

Study on the Participation of Chinese Citizen in Network Supervision by Public Opinion

【作者】 刘曜鹏

【导师】 江海燕;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 政治学理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年随着互联网的普及,越来越多的中国公民通过网络实现公民参与进行网络舆论监督,其深度与广度在不断地扩大。网络舆论监督作为一种新型的公民参与方式,是提升社会主义精神文明的重要手段,是实现社会主义民主建设的重要方式,也是广大群众直接参与民主监督的重要途径。深入研究网络舆论监督具有重要的现实意义与理论价值。本文以公民参与视角全面研究网络舆论监督,分析网络条件下公民参与的内涵,说明网络舆论监督作为公民参与新方式的独特优势,并进一步提出完善网络舆论监督扩大公民参与的对策。网络舆论监督是公民参与的新方式。公民通过网络对社会中出现的各种事件、现象表达其看法、见解、观点,对该事件进行监督、核查,从而形成一股舆论总和,推进其按照民意发展,即为网络舆论监督。网络舆论监督的内容广泛,各种不同的事件通过网络得以放大,快速传播。公民参与是建设公民社会、民主社会的基本必备条件。网络舆论监督则是实现公民参与的重要途径。网络舆论监督具有独特的优势。网络舆论监督实现公民参与的直接性和广泛性、提高了公民参与的热情、公民敢于说真话,并且舆论监督效果明显。网络舆论监督的主体是广大网民,巨大的网民数量决定了能够参与到网络舆论监督中的公民数量,数量众多的公民形成的社会舆论必然会对社会和国家产生强有力影响。网民来自社会的不同阶层,直接在网络上发表自己的观点,没有经过任何修饰,这是原汁原味的民声。只要拥有任何一种上网方式,就可以参与国家的大事小情,公民参与的热情被极大地调动起来。网络的匿名性,在一定程度上保护和激发了广大群众网络参与、监督反腐的积极性,他们敢于说真话,对遏制腐败发挥了强大作用。传统公民参与方式具有间接性、有限性、公民参与程度和热情较低、公民参与的低质量性、公民参与结果影响的有限性等不足。所谓间接性是指传统公民参与绝大多数是代议式的民主参与方式,只能反映公民中部分人的利益诉求,无法真正反映百姓的心声。传统公民参与主体、方式、手段的有限性会影响公民参与的程度。目前,我国公共信息的公开程度有限,导致公民参与程度与热情较低。国家制度和政策与公民参与意识发展速度不协调,参与渠道有限,在更多情况下,公民参与流于形式,造成公民参与的低质量性。传统公民参与在更多情况下是一家之言,没能在更大的范围内引起社会反响,政府无法看到其价值,对其采信程度自然要受到影响。网络舆论监督的缺点。这部分主要论述网络舆论监督参与主体的复杂性及有限性、网民主观判断片面性、信息传播不确定性、对监督客体的隐私侵害性、网络信息数量庞大对信息使用者造成负面影响、经济欠发达地区网络舆论监督的有限性。从网民的性别、年龄、职业及区域分布来看,网民结构并不能完全反映全体公民的利益诉求,且由于受到信息数量庞大及信息不确定性的干扰及网民自身素质的限制,网民舆论有时是情绪化的,不能够完全客观公正看待各种问题,甚至在公开信息的同时,侵害了他人隐私。此外,在经济欠发达地区,网络舆论监督的公民参与方式受限。完善网络舆论监督扩大公民参与的对策。第一是网民自身素质的提高,这需要网民加强技术知识学习,提高文化素质,提升思想道德修养;第二是改善政府职能,促进公民参与网络舆论监督。这包括政府建立专业部门采集网络舆论监督信息;以拓宽公民参与多种渠道,促进网络舆论监督有序发展;网络舆论监督法制环境的完善;网络舆论监督与传统舆论监督的良性互动;运用技术手段营建和谐网络舆论监督文化氛围等。我国网民数量众多,但是如果从全体国民的数量来看,参与度还是不足的,有些公民没有成为网民的主要原因之一是不会使用电脑,所以,公民应当加强网络技术学习,电脑应用技能培养。网络舆论监督参与领域的深度与广度会受网民自身素质的影响,网民要以最基本的道德准则来规范自己的行为,文明上网、文明评论、文明参与监督。政府必须充分重视网络舆论监督的重要性,建立专业部门采集网络舆论监督信息,并及时对网民关注的事情做出回应。目前,我国关于网络舆论监督的法律机制尚不完善,不适应其快速发展的要求,应当尽快健全相关立法。此外,传统媒体对舆论监督仍然发挥着主导作用,并逐渐向网络媒体偏移,只有将传统媒体与网络媒体相结合,才能实现舆论监督的效用最大化。并运用技术手段营建和谐网络舆论监督文化氛围。

【Abstract】 With the gradual popularization of the internet in recent years, more and more Chinese citizen take part in the network supervision by which they achieve citizen participation. The profundity and range of citizen participation is getting large. As a new way of citizen participation, it promotes socialist culture and ethics and enforces the construction of socialist democracy. Huge numbers of citizen participate in democratic supervision directly by it. The study on internet citizen supervision is very realistic and valuable. The paper studies the network citizen supervision in the view of citizen participation and analyses the connotation of citizen participation on internet. As a new way, network citizen supervision remedies the defects of traditional citizen participation. In order to perfect it, some countermeasures are brought out.Network supervision by public opinion is a new way. Citizen express their views and opinions which form a total public opinion. Cyber citizen supervise and check the affairs to promote the development of public occurrences following the popular will. That is network supervision by public opinion. The content of network supervision is extensive which includes various invents. The speed of propagation is very fast on internet. Citizen participation is the basic and necessary condition.of building the civil society and democratic society. And network supervision by public opinion is the important approach to realize it. Internet closes the distance of citizen and public rights, melt the differences of citizen and society, bridge the alienation of people.Network supervision by public opinion remedies shortcoming of traditional citizen participation. It realizes the directness and extensiveness of public participation. It upgrades the public enthusiasm. People dare to tell the truth on internet, especially the public opinion on internet has deep influence. The body of network supervision by public remedies is cyber people. The number of Chinese leads the number of cyber people. Public opinion of many people must impact the government’s act. Only if you can be on internet, you can take part in public discussion of great invents or trifles. Cyber people will express their opinion directly on internet which stimulates people’s great enthusiasm of participation. The character of anonymity makes people dare to tell the truth which stirs up everyone to take part in the network supervision. Traditional public participation has some defects. They are indirection, finitude, low order of degree of participation and enthusiasm and so on. Most of traditional public participation is representative democracy which shows interest demand of some people. So it can’t reflect common people’s heartfelt wishes. The finiteness of body, way and method of traditional public participation will influence the extent of public participation. At present, the open and way of Chinese public information is limited which result in the lower enthusiasm of public participation. More often than not, traditional public participation is someone’s opinion, which cannot attract the authorities’attention. The government may not pay great attention to that.Network supervision has some shortcomings. The structure of cyber people cannot represents the whole Chinese which is limited by their gender and age and career. Cyber people’s opinion reflects some people’benefits claim. Network opinion is emotional by cyber people’s quality. Their opinion is influenced by the great number of internet information. Sometimes we don’t know whether the information is true of false. So cyber people must treat every cyber matter objectively and impartially. When cyber people open real information, they make inroads on someone’s privacy. Besides, network supervision can’t work in underdevelopment area.Some thinking about the perfecting of network supervision and amplifying of public participation. Not all Chinese people are cyber people. If we consider the whole Chinese, the proportion of cyber people is insufficient. The reason of some people not on internet is that they don’t know how to operate computer and work internet. They must improve their study ability of that. The participation field of cyber people depends on their quality. They should standardize their behavior with code of ethics. The government must pay great attention to the importance of network supervision by public opinion. It should set up a specialized department to gather cyber people’s opinion and reflect timely. The government should take effective measures to protect people’s positivity of network supervision. At the same time, the government should expand various ways of public participation. The legal mechanism of relevant law is defective which is unsuitable for its speed of development. The government should complete it. Traditional media should work together with internet media. To unite them both will realize maximization of effectiveness of network supervision. Harmonious cultural atmosphere is built by technology methods.

  • 【分类号】D621.5;G206
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】402

