新生代农民工这一庞大的特殊社会群体,2010年被首次写入中央一号文件。伴随我国社会转型时期深层次矛盾的不断加剧,新生代农民工的精神生活问题也日益凸显,而精神生活出现问题实际上是这一群体所应当享有的精神权益出现受损缺失现状的外在直接表现。轰动一时的富士康员工“十二连跳”自杀事件,更是映射出新生代农民工的精神权益受损缺失问题的严峻性,透视出全社会关注、维护、保障新生代农民工精神权益的紧迫性。因此,结合中央文件中关于“切实维护农民工合法权益;采取有针对性的措施,着力解决新生代农民工问题”的精神指示,加强对新生代农民工的精神权益问题研究是十分必要的。本文主要包括以下七个部分:第一章,新生代农民工精神权益概述。一是新生代农民工概述。主要包括:新生代农民工的概念以及新生代农民工与第一代农民工的区分。二是精神权益概述。主要包括:精神权益的概念、精神权益的实质、精神权益的特征以及精神权益与精神权利的区分。三是新生代农民工精神权益的主要内容。第二章,研究新生代农民工精神权益的意义。一是理论意义。主要包括:为丰富中国特色社会主义人权理论提供现实新热点;为完善中国特色社会主义法律体系提供立法新视角;为深化马克思主义人的全面发展观提供民生新维度。二是现实意义。主要包括:是解决弱势群体精神生活问题的迫切要求;是破解城镇化进程中制约因素的路径选择;是有效解决民生问题,构建和谐社会的应有之义。第三章,新生代农民工精神权益的理论基石。一是人的自由全面发展理论所蕴含的人权思想;二是人的社会历史主体理论所蕴含的人权思想;三是异化劳动理论所蕴含的人权思想。第四章,新生代农民工精神权益的实践基础。一是改革开放以来四大文明建设协同共进的丰硕成果;二是由生存型社会向发展型社会转变的物质积累;三是人权保障由理论研究走向实践探索的宝贵经验。第五章,新生代农民工精神权益受损缺失的主要表现。一是转型社会“浮躁人”的“精神失落感”;二是城乡社会“边缘人”的“认同危机感”;三是社会角色“蚁族人”的“动荡不安感”;四是叛逆社会“性格人”的“朴素盲目感”;五是理想社会“奋斗人”的“意志脆弱感”。第六章,新生代农民工精神权益受损缺失的主要根源。一是“二元制度型”障碍;二是“政府无为型”障碍;三是“自身弱势型”障碍;四是“企业缺失型”障碍;五是“社会忽视型”障碍。第七章,维护新生代农民工精神权益的对策思路。一是改革二元户籍制度,为维护新生代农民工的精神权益提供坚实的制度保障;二是改善提高经济收入,为维护新生代农民工的精神权益提供可靠的物质基础;三是注重素质能力培养,为维护新生代农民工的精神权益塑造现代的公民主体;四是提升组织管理程度,为维护新生代农民工的精神权益获得平等市民话语权;五是形成人文关怀风气,为维护新生代农民工的精神权益创造良好的社会氛围。本文写作以富士康员工“十二连跳”自杀事件为切入点,以经典马克思主义人权理论为理论依据,在吸收借鉴我国学者关于新生代农民工的合法权益及其相关问题、新生代农民工的精神生活问题及心理问题研究成果的基础上力求有所创新。本文写作彰显了如下几点新意:第一,彰显了精神权益的前瞻性。随着社会的发展,精神权益已经是当代公民所应当享有的一项基本人权,但是我国学术界对精神权益的研究却几乎处于真空状态。因此,对精神权益概念的界定、精神权益本质的阐明、精神权益特征的概括以及新生代农民工精神权益主要内容的阐述是本文的第一个创新点。第二,彰显了研究意义的针对性。通过对研究新生代农民工精神权益问题理论意义和实践意义两方面的深刻阐述,既为我国相关理论及其体系的发展、丰富和完善提供现实新热点、立法新视角以及民生新维度,又为我国在改革开放、构建和谐社会以及社会转型的过程中发现、分析、解决出现的新问题,特别是在“十二五”规划的开局之年,为关系到解决全体社会成员的民生问题和维护保障全体社会成员的合法权益问题提供新的实践意义。第三,彰显了理论基石的时代性。科学提炼总结新生代农民工精神权益的理论基石,从马克思主义经典理论所蕴含的人权思想中获得坚实的理论支撑和实践支撑,是研究新生代农民工精神权益问题的必要前提,从而彰显了马克思主义经典理论的时代性。第四,彰显了深层问题的根源性。精神权益受损缺失的主要表现是通过精神生活问题反映的,它以精神生活问题为载体。精神权益受损缺失和精神生活问题的出现又是生存权和发展权发展不平衡性与发展局限性的逻辑延伸。本文系统全面地阐述了新生代农民工精神权益受损缺失的主要表现,既关注这一群体的精神生活,又关注这一群体生存权和发展权的维护保障现状,从而追根溯源,找到问题根源所在。第五,彰显了解决问题的对策性。结合现状深刻分析新生代农民工精神权益受损缺失的主要根源并提出相应的对策思路是本文研究的根本目的。由于精神权益的特殊性、新颖性以及新生代农民工在社会中处于的弱势地位,对原因的分析和对策的提出既要考虑到新生代农民工的现实生存发展需要,又要考虑到社会发展过程中具体的资源分配与政策规划调整。

【Abstract】 As a huge special social group, the new generation peasant workers have been listed in the first policy document for 2010 for the very first time. With the aggravation of the deep-rooted conflicts arising from the period of social transformation in our country, the problem of new generation peasant workers’life on the spiritual side has been more and more obvious, but the practical meaning is the external and direct manifestation of spiritual rights and interests which this population should have appeared damage and loss. The "twelve employees’ continuous jump" suicide case which is heavily influential in Foxconn group, reflects the severe situation on the damage and loss of the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers, projects the urgency situation that the whole society should concern, maintain and guarantee the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers. Therefore, associated with the spirit which is "to effectively protect the legal rights and interests of peasant workers; to take proper measures, concentrate on solving the problems of the new generation peasant workers" in the first policy document for 2010, it’s necessary to strengthen the research on the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers.The paper mainly includes seven parts:The first chapter, the summary of the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers. The first place is the summary of the new generation peasant workers. It mainly includes:the concept of new generation peasant workers and the difference between the new generation peasant workers and the first generation peasant workers. The second place is the summary of the spiritual rights and interests. It mainly includes:the concept of spiritual rights and interests, the essence of spiritual rights and interests, the characteristics of spiritual rights and interests and the difference between spiritual rights and interests and spiritual rights. The third place is the main contents of the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers. The second chapter, the significance of researching the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers. The first place is theoretical significance. It mainly includes:to provide a new hot spot of reality for enriching socialist human rights theory with Chinese characteristics; to provide a new view of legislation for improving socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics; to provide a new dimension of livelihood for deepening human overall development outlook of Marxism. The second place is practical significance. It mainly includes: the urgent demand of solving the problem of vulnerable groups’spiritual life; the route choice of exploding restrictive factors on the urbanization process; the proper meaning of solving the livelihood issue and building socialistic harmonious society effectively.The third chapter, the theoretical cornerstone of the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers. The first place is human rights in people’s free and overall development theory; the second place is human rights in people’s social and historical subject theory; the third place is human rights thought in alienation labor theory.The fourth chapter, the practical basis of the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers. The first place is rich achievements of constructing four major civilizations cooperatively from Reform and Opening Up; the second place is material accumulation in social transformation process which is from survival type to development type; the third place is valuable experience of human rights protection which is from theoretical research to practical exploration.The fifth chapter, the main manifestation about damage and loss of the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers. The first place is "spiritual sense of loss" of "impetuous people" in transforming society; the second place is "identification sense of crisis" of "marginal man" in urban and rural society; the third place is "turbulence and unrest sense" of "ant tribe" in the society; the fourth place is "naive and blind sense" of "characteristic people" in treason society; the fifth place is "a sense of fragile will" of "struggle people" in ideal society. The sixth chapter, the main roots about damage and loss of the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers. The first place is a disorder of "dual system"; the second place is a disorder of "non-interference by government"; the third place is a disorder of "their own disadvantage"; the fourth place is a disorder of "loss by enterprises"; the fifth place is a disorder of "neglected by society".The seventh chapter, the countermeasures of maintaining the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers. The first place is to reform the dual household registration system, providing solid system guarantee to maintain the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers; the second place is to improve economic income, providing reliable material basis to maintain the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers; the third place is to pay attention to the culture of quality and ability, shaping the subject of modern citizen to maintain the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers; the fourth place is to improve the degree of tissue and management, obtaining the equal civil discourse rights to maintain the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers; the fifth place is to form humanistic care ethos, creating good social atmosphere to maintain the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers.This paper which is completed by the "twelve employees’continuous jump" suicide case in Foxconn group as its starting point, the classical Marxism theory of human rights as its theoretical basis, is to strive to be innovative in the following areas which has absorbed and referenced some research results on the basis of legal rights and some related problems, the spiritual life and psychological problems of the new generation peasant workers. The innovative points which is to be embodied as follows:Firstly, the paper is embodied a prospective view of the spiritual rights and interests. With the development of society, the spiritual rights and interests has been basic human rights which modern citizen should have, but the research of spiritual rights and interests in our academic circles is almost in vacuum. Therefore, the first innovative points in this paper which is shown especially in the definition of the concept of spiritual rights and interests, the elucidation of the essence of spiritual rights and interests, the generalization of the characteristics of spiritual rights and interests and the main contents of the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers.Secondly, the paper is embodied a pertinence view of the significance. By deeply elaborated the theoretical and practical significance, the paper not only provides a new hot spot of reality, a new view of legislation and a new dimension of livelihood to develop, enrich and improve some related theory and system, but also finds out, analyses and solves the new problems in Reform and Opening Up, building socialistic harmonious society and social transformation process, especially in the first year of "the twelfth five-year program", provides new practical significance to solve the whole members’livelihood issue and maintains the legal rights.Thirdly, the paper is embodied a modern view of theoretical cornerstone. Refining and summarizing the theoretical cornerstone of new generation peasant workers scientifically, obtaining solid theoretical and practical support from human rights thought which is implicated in classical Marxism theory, is essential prerequisite on researching the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers, then to be embodied the modern sense of classical Marxism theory.Fourthly, the paper is embodied an origin view of deep level problem. The main manifestation about damage and loss of the spiritual rights and interests is reflected by spiritual life and treat the spiritual life problem as its vector. The damage and loss of the spiritual rights and interests and the spiritual life problem are also logical extension form the development of survival right and development right which are imbalance and limited. The paper is to describe the main manifestation about damage and loss of the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers comprehensively and systematically, not only concerns the spiritual life, but also concerns the present situation about survival right and development right of this population, then finds out the roots about the problem.Fifthly, the paper is embodied a countermeasure view of solving the problems. Associated with the situation to analyze the main roots about damage and loss of the spiritual rights and interests of new generation peasant workers deeply, and find out related countermeasures is the basic purpose of the paper. Because of particularity, novelty of spiritual rights and interests and weak position of new generation peasant workers in society, to analyze the roots and put forward the countermeasures must not only consider the new generation peasant workers’realistic survival and development demand, but also consider distribution of concrete resources and adjustment of policy and planning in the process of society development.


