

The Research of Laborers’ Income Satisfaction

【作者】 赵琪丽

【导师】 李培军;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 幸福一直是人们生活的终极目标。人们对幸福的研究由来已久,最早出现在哲学领域,后来经济学家也加入到了幸福的研究中。经济学家对幸福的研究经历了“离弃”和“回归”两个阶段。最初,经济发展水平很低,物质财富是决定人们幸福与否的关键因素,经济学家就认为富有的人们有着高的幸福感。再者,幸福是个主观变量,难以测量,经济学家就把研究重点转到了经济增长上,这就是经济学家对幸福的“离弃”。后来,经济飞速发展,各种社会问题接踵而至,人们似乎没有达到原来预想的幸福水平。伊斯特林悖论正描述了幸福与收入之间存在的这种矛盾的关系,它引起了经济学家对幸福研究的“回归”。主观幸福感就是心理学上的幸福感,它是指人们对其生活质量所做的情感性和认知性的整体评价。满足度评价就是测量主观幸福感的一种方法,它还可以测量人们对主观幸福感的某个具体方面的满足度,例如对人们的收入的满足度和身体健康的满足度等。本文的研究内容就是收入满足度,收入满足度是主观幸福感研究中很重要的一部分内容,是人们对自身收入的态度反映和满足度评价。文章重点研究了以下几个问题:①了解辽宁省劳动者收入满足度的总体分布现状;②探讨收入满足度的影响因素,特别关注劳动者对辽宁省目前收入差距的看法是否影响其收入满足度;③从实证分析结果中计算城市和农村的家庭等值规模;④证实收入评价问题中存在的“偏好漂移”现象。本文首先介绍了收入满足度的相关理论,并根据文献研究的重点不同,从收入满足度的测量、影响因素和收入满足度差距这三个方面对已有研究进行了理论综述。其次,利用设计的调查问卷调查了辽宁省劳动者的收入满足度,发现未婚劳动者的收入满足度比已婚劳动者的低;认为“收入差距很大”的劳动者的收入满足度比认为“收入差距不大”的劳动者的低;受教育水平低的劳动者的收入满足度比受教育水平高的劳动者的低;农村劳动者的收入满足度比城市劳动者低;30岁以下的劳动者的收入满足度比其他年龄阶段的劳动者的低;家庭规模是2人的被调查者的平均收入满足度最高,家庭规模是4人及以上的被调查者的平均收入满足度最低。接着,本文建立有序probit (ordered probit)模型,分析了收入差距、收入、家庭规模、年龄、婚姻状况、教育水平和户籍等因素对收入满足度的影响,得出以下结论:①收入是影响收入满足度的基本经济因素,两者之间的相关系数只有0.291,但收入对收入满足度的影响却是显著的;②劳动者对收入差距的看法显著影响其收入满足度,“收入差距很大”这种认知会降低劳动者的收入满足度;③家庭规模增加对收入满足度有着消极的影响,家庭规模越大,劳动者的收入满足度越低;④婚姻状况对收入满足度的影响也是显著的,已婚的劳动者平均收入满足度要高于未婚劳动者;⑤教育水平的提高对收入满足度有着积极的影响,劳动者的受教育水平越高,收入满足度就越高;⑥收入满足度与年龄之间呈现“U”型关系,劳动者收入满足度在50岁左右会达到低谷;⑦在相同的收入水平下,农村劳动者比城镇劳动者更容易产生满足感;⑧性别对收入满足度的影响并不显著。另外,文章由实证分析结果还得出了家庭等值规模,发现城市劳动者对孩子的抚养负担重于农村劳动者;最后,通过分析收入评价问题,证明了“偏好漂移”的存在,说明了人们对收入的评价标准是随着自身收入的增加而改变的。结合实证分析的结果,给出几点建议:①政府在着力提高GDP的同时,应该重点关注劳动者的收入满足度和主观幸福感。②政府应不遗余力地不断完善社会保障体系。③政府应加紧完善收入分配机制,调节贫富差距。④政府应该引导公民形成正确的金钱观。⑤政府应加快农村经济的发展。⑥管理层应当根据劳动者的特质建立不同的激励制度。

【Abstract】 Happiness is the ultimate goal of life, long time ago philosophers began to research on happiness, later, the economists joined in. Economists’ research on happiness experienced the abandon stage and return stage. Initially, the economic have a low development level, the material wealth determined weather you are happy or not. So, economists believed that rich people have a high sense of happiness. And happiness is a subjective variable, it is difficult to measure, as a result economists put their concentration on the economics growth. Later, as the rapid economic development, various social problems followed by. And people haven’t been much happier. Easterlin paradox describes this contradictory relationship between happiness and income, it caused the return of the economists.Subjective well-being is the psychological well-being, it is the emotional and cognitive evaluation of life quality which people made to their own. Satisfaction is a measurement of subjective well-being, it can also measure the specific aspect of people’s subjective well-being, like income and health. This paper’s content is income satisfaction, it is an important part of subjective well-being, and it reflects the laborers’ attitude and satisfaction to their own incomes. The paper focuses on the following issues:①To know the distribution of the laborers’ income satisfaction in Liaoning province.②Discuss the influence factors of income satisfaction, especially discuss weather the attitude of income gap influences income satisfaction or not.③Calculate the family equivalent scale from the empirical results.④Demonstrate the existence of the "preference drift" phenomenon in the Income evaluation question.Firstly, this paper introduces the theory related to income satisfaction and the literature review. Secondly, we investigated the labors’ income satisfaction in Liaoning province. Thirdly, we use ordered probit model to analyze the influential factors, like income, income inequality, family size, age, marital status, education level, and household register of income satisfaction, from the results of the empirical research, we found that:the average value of laborers’ income satisfaction is 3.96, a little lower than the average value which is 4 in theory; income is the basic influential factor of income satisfaction, the correlative coefficient between them is merely 0.291, but the influence is significant; the laborers who thought that the Gini coefficient of Liaoning province is too big has a lower income satisfaction than the one who thought that the Gini coefficient of our state is not too big; negative relation appears between the family size and income satisfaction, the bigger family size are, the lower income satisfaction is; marital status can affect income satisfaction, married laborers’average value is higher than income unmarried laborer; education level has a positive relationship with income satisfaction; income satisfaction has a U-shape with respect to age, laborers reach a minimum income satisfaction at the age of 50; The household register can also affect income satisfaction; the coefficient of gender is non-significant. In addition, from the empirical results also obtained the family equivalent scale. Fourthly, the paper proved the existence of "preference drift" in the income evaluation question, it explains that the income evaluation standards change as the income increases.At last, the paper gives some suggestions from the empirical result:①The government should focus on people’s subjective well-being and income satisfaction.②Policy makers should perfect the social security system.③Fair income distribution mechanism must be established to regulate the gap between rich and poor.④Leading people form a correct function.⑤The government should accelerate the development of the rural economy.⑥The management should establish proper incentive system to stimulate laborers’ enthusiasm.

  • 【分类号】F249.24;F224
  • 【下载频次】81

